Friday, February 29, 2008

The Perils of...

Paddy Pouch Dog Service

Paddy the "Pooch"

Gentle reader,

 Well I wanted to say a few more things about Solomon, I never know when to just give up but Paddy is sick with IBD (look it up) and Marti is down also. So with not much time let met say this, Title of this piece should be "What's on your mind"?.

Solomon, is my kind of preacher. He doesn't offer to send you something if you send any kind of "love gift" [don't get me started on so-called 'Christian giving'] . In the 12th chapter of Ecclesiastes Solomon's conclusion there isn't a ruffle of drums, a loud blast of horns, and screaming clarinets with a crescendo  of passionate emotion. . . . there is just a simple statement. And Solomon doesn't try to be fancy about it either. When its all said, it literally reads.  

Fear god and keep his commandments

 "Fear God and keep His commandments"  because that applies to every person. To the Christian and the pagan, the Jew and the Muslim. The believer and the atheists. There are two things we need to pay attention to the most. First, we must take God seriously. Hold Him in highest regard. Respect and revere Him. Second, we must to the best of our abilities and understanding do what He says. Obey Him.  respond to Him and His Word.

You would think that Solomon would slam his blog shut and say "That's that,  Now I'm done!" But that's not all, he knows that many will readers will ask why "Why should we obey Him that is invisible?"   "Why should I revere God?" "Why should I obey His truth?" Look again at the last verse "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil". (ECC.12:13.14). For those who think that God is just letting us run free and wild and wink in His direction every once in a while, thinking that, no matter what, the big Teddy Bear in the sky will just yawn and pat our head, and say "Everything will be just fine!" Well let me just say that these folks will be quit surprised when they see that History repeats itself until we finely get it! Look at this verse written long after Solomon lived by my friend Paul (the Apostle) in the Book of Colossians Chapter 3 and verses 23-25 "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.
But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.

Solomon has taken us through on a journey that has been a jungle warfare rather that a romp through the Elysian fields. Head to head combat in the murky swamp of disillusionment, doubt and depression. rather that an easy going outing up a lazy river, it's been one of those snake and alligator survival trips that has allowed us no place to hide.

Solomon' words, phrases and conclusions have slashed deep gashes across our thin skin and punched holes in our easy answers as he has wrestled issues we would rather skirt. But that's life. and it brings a healthy and necessary kind of pressure upon us. It forces us, requires us to move. Off the wasteland of empty cliches. it is only when we learn what He (God) is really like and how to survive in the harsh  arena of what is reality that we change from mediocrity to greatness. from passive (watching life on the HDTV giant screen to the Big Screen-life itself) surrender to victorious excellence.

So thanks Solomon for record the whole truth. Your story has ended but the message lingers on. May we never forget it.  

alligatoreye "when you find yourself up to your armpits in a swamp filled with alligators the first thing to do is ... drain the swamp"!

 Love, Denis

A road not traveled

The Road less traveled

Gentle Reader,

It is possible to live our entire lives from the wrong perspective. Believing that we are right we can be wrong. Thinking we are hitting the target, we can be missing the mark by miles.

There is a legend among Native Americans in the west about a brave who found an eagle's egg and put it into the nest of a prairie chicken. The eaglet hatched with the brood of chicks and grew up with them.
All his life the eagle thought he was a prairie chicken, so he did what the prairie chickens did. He scratched in the dirt for seeds and insects to eat. He clucked and cackled. And he flew in a brief thrashing of wings and flurry of feathers no more than a few feet off the ground. After all, that's how prairie chickens were supposed to fly.
One day he saw a magnificent bird far above him in the cloudless sky. Hanging with graceful majesty on the powerful wind currents, it soared with scarcely a beat of its strong golden wings.
"What a beautiful bird!" the eagle exclaimed to a prairie chicken who was his neighbor. "What is it?"
"That's an eagle — the chief of the birds," the neighbor clucked. "But don't give it a second thought. You could never be like him."
So the eagle never gave it another thought. And he lived and died thinking he was a prairie chicken.

I find that when we come to and end of a wee study some misgivings. For one things I know that I haven’t done a real justice to what we have studied, if I were just passing through (and I suppose we all are just passing through) then a short word or two would suffice. But I am in for the long haul (as you should be). And as a teacher, I appreciate Solomon, because in all the Titles that he could use he calls himself "A Preacher which is his primary task is to teach [not to entertain, or amuse to teach and we are place here to learn] As a wise man he was to teach his people knowledge [from God]! "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge . . ." (Hosea Chapter 4 verse 6)

In Chapters 10-12 we find that Solomon’s quest REVIEWED and CONCLUDED. Looking back over the way he has come the Preacher/teacher now says in Chapter 9 verse 1 "For all this I considered in my heart even to declare all this, that the righteous, and the wise, and their works, are in the hand of God: With these words he commences a review after which he submits his final conclusion.

