Monday, July 24, 2006

Reflections of a Pastor

Irish reflection
A Pastor is
One who speaks to your spirit
Listens to your heart
And understands what words can never say 
Dear Gentle Reader,
 For so many of you I have walked with you, felt your pain, known your hurts, your joy your sadness your tears and shared in your prayers. But Gentle Reader Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect? 
At one time there was a theory that the Chaos theory attempts to explain the fact that complex and unpredictable results can and will occur in systems that are sensitive to their initial conditions. A common example of this is known as the Butterfly Effect. It states that, in theory, the flutter of a butterfly's wings in China could, in fact, actually effect weather patterns in New York City, thousands of miles away. In other words, it is possible that a very small occurrence can produce unpredictable and sometimes drastic results by triggering a series of increasingly significant events
News Bulletin: NEWS NEWS  NEWS  Gentle Reader, You are part of that Butterfly effect. And I would like you to know how much your prayers mean to one another and to me!
"The child whispered, 'God speak to me'
And a meadow lark sang.
The child did not hear.
So the child yelled 'God speak to me!'
And the thunder rolled across the sky
But the child did not listen.
The child looked around and said,
'God let me see you' and a star shone brightly
But the child did not notice.
And the child shouted,
"God show me a miracle!'
And a life was born but the child did not know.
So the child cried out in despair,
'Touch me God, and let me know you are here!'
Whereupon God reached down
And touched the child.
But the child brushed the butterfly away
And walked away unknowingly
Gentle Reader, You flapped your wings and God spoke through you and...who knows how many lives were changed for the Glory of God!
 I am so prould of each of you Gentle Readers, who come to share with me and each other who pray for one another each day whose prayers reach the highest of peaks far beyond what man can aspire to the very throne roome of God. Who in His infinite love bends to hear and answer the weakest voice. 
   I love each and every one of you, more that words will ever say.
Oh Lord, make thyself to me
A living bright Reality
More present to faith vision keen
Than any earthly object seen;
More dear more intimately nigh
Than e'an the dearest earthly tie
 To present truth may I respond
With all my heart and mind
The ever reach to truth beyond
And further treasures find

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