Friday, June 30, 2006

Need a refill?


 Hey Dennis, refill  on this table!!!!

 Please state you opinions as your bird will be with you shortly

Well Gentle Reader,
It seem that some of you have gotten the impression that I don't like Baptists Not True Not true! Pastor Vanilla is the reason that I am writing to you today. It was in his Baptist church where I gave my heart to the Lord!
 Now then as I was saying "get that bird out of your coffee cup, he'll drink it all if you let him."
Well the 4th Sunday was "give till it hurts Sunday" Now understand that the Bible teaching on giving is really different than what you might expect. In what we call the Old Testament one finds tithing [that is giving 10% of all you possess to the  Jewish priest for they have no land or income of their own] And many churches have pick up the word tithe  to means help support the work of the church or denomination. But in fact Tithing stopped when as new set of instructions were given in what we call the New Testament. The New instructions were "As God provides to you you do the same" BUT remember sometimes peoples "Buts" are too big? God says, through the Apostle Paul "give as God Gives to you"  But so many Pastors have never found the real secret of Giving which is all together now repeat after me "Gods way today is Grace" But Pastor Bob (Vanilla to his friends) always  was asking for money because in the length of time he was Pastor at this little church he never taught GRACE!
In the churches I pastored I use to tell the folks "If you can't put something in the collection take something out!" Much to the discomfiture of the people who were in charge of the collecting of the offerings. One man told me "Pastor, when you said what you did about 'take something out' I almost had a heart attack"
So gentle reader,  I decided right then and there that I would never preach the message of "storehouse" tithing or any of the other methods that people use to get you to give money to their organization 
Why is it that so many people say in words like this "All their interested in is getting money" Or 'That Pastor preaches on money too much,  I'll never go there"? 

 Why is is it that you hear so much about churches asking for money?
Because Gentle they have never learned, (although it is clear in the Bible) that giving requires grace. Grace that God gives first.
Sorry but I just write what God gives me each day.
Anyway I decided that I would never ask for money (will that change?)
 My first church was a Southern Baptist in which they gave me $100 dollars for a month. After that they stopped  giving me anything. I went out and got a job and served without pay for over a year. God provided.
At one prayer meeting one of the deacons prayed this pry "Oh God, You keep him (meaning me) humble and we'll keep him poor!" God answered that prayer.
 Time of a refill?
 Oh we're out stop in tomorrow and I have some more for you,


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