Wednesday, February 20, 2008


A HEBREW SAGE MIGHT SAY. . .Neither steam nor gas can drive anything until it is confined - - likewise, no one ever grows great and useful until they are focused, dedicated and disciplined.

"Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him (Jesus) a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, they said to Him, 'Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the Law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?'" [John 8. 3 - 5]

The setting is the woman taken in adultery and the scribes and Pharisees bring her to Messiah Yeshua to test Him so they might have something of which to accuse Him. Jesus simply stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He were ignoring them. [John 8. 1 - 10] They continued asking the LORD questions and so "He raised HIMSELF up and said to them, 'He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.' And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground." [John 8. 6 - 8]

There are many guesses as to what Jesus wrote, but according to the Jeremiah text, it was their names - as a form of judgment and the Law attacked their conscience. "All who forsake You shall be put to shame, 'Those in the land who turn from You shall be doomed, INSCRIBED IN THE EARTH, for they have forsaken the LORD, the FOUNTAIN OF LIVING WATERS." [Jeremiah (Yirmeyah) 17. 13 Tanakh, Nevi'im]

"Then, those who heard, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, BEGINNING WITH THE OLDEST EVEN TO THE LAST. And JESUS was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst." [John 8. 9] JESUS then said to her, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more." [John 8. 11]

Where is your name written??? The RIGHTEOUS JUDGE of the whole word desires that we put our trust under the shadow of His wings. Whoever chooses Him will be abundantly satisfied and He will give them the right to drink from the River of Life. [Psalms/Tehillym 36. 7 - 9] And Christ Jesus the King will write their names in the Lamb's Book of Life and have a specially prepared place in the New Heavens and the New Earth [Revelation 21. 27] where we will eternally "rejoice because your names are written in heaven." [Luke 10. 20]

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