Sunday, August 30, 2009

Looking for a home


We are at an undisclosed location , just inside we see Dr Denis taking Paddy out for coffee

 Let's move closer I understand he writting something on the wall!

Gentle Reader,
45, 50, 60, Interviews that I have to conduct for the purpose of finding a new mom and dad to adopt 'little Cuddles' (Yorkie extraordinaire)  Now what difference does that make in the grand scheme of things? Well to some nothing! To others who have found their spiritual  glasses there's a message from God to you personally lurking in the words that your reading right now!
"Whoa, now Denis", some are saying "This guy has slipped his cork, the family upstairs moved out owing rent, He's one sandwich short of a picnic" Hey Gentle reader I've heard them all! (even made up a few). That's a big statement to make {Announcer: "at this point Denis has several directions he can go, lets move closer and see where he takes us"
I woke up today Gentle Reader, with over 48 hours of non sleep (is there such a word?)  Marti is down again although she rallied long enough to eat some soup I fixed (she ate about 2 bites ) I ate the rest (Give it to Denis he'll eat anything). I put off signing the papers that will move us (if that is possible, given our lack of ability to even do the simplest things (for Marti it is standing up and walking across the room), for me (Well I don't do much of anything but pour out my heart each day to all of you, knowing that as I do that it not the foolishness of preaching or the preaching of foolishness) but that as I get up from my chair and start my blog (put on your glasses here) God uses the foolish things to confound the wise! I'm a good example! What I do in mine own way is to get (I hope anyway,) to lure you in with the promise of Good Irish coffee and My famous Irish Cream cheese muffins, to stop for at least 30 seconds and ponder things that you might just pass over (like that stupid commercial you just turned off). 
 All the people who have called about 'little Cuddles' [Announcer: "Wow! Even I didn't see that coming"] are interested in getting a very valuable little dog, {"I'll pass on this one," "Don't tell about the dog just give it to me!" " Special needs? What's that?"
You see Gentle Reader, Some will look at the surface things "FREE DOG, FREE Dog" other will look at things beneath the surface [Announcer: "predictable ! Do you want to hear the rest of this or shall we go to a break? What? Do mean we're not on the air haven't been all this time"]
There is so much madness  in the world today and as I walked Paddy I cried out to God "STOP the Madness"
"forgive then for they know not what their doing to one another"
"Oh God I prayed that you would make me a man after your own heart"
And Gentle Reader, I believe He did! You see it's not where come from but where you going that counts! It's not how much you keep but what you give away, It's not the color of your skin but the color of hour heart, It's not the Sin in your heart   but the pride in your soul that will keep you in slavery!
Will we ever have peace in this World? It all a matter of Altitude or attitude! 
 Your Choice!
 Remember, Gentle Reader,  I pray for each one of you,  right where I am to right  where you are!
Love you the most (after Christ of course, He died for you)

Dear Lord Jesus, 

Thank you for dying on the cross and shedding your precious blood for my sins.  I am sorry for all my sins.     I ask you to come into my heart,  forgive all my sins, and be my Lord and my Saviour.   Father, I thank you now for forgiving all my sins and giving me eternal life in Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.  

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