Saturday, October 25, 2008

The NO spin zone?

Gentle Readers,

Bill O'Reilly find himself on the end of a Intellectual. Why are intellectuals considered liberal. When there are intellectual on both sides. Let's think outside the box.



this is the 1st part of the segment.
David Letterman knocks out Bill O'Reilly AGAIN! 27Oct06
Bill O'Reilly at one point in his face off with David Letterman attempted to stump Letterman and prove Iraq had ties to terrorism by sighting Ansar al-Islam. According to O'Reilly, Ansar al-Islam was a terrorist group tied to al-Qaeda who was in Iraq before the war working with Saddam Hussein. Of course, it's a lie. O'Reilly LIES ALL THE TIME! IT'S A SHAME PEOPLE LISTEN TO THIS "undereducated person" AT ALL.

The Senate Report of Pre-War Intelligence on Iraq has concluded that Ansar al-Islam was considered a threat to the Saddam regime. They were enemies -- not allies.

David Letterman doe a great job standing up for his own beliefs and for the average American.

O'Reilly just plays for the greedy who want more and the ignorant fools who know no better. It's a sad stae of affairs here now. But even normal middle of the road folks like Dave are just fed up, and to see this by accident just past midnight on NBC was like a breath of fresh air.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is politically inconvenient for the left but Ansar leaders have admitted cooperation with Saddam's Fedayeen, Republican Guard, Mukhabarat, etc. prior to invasion. Why the need to whitewash Saddam to go after a political opponent like O'Reilly?

Ansar admission at