First he presents us with the fact that "All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked; (9:2) Then in view of this fact (death comes to all) he reaffirms that the true good is not found in pleasure or the absorptions of this present life (9:3-12); nor in human wisdom (9:13-18 although wisdom is better than folly (To be foolish or a fool). Nor is the true good to be found in expedient behaviour (10:1-11: because of the many anomalies which exist (10:5-7), and because of the inevitable end (11; .

What then, Why this -the highest good at present open to man is a wise, temperate, grateful use and enjoyment of the present life (11:9,10) combined with a steadfast faith in God and in the life to come (12:1-7). This is what the Preacher says " Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them...Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.;

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."

And so we have finished with the mini study of the Wisdom book of Ecclesiastes of Solomon.

Solomon suggest that in his search for truth, he attempted to find just the right words. And did he ever! " A time to be born, and a time to die...a time to mourn, and a time to dance;" who will ever forget those words? Why go to all that trouble? Solomon says the reason is that the preacher is seeking acceptable words. Words or goads that will arrest your thinking and make you stop and consider the Spirit of God who gave those words to Him and to you and me. Why? Because you need to KNOW HIM!

Everything, Gentle reader, works together for GOOD! For you and for me.

There is just a bit more but we’ll finish up next time.

Love, Denis

May the road...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Greatest Good



Gentle Reader,

We continue to consider the book of Ecclesiastes as we take a wee survey of the thots of the wisest man who ever lived. I say this with trepidation.

That a survey is just a short cliff note . There is so much that one could leave out just to squeeze in the salient points, and then you have only just a brief perspective.

I knew a man who spent over 40years just studying one particular book of the Holy Bible and then he said at the end of his life "I have just begun to scratch the surface and to understand dimly what I have studied"! Yours truly Gentle Reader, when it comes to really studying am just a kinder Gardner even after some 30+ years I learn something new ever day. So if your expecting a definitive perspective on this wee book you will be sadly disappointed. I look back at my notes from 1988 (how about 10 years ago) When I taught the book of Ecclesiastes in my last church Grace Memorial Church in Edinburgh Illinois. And teaching once a week (Sunday Mornings) I had over 500 pages and 50 parts to explain (Of course I teach verse by verse, and that doesen't account for the rabbit trails that we go down in the course of getting a handle on the subject at hand).

So here we are looking at another 3 chapters. Chapters 6, 7 and 8 , The "preacher, teacher or Koheleth" is still looking for what is the "Greatest Good". He now looks in the realm of PRACTICAL MORALITY. The secret must lie surely in the "the Golden Mean", in finding the true balance, the centre of conduct, between things. The proper poise in behaviour, the middle-course of Expediency.

In Chapter 6, He points out that though a man/woman have riches, welth, and honour (fame), he/she cannot enjoy it unless God permits him to do so (verse 2); HollyWood has never figured this out yet have they Gentle Reader? Moreover all the labour of man for his mouth cannot satisfy his soul (not "appetite " as in your KJV)

Please Note: Soul is used in the Hebrew Bible for the whole person some teach that you have a soul, but in fact you do not have a soul you are one. You have a body and a spirit which together make up a whole person a Soul if you will.


"For who knoweth what is good for man in this life, all the days of his vain life which he spendeth as a shadow? for who can tell a man what shall be after him under the sun?" (Verse 12) Surely the answer is to be found he reasons in an expedient course of behaviour. So beginning withe the aphorism [ a short saying stating a general truth] "A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one's birth" (Chapter 7 verse 1) The preacher begins to examine that facts "just the Facts Solomon, just the facts" and lo and behold he finds that righteous men perish in their righteousness, and wicked men life long in their wickedness Chapter 7:15); the best of men are still sinners (7:20); the best are still spoken againts 7:21,22) and ther are more equally discouraging anomalies (read chapter . More and more the preacher is being driven to see the necessity for God read Chapter 7;13,14, 18 and Chapter 8:12, 13, 17) yet once again he comes and concludes that " Then I commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry: for that shall abide with him of his labour the days of his life, which God giveth him under the sun"

But let me ask you Gentle Reader, before we close for today What really, really, (2 really’s serious stuff) will make you completely happy? Money, Fame, Prestige, Power, etc.

