Thursday, June 15, 2006

Questions I ask...

black hole

Gentle Reader,
I recently read that if you have 50 people read your blog on a daily basis ( Now I have more than 1500 )that you have more that a  Harvard professor has in class So blog well my friend someone is reading your work. (maybe grading it too).
I think I'm safe although I have a few stop by from time to time. Not many read closely enough for me to be worried about becoming famous (except to my dogs, Paddy, Chi Chi and Cuddles . While Marti is still sick and we think she will get better this week has be bad for her. So I spend more time thinking about the good old days. But like my father use to say "They don't build car they way the use too...And they never did!"
I find that as I continue to research my book What didn't I tell you about that? Well pull up a cup of coffee and here we go.
As you know I have been in the Ministry for quite a few years and left to come home (where my mother and Step-father lived in (Indiana) to help my mother take care of my Step-father who had Alzheimer's Disease until his death. I had served a wonderful little Church called Grace Bible Fellowship. Where I completed my Doctoral Dissertation [long written study of a subject]  called "Biblical Faith and Contemporary culture" for my Th.D. in Theology. I thought I was done until I gave up my Church. 
But then ( see how things changes and still remain the same)  
 I found that no church wanted someone like me (I know that now, I didn't then).
I had spoken at Bible conferences and been brought to England (while I was still pastoring) for 2 weeks at a time teaching and preaching verse by verse on the subject "He may be your Father, but He's not your Dad" or "Knowing God" !
 So putting my education to work I began to study for a Ph.D. in Biblical Philology (The study of Biblical Linguistics).
 I kept looking for a place to preach but with sickness running through our family it was impossible to find a church that wanted me. "Life is made up of sobs and sniffles with sniffles predominating." 
 So now then with the Ph.D. out of the way I now have 6 Doctorates (two of which will qualify me as a paradox! (Pun inserted here) and I'm still learning. Not funny? read on.
Back to my book which I call for now "Which Church"? I wanted to called it "Sacred Cows make better hamburger" But that title was already taken.

 What is the book about you ask?  The basic theme is simple " Can you know if Christ instituted the Church why do we have so many churches?  I mean denominations. The two basic groups fall into Catholic and Protestant and from there it breaks down altogether into groups that have what I call hobby horses "We do this but we don't believe that!"
 We have those who have mega churches and those who meet in homes. There are those who teach what I call the prosperity Gospel (I'll have two more Big Macs please) and those who claim some secret revelation that none else has (or perhaps wants). 
So Gentle Reader, Which Church? 
Let me ask you a question Which Church is the One That God heads?
 Enough for now, it time to get ready for the day.

Think about my question and get back with me would you please?
Till next time   

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