Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Stealing your money

Bad money

Dear  Gentle Reader,

Election 2008 remains the most important election I have ever witnessed. For example You money, your investments are not only at risk but will be the last you see of it, if some get their way!  This just in!

Buried deep in Treasury Sec. Henry Paulson's  hastily crafted plan is,  Section 8.

What does Section 8 do?

It grants Paulson unlimited authority to do whatever he wants with the trillion bucks. ALSO, it insulates him from ever having to answer -- in court or elsewhere --  for his handouts to the Wall Street mob that got us into this bind.

It's just like Cheney's trickery that snookered Congress into attacking Iraq -- don't worry about the details; we'll handle that. Anyone who dared ask questions was branded as an enemy of the people.

Paulson's crafty Section 8 probably also reminds Congress of how they were stampeded into approving -- without question -- the USA PATRIOT Act, which, it turns out, evaporated the American people's protections from the predatory Present Administration (Bush in case you forgot who stole your young men and lives to make a name for himself) regime. Remember: anyone who bothered to ask a single question about THAT one also was branded a traitorous terrorist sympathizer.

Now, the Bushies are branding anyone who asks a single question about Paulson's plan a threat to the nation's existence.

Maybe, just maybe, Congress learned a tiny lesson from getting burned so badly on the WMDs and the PATRIOT Act.

There are many men of principle in both parties in America, but there is no party of principle.  ~Alexis de Tocqueville

So Gentle when you think of your money being used to bail the Billionaires who couldn't stop their greed long enough to help their fellow Americans. Just Remember the Boston tea party!

I am just saying, when you vote make it count!



English tea

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