I do hope that you are more mature than to think that "you only go around once in life, so grab for all the gusto you can. For gentle reader, we have only begun to see " But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath PREPARED for them that love him."

The best is yet to come Gentle Reader, until next time,




The Greatest Good

For Today

Dead end streets!


Not oft mid busy servings Life's deepest truths are learned; Not oft min noisy strivings The Spirit's voice discerned. Not in life's crowded places, Where jostling care intrude, But, in life's lonely spaces, God speaks in solitude.

Gentle  Reader,

I have been called away will return momentarily... Help yourself to fresh coffee ... but leave that last Irish cream muffin for me. _D

Well now, Marti wanted me to order some vitamin supplements for her (she is unable to take any Rx as the drugs react with her system and leave her so weak she cannot sit up or talk for weeks on end. )

 Now to what I want to share, the "preacher" tells us in the 1st 2 chapters how he has searched for what he calls "the chief Good" by PERSONAL EXPERIMENT. First of all he seeks it by WISDOM in chapter 1 verses 12-18 "And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.
I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.
That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered.
I communed with mine own heart, saying, Lo, I am come to great estate, and have gotten more wisdom than all they that have been before me in Jerusalem: yea, my heart had great experience of wisdom and knowledge.
And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit.
For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow."

 But He found that this was striving after true good by or in , natural wisdom was a "vexation of spirit' (literally a striving after wind) remember the movie "Inherit the wind"? There is always something which eludes him (1:15). and with increase knowledge came increased sorrow (1:11) So next he turns to conduct his quest in PLEASURE  OR FOLLY. Chapter 2 verses 1-11. "I said in mine heart, Go to now, I will prove thee with mirth, therefore enjoy pleasure: and, behold, this also is vanity.
I said of laughter, It is mad: and of mirth, What doeth it?
I sought in mine heart to give myself unto wine, yet acquainting mine heart with wisdom; and to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was that good for the sons of men, which they should do under the heaven all the days of their life."
  But we find that both physical and aesthetic gratifications alike were "vanity," or emptiness to his soul.... But He finds while wisdom excels folly even as "light excelleth darkness (2:13) but that life itself is vanity in as much as the same event , death overtakes both the wise and the fool- (2;13) His conclusion is " There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God (2:24).
To be continued...


Denis   warning-sign


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Listen to the Preacher!


How did Solomon get to be a Preacher(Heb. Koheleth= teacher)? 

Gentle Reader,

 I once spent several years translating and teaching through the book of Ecclesiastes . I have no intention of taking you through all the ins and outs of these 12 Chapters Bit I will try (with your kind permission, as long as our coffee holds out) to show you what the book is about and why you might gain from these wee studies. Some feel that the Hebrew part of the Bible is not worth the time to read but I find on each page wisdom that passes most by, and leaves many of us wondering "What is Life all about"? 

Dr G. Campbell Morgan once said "  Ecclesiastes is an inspired confession of failure and pessimism, when God is excluded, when man lives under the sun, and forgets the larger part, which is over the sun, the eternal and abiding things. If you want to know what a man of great privilege, and of great learning and great wisdom can come to, read this record of a man who has put God  out of count in his actual life."

It is all about EGO, gentle Reader, that is E (Edge) G (God) O (out). Your ego my ego the ego of all those about us who have allowed the material things to crowd out what is really important. We forget where we came from and where we are headed.   The sage once said 

"Putting a value on status

will create contentiousness.

If you overvalue possessions, 

people will begin to steal."  

The Book of Ecclesiastes is a sermon. There is an announcement of a theme, a brief introduction, a developing of the theme, and a practical application in conclusion. The theme is "What is the chief good"? Or we might say it this way in more modern vernacular in the lyrics of a song "What's it all about Alfie?" 

The subject is this "Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity" and His question which he propounds is "What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?' this question  suggest that we are on a QUEST! a searching for meaning in life.

There are many who have great wealth, but aren't happy! Others have great power, but aren't happy, while still others run to and fro seeking relief from the burdens of life in sex, drugs, gambling and other diversions  but when they come down (and they all do, Gentle reader, they all do) they discover that instead of getting ahead they fallen behind their goal of happiness. And yet Gentle reader, the answer is so simple even a child can understand. Don't you wish you were as wise as a child before you let EGO crowd out you life?

