Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The 3rd "friend"

The Third Stooge/Zophar



Gentle reader,

I do hope you have taken an interest in reading for yourself the book of Job.  I am told that yesterday we had an earthquake here (5.2). Not much to speak of but enough to move our toilet several inches around. Could it be possible the "Source" is trying to get our attention? I am just asking in the light of our study of Job.

And now what about the man I call the 3rd stooge? What about Zophar? We have noted that each "friend" speaks in turn from the oldest to the youngest. Zophar is less courteous and more drastic than either Elipaz or Bildad. This may be due in part to the fact that by the time he entered the argument Job had already answered both of the other two, contradicting their philosophy and upholding his innocence with increasing tenacity. Zophar’s opening words denote that he already feels aggravated. (Chapter 11 verses 2,3) JOB 11:2 Should not the multitude of words be answered? and should a man full of talk be justified?

JOB 11:3 Should thy lies make men hold their peace? and when thou mockest, shall no man make thee ashamed?

Zophar, like the other 2, has his distinguishing features. Eliphaz bases his view on observation and experience. Bildad rest on Tradition. But Zophar is content with mere ASSUMPTION. There is at least reasoned deduction in Eliphaz, and intelligent orthodoxy in Bildad. Bit this man Zophar assumes and pronounces with a finality which would make even Job’s daring to differ a sin. He is the pure dogmatist! From beginning to end of his speeches there is not a semblance of reasoning. There is not the semblance of Eliphaz’s "I have seen" or Bildad’s "Enquire I pray thee of a former age." Zorphar ‘s word is a dogmatic "Know Thou." It occurs in both of his speeches, and in both cases right at the beginning of his main proposition. See Chapter 11:6 and Chapter 20:4. (The latter reads as a question in our English versions, but the Hebrew is simply "know thou")

My question for you Gentle reader, is this Have you meet any of these 3 stooges when you were going through a time of trouble? I know I have... so stay tuned for more insight to the Book of Job.

mo Love, Denis

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