Monday, October 27, 2008

The Politics of Hate (Aren't we better than this?)

Dear Gentle Reader,

One last thing before the election takes place, I have seen good people take sides on both of the candidates some for senator McCain others for Senator Obama. Frankly I have been pulled by groups from both sides.

But what bothers me the most is that I have not seen so much passion about the things that I deem important. Recently I watched a rally for Senator McCain (I watch way to much news, from CNN to Fox and everything in between, I even have been able to get Marti to become interested in the political scene). I heard these things being said about Senator Obama coming from the crowd. "Terrorist, traitor, KILL HIM, Lynch him..." I have also seen women (I wonder if they were ladies) beat up on some college students, because they didn’t agree with those around them.

And I remember an innkeeper who told a young mother to be and her husband "there’s no room in the inn" Go stay in a stable, and so they did and her child was born in the lowest of places.

Well, gentle reader, in my humble opinion, there is no room for "the politics of Hatred" whether you agree with one of the political candidates or the other. The is no room for such demonstrations of hatred in this country.

We have room for millions of immigrants (Your family and mine were immigrants once)! But hatred?

If we claim (there that pesky Greek word again åé ) if and it is true { A primary particle of conditionality; if, whether, that, etc.: - forasmuch as, if, that, ([al-]) though, whether. Often used in connection or composition with other particles} To be a Christian then how is it that we see around us so much hatred? And who feeds off of this hatred? I hate to even suggest it Gentle reader, but perhaps we are now living in the Post-Christian era in America.

Remember that bully who beat you up when you were in grade school or high school I do. His name was Jack Morrison (he was just mean and a bully) he beat me up every day and at the time I didn’t know how to defend myself. Well He grew up now and so did your bullys. In my case I spent almost 30 years learning Tae Kwon do with such people (Here is where I become a name dropper, sorry but you need to get the whole picture) Bruce Lee. Chuck Norris, Mike Stone (He taught Elvis Presley’s wife) Ed Parker (Father of American Karate) Jhoon Ree (Father of American Tae Kwon Do) Ans so many others. To tell you that I was one of the best (At the time I was ranked 3rd in the all Korea Championship). So I learned bent on taking revenge.

Now back to Jack Morrison (the bully) I came to Lafayette, IN after serving during the Vietnam conflict. Jack Morrison was on my mind. I found him drinking a beer in a Pizza Hut and I walked up to him intending to do so major bodily harm, But then Gentle Reader, something happened. Jack had been told that I was looking for him , and he laughed.

But when he was told that I now was a Black belt in Korean Karate and wanted to see him again. His laugh changed to a weak whimper.

So as I walked up to Jack, and said ("Dia dhuit, Conás átá tú - Hello, how are you?, in Irish) Jack turned white expecting some sort of Bruce Lee scream and me to knock him in to the next zip code.

But Gentle Reader, what I saw was a middle aged fat man with no thought of doing good to anyone nor no hope for any future beyond sitting on a stool in a pub drinking and frying his brains with false courage. I walked away, but the point of this revelatory story is to point out no matter who ever you vote for and what ever outcome. We are still the best hope of the world and we are so much better than to spread hate around not only this country but the world. Join with me as we pray not that God will cause who ever we like to be elected but that His will be do one earth as it is in Heaven. Just remember Gentle reader, God doesn’t take sides, He takes over.

So Gentle reader,

I hope you’ll vote for your passion and I hope your passion is not to take revenge but that for this historical moment in History that we turned into better people, to people who value decency, love, compassion, and kindness. Which reminds me of something our Apostle Paul said "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. (Gal 5:22-25).

As we change presidents let’s also change our direction of our attitudes. Just my hope and prayer for this country and people.

Love ,


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