 Happiness is not a goal, it is a path Gentle reader! Can you understand that? We came from nothing and we return to nothing [death is a return]to the Source from whence we all came.

 men cry out for more and more at yet the "eye is never satisfied" No matter how much you see or desire no matter how much you hear or listen you will never be satisfied. You want more than what you have of the world, but when it comes, it does not satisfy. Do you ever dream of rest? It is only the Source that brings satisfaction  (many Christians miss this also and some pagans get it right.  we are headed for Eternity that opens with bright anticipation of perfect enjoyment. And yet Gentle Reader, you have it NOW! It is within your grasp right now . right where you are!  

"You have it easily in your power to increase the sum total of this world's happiness now. How? By giving a few words of sincere appreciation to someone who is lonely or discouraged. Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime."

 Till next time Gentle Reader, think about what would make you truly happy?

 Love, Denis


Monday, February 25, 2008 the fast lane

Scripture Institute presents

Gentle Reader,

Did you ever wonder? How do I get off this merry-go-round

merry go round?????????

 Well the only way I know is found in the Book of Ecclesiastes (One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever) Ecc 1:4  But don't be dismayed Gentle Reader, The wisest Man who ever lived was giving us not a book of doom but a road map of how to "keep off" dead end streets! 


 So lets take so time to investigate the way back from the dead end of your life and mine Ok? Now suppose that you are driving down a dark road , fogey, perhaps slippery and a head you see a sign the says

danger do not enter What do you do Gentle Reader? I mean really, what do you do? Are  you the adventurous person that just goes ahead or perhaps your more a thoughtful person who thinks to them self "hmm maybe there is a reason for this sign, maybe someone has gone on ahead and scouted out the dangers of this path." 

Imagine that you are driving down a dark rainy night along an unfamiliar winding, narrow road. Your headlights pick up a luminous sign ahead: "dangerous curve, maximum safe speed 25  MPH." Since you do not know the road, you might heed the warning, assuming the previous drivers' experience prompted the erection of the sign. But on the other hand you may choose to ignore it, believing that your skill or "good luck" makes you exempt from the limitations imposed upon those that have traveled this road before. In that case you may very well be added to those statistics of those who pay no attention to the conclusions drawn from the accumulated evidence of the past. 

Ecclesiastes is a book of Wisdom. And Wisdom is a way at looking at life, a way based on observation. The genius of Wisdom is that it announces conclusions reached, not arbitrarily or by special revelation, but at the end of the experience. Wisdom says "This is the way life works."      to be continued...



 Fasten your seat belt Gentle Reader, "Here be Dragons...."


Wednesday, February 20, 2008


A HEBREW SAGE MIGHT SAY. . .Neither steam nor gas can drive anything until it is confined - - likewise, no one ever grows great and useful until they are focused, dedicated and disciplined.

"Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him (Jesus) a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, they said to Him, 'Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the Law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?'" [John 8. 3 - 5]

The setting is the woman taken in adultery and the scribes and Pharisees bring her to Messiah Yeshua to test Him so they might have something of which to accuse Him. Jesus simply stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He were ignoring them. [John 8. 1 - 10] They continued asking the LORD questions and so "He raised HIMSELF up and said to them, 'He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.' And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground." [John 8. 6 - 8]

There are many guesses as to what Jesus wrote, but according to the Jeremiah text, it was their names - as a form of judgment and the Law attacked their conscience. "All who forsake You shall be put to shame, 'Those in the land who turn from You shall be doomed, INSCRIBED IN THE EARTH, for they have forsaken the LORD, the FOUNTAIN OF LIVING WATERS." [Jeremiah (Yirmeyah) 17. 13 Tanakh, Nevi'im]

"Then, those who heard, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, BEGINNING WITH THE OLDEST EVEN TO THE LAST. And JESUS was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst." [John 8. 9] JESUS then said to her, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more." [John 8. 11]

Where is your name written??? The RIGHTEOUS JUDGE of the whole word desires that we put our trust under the shadow of His wings. Whoever chooses Him will be abundantly satisfied and He will give them the right to drink from the River of Life. [Psalms/Tehillym 36. 7 - 9] And Christ Jesus the King will write their names in the Lamb's Book of Life and have a specially prepared place in the New Heavens and the New Earth [Revelation 21. 27] where we will eternally "rejoice because your names are written in heaven." [Luke 10. 20]

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Set aside your will for the sake of THE MASTER'S will.

