Friday, February 29, 2008

The Perils of...

Paddy Pouch Dog Service

Paddy the "Pooch"

Gentle reader,

 Well I wanted to say a few more things about Solomon, I never know when to just give up but Paddy is sick with IBD (look it up) and Marti is down also. So with not much time let met say this, Title of this piece should be "What's on your mind"?.

Solomon, is my kind of preacher. He doesn't offer to send you something if you send any kind of "love gift" [don't get me started on so-called 'Christian giving'] . In the 12th chapter of Ecclesiastes Solomon's conclusion there isn't a ruffle of drums, a loud blast of horns, and screaming clarinets with a crescendo  of passionate emotion. . . . there is just a simple statement. And Solomon doesn't try to be fancy about it either. When its all said, it literally reads.  

Fear god and keep his commandments

 "Fear God and keep His commandments"  because that applies to every person. To the Christian and the pagan, the Jew and the Muslim. The believer and the atheists. There are two things we need to pay attention to the most. First, we must take God seriously. Hold Him in highest regard. Respect and revere Him. Second, we must to the best of our abilities and understanding do what He says. Obey Him.  respond to Him and His Word.

You would think that Solomon would slam his blog shut and say "That's that,  Now I'm done!" But that's not all, he knows that many will readers will ask why "Why should we obey Him that is invisible?"   "Why should I revere God?" "Why should I obey His truth?" Look again at the last verse "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil". (ECC.12:13.14). For those who think that God is just letting us run free and wild and wink in His direction every once in a while, thinking that, no matter what, the big Teddy Bear in the sky will just yawn and pat our head, and say "Everything will be just fine!" Well let me just say that these folks will be quit surprised when they see that History repeats itself until we finely get it! Look at this verse written long after Solomon lived by my friend Paul (the Apostle) in the Book of Colossians Chapter 3 and verses 23-25 "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.
But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.

Solomon has taken us through on a journey that has been a jungle warfare rather that a romp through the Elysian fields. Head to head combat in the murky swamp of disillusionment, doubt and depression. rather that an easy going outing up a lazy river, it's been one of those snake and alligator survival trips that has allowed us no place to hide.

Solomon' words, phrases and conclusions have slashed deep gashes across our thin skin and punched holes in our easy answers as he has wrestled issues we would rather skirt. But that's life. and it brings a healthy and necessary kind of pressure upon us. It forces us, requires us to move. Off the wasteland of empty cliches. it is only when we learn what He (God) is really like and how to survive in the harsh  arena of what is reality that we change from mediocrity to greatness. from passive (watching life on the HDTV giant screen to the Big Screen-life itself) surrender to victorious excellence.

So thanks Solomon for record the whole truth. Your story has ended but the message lingers on. May we never forget it.  

alligatoreye "when you find yourself up to your armpits in a swamp filled with alligators the first thing to do is ... drain the swamp"!

 Love, Denis

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