Friday, November 02, 2007

Reason #9 to stay away from Church

Reason #9 It Is a shame that “so-Christians have so little understanding of Holy scripture that they just “pick and chose Scriptures they like rather than to get a handle on all of God’s word. (that includes many so-called Pastors) [call by a “church” but not by God] One of the main reasons God gave us His word was to understand what forgiveness is all about! Duh, so when you see a Christian condemning a particular sin (Sin is missing the standard -which standard is God Himself not anything that man makes up) you can guess that they have no compassion or understanding of weakness that in inherent within all of us. They would say “Christians aren’t perfect just forgiven” But the standard that these establish for them selves they are unwilling to allow to someone else! Recently we have a church and pastor demonstrating against a funeral of a soldier killed in the War . Saying that it is God’s judgement on America for fighting in a unjust war. Let me ask you Gentle reader, when is killing and judgement ever just. Perhaps in God view, But Gentle Reader, those who condemn others need to walk a mile or so in their shoes. These people who are suppose to show forth the reality of Christ ! No wonder people run from Christians. Christ came for the lost strayed and stolen, and yet those same people join a church and won’t have someone with HIV/AIDS worship with them. Or someone with a gay lifestyle. Christ never put a limit on lifestyle, or illness He just said “Come, follow me!” If those who name the name of Christ were true witness you couldn’t keep people away. It’s not what you do Gentle reader, it’s who you are. You life should be so transparent that people want you have. If they don’t then why ?

"To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity;" Proverbs 1:3

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