Sunday, April 06, 2008

Equal time


And now for the other side of the coin


Gentle Reader,

Having spent some of your considerable time presenting the inter-evidence of the date and authorship of the book of Job. We now need to turn to the one called the Devil ("the Devil made me do it")- Flip Wilson. Some of the other names of Satan are his attributes. The following are names of Satan and aliases he uses:

Lucifer, meaning morning star (Isaiah 14:12)

ruler of the demons (Matthew 12:24)

god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4)

devil/accuser (Matthew 4:1)

prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2)

roaring lion (1 Peter 5:

serpent (Genesis 3:1)

dragon ( Revelation 12:9); 20:2

adversary (Job 1)

tempter (Matthew 4:3)

the anointed Cherub that covers (Ezekiel 28:14)

Beelzebub (Matthew 12:24)

Belial (2 Corinthians 6:15)

wicked one (Matthew 13:19)

What we see in the first few verses are some arresting Implications concerning Satan. (Your adversary-the Devil [who is by the way a spirit un like what you see on what I affectionality call the boob tube.

If in fact that we can be assured that the Book of Job is true then why would it begin with the prologue that it does unless we are to understand several things.

1. Satan is accountable to God He is called "son of God" Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them. (Job 1:6)

Not as a privilege of access, or to participate in governmental deliberations of The Divine Mind. But to render an account. He no less than other creatures is subject to divine Authority. His appearing before the throne of god is neither a privilege from God nor a presumption of his own, but a compelling ruling of the Most High which this arch-enemy dare not and cannot avoid.

2. Second, we see here that even the dark mind of satan is an open book to God. It might sound at first glance as though God’s words, " Hast thou considered my servant Job, ... (Job 1: Were because God didn’t know where Satan had been or what he had been up to, but to compel a confession on the part of Satan. More literally translated God’s question is "Hast thou set thine heart on (or against) my servant Job because there is none like him.... Satan’s reply immediately revealed that he HAD, and that his lack of success was because God had hedged Job to protect him. It is a good thing to reflect that God knows all that is in Satan’s mind at that at all times, against any of the saints.

To be continued...

coin on edge Hang in there Gentle Reader..... More understanding is on it's way! In the mean time you need to know that Satan has no power over you except that which you give him. And if you are a believer you cannot be touched ...

 Love, Denis

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