Saturday, August 22, 2009

Violence in America

Gentle Reader,

 Watch this video, and then you decide what is the truth about health care. I am in favor of health care if you have  not already figured it out. Why? because Marti is bed fast more than four years, we spent all the money we had, lost our home and possessions. Only to find out than the State of Indiana and Republican Governor Mich Daniels (I wrote to him along with everyone I could think of to ask for a wee bit of help) This Governor not only did not respond but bragged that he alone had kept back some 3 Billion dollar$ for "emergencies". Proper health care could have saved Marti, Emergencies! Ha! Compassion is what's needed not greed!!!

So who stands to profit from this resistance of health care reform. Those who receive big donations from so called "health care providers" Wait until you need treatment and find out the your insurance company tells you that "that's not covered".

Of course people are frightened but of what? A health care bill not even in final form? "death panels" (according to Sara Palin).  But Gentle reader you can't reason with the unreasonable. Let me put it another way. You can't fix stupid.  Is it because we have a Black president? A bad economy? A lost job? We are spending too much money? Hey! the government is the only one with any credit that is still good! If we don't spend some of our credit then this could be where America becomes a paltry example of what greed by some will do to the rest of us. 

The claim that this places debt on the backs of our children and grandchildren is bogus, the same claim that has been used for more than a 100 years (so that nothing was done in the past, it doesn't have to be that way anymore). If we don't address the  health needs of all Americans then we never will!!! And the "fat cats"  (those who want to have all the profit and greed directed in their direction and to h**** with your needs your grandchildren and grandparents) will have started us on a downward slope that will eventually lead not to socialism as some claim, but make us into a 3rd world country with poverty greater than any country on earth. 

 Violence will erupt as only a few, will have money to buy the necessities of life like Food, clothing, shelter- health care!

 We all know that health care reform as it come about will not be perfect. But it will be a start,  and it will and this is important gentle reader, level the playing field for all of us. I was told that America believes in fair play, was I mistaken that Americans cares about one another? 

 I am just asking, 

Next time, 


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