Tuesday, April 15, 2008

We interrupt this study....

Dear Gentle Reader,

I have managed to pull some muscles in my back so until I am able to sit for more that 2-3 minutes at a time here is something to read and watch I think you'll find it interesting.

Stand up for Academic Freedom and see EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed in theaters nationwide on FREEDOM FRIDAY - April 18th.

EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed, starring Ben Stein, follows his journey around the globe where he discovers that scientists, educators and philosophers are being persecuted in a modern day witch hunt because they dare to go against the theory of evolution. These pillars of education are being fired, ridiculed and ostracized for merely challenging Darwin's theory; proposing that life on this planet could be a part of some intelligent design and not random chance.

This thought-provoking film not only forces us to question what we have been taught but challenges us to ask, “What else is being kept from us?”

 Love, Denis



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