Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Broken Promises and Change


The U.S. Government has broken more treaty's and promises than they have kept!

Gentle Reader,

Pardon me if I vent about the up and coming election so this is addresses to the Senators and congressmen as well as those running for the highest office in the land. If you like you can copy and send onto your favorite congressman.

 Dear Senator and congressmen;

 If you haven't figured it out by now there is absolutely no pace on this continent that you are safe. May I remind you what so many of the forefathers fought for "No Taxation without representation"! Remember the Boston Tea Party? Well When you were elected were you not sworn to defend the U.S. Constitution?  Let's just examine your collective record shall we?

 Every election we have the promise if lower taxes and every year that goes by our spending is  a wee bit less and we the average American allows you to get away with your increases in salary and benefits. How about you serving in congress without pay for a term or two? For a Change!  

My wife who is bed fast has been denied even the most minimal health care by those in our state who live in the lap of luxury (Governor and His people) No Help except to be denied health care, I am a veteran and you didn't have a problem taking me to protect the fat cats in Washington... I heard it once said that you are not dedicated rightest or dedicated leftest you are just dedicated to staying there!

Change is the name of the Game!

How about for starters you penalize those Big Corporations  who send all of the jobs held by American citizens overseas to show their stockholders a bigger profit. Why should we buy from those Corporations who steal jobs from those who are American citizens? And while we're at it why should the Corporations by allowed to hide illegal aliens at slave wages and allow American citizens to go begging?

We applaud those large and small business that are the lifeblood of this great nation however we are tired of being treated like 2nd class citizens.

 You have have 50 plus years to come up with an alternative energy supply. Lets change that and offer any American who can come up with a reliable source of clean renewable energy source with a reward of a tax free 1 Billion dollar reward in the next 10 years! We put a man on the moon we can do the same if you just get out of the way!  For a change!

I had a dear sweet old lady who said to to me one time "Pastor, I have been in the way for 50 years" I replied  "Gentle Lady, Perhaps it's time you get out of the way!"

You represent us to the world and the picture that the world has of The U.S. Government is one of self serving rather that self sacrifice. There are more criminals on Capital Hill that in jail and we are tired of putting up with the disingenuous attitude of those we are suppose to represent us. We do not live in a Democracy but a Representative Republic!!! How about representing all of your constituents for a change?

I'm Just saying,

My rant represents over 1 Million and a half readers don't make us have another tea party!


Spare change news

Love, Denis

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