"In the beginning ELOHIYM created the heavens and the earth." [BOOK OF CREATION - Genesis (Bereshith) 1. 1 Tanakh, Torah]

In the physical first creation, the TRIUNE GOD (ELOHIYM is a plural word) stamped HIS signature of "three." In the universe HE created, there are. . .
3 Times: Past – Present - Future
3 Views: Earth – Sea - Sky
3 Great Kingdoms: Animal – Vegetable - Mineral
3 Parts of Man: Spirit – Soul - Body
3 Forms Matter can Assume: Solid – Liquid - Gas
3 Colours to One Ray of Light: Blue – Red - Yellow

The Tabernacle in the Wilderness [Exodus/Shemot 25 - 40] as a picture of the New Creation, also has this numerical signature of the DIVINE RULER. (Luke 24. 27 - again the signature – "3" sections of SCRIPTURE in the OLD COVENANT: TORAH (Law), NEVI'IM (The Prophets), KETHUVIM (Psalms & Writings)) Man was created in the image of GOD and is composed of spirit, soul and body. And this Holy Structure has three main parts: The Holy of Holies, the Holy Place and the Outer Court.

The Holy of Holies represents GOD THE FATHER - GOD'S HOLY PRESENCE and HIS Throne Room. The Holy Place, GOD THE SON - it pictures Heaven and Heaven's provisions. The Court, tells of GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT - it shows earth and the judgment for sin. Each part in itself manifests the GOD-HEAD.

These rooms, collectively and individually, describe the MESSIAH LORD JESUS. They also tell of the believer in YESHUA as well. . .
THE HOLIEST represents the spirit, or GOD-conscious part of man. It is the innermost shrine, the Holy of Holies of the SPIRIT where the Law of GOD is deposited. [Ephesians 3. 16]

THE HOLY PLACE symbolizes the soul, man's self-consciousness. This is the soul or mind, the "holy place" where the lamps are lighting up the understanding, where the bread is for nourishment and the incense for DIVINE fellowship.

THE COURT is significant of the body, that which is world-conscious in man; the external side of his being, that which is seen and recognized by all as the actual person and where it is cleansed, clothed and consecrated for service. [2 Corinthians 5. 1, 4 - used metaphorically of the body as the tabernacle of the soul. Peter speaks about his body as "his tabernacle" in 2 Peter 1. 13 - 14]

The believer is to be a true Tabernacle of Witness for GOD. We are to be an "active testimony" in this world to the LORD JESUS, if we are to come into "THE PROMISE" which MESSIAH gave to all who would believe in HIM: "You shall receive POWER when the HOLY SPIRIT has come upon you; and you shall be WITNESSES to ME." [Acts 1. 8] And, "when the HELPER (the HOLY SPIRIT) comes, WHOM I shall send to you from the FATHER, the SPIRIT OF TRUTH WHO proceeds from the FATHER, HE will testify of ME (JESUS, the BELOVED REDEEMER)." [John 15. 26]

ALMIGHTY GOD, CREATOR & MASTER DESIGNER of heaven and earth wants us to see and know HIS "Triune Signature" in all HIS creation.

Sha'alu (Pray) for the Shalom (Peace) of Jerusalem and all of Israel !
GOOD SABBATH! Those who keep the Sabbath and call it a delight shall rejoice in GOD'S Kingdom. Those who keep the seventh day holy, even all of them shall be satiated and delighted with the goodness of the ALMIGHTY seeing HE finds pleasure in the seventh day, and made it holy, calling it the Desirable of Days in remembrance of HIS creation. Our HEAVENLY FATHER accept our rest and on this Sabbath Day renew unto us for YOUR good and bless us with YOUR joy and gladness. Blessed are YOU, our LORD GOD, WHO sanctifies the Sabbath, Israel and all who love YOUR PRECIOUS SON, YESHUA our ANOINTED SAVIOUR.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

"What's up Doc?''

Bible Study

Gentle Reader,

What's up is that we are getting ready for a one day Bible and leadership conference. So here is a wee bit of information for you. If there are any Pastors who would like to join with us. let me know and we will send you the information via e mail. (there is no cost or charge of any kind).

Scripture Institute is a International Biblical Research Study group. We are not connected with any one church or denomination . Our concern is solely with the correct understanding of the Bible, as God intends. Many Theologians, Bible teachers, Pastors, Scholars, and Students comprise Scripture Institute and have contributed 1000's of hours to Scripture Institute. Not all agree, Some are more conservative than others. Some are in the Vanguard in the Study of Holy Scripture. But we all agree to this one thing! "No gain has ever been made by standing still." We believe in the GRACE and goodness of GOD and with His help we shall learn all that He wills in His good pleasure. Our desire like Ezra of old is to "Open up the Book". Join with us, add your name to those who truly love the Word of God. And want to learn.

"How can Christians read and study the same Bible, yet come away with opposite conclusions?" Perhaps you too have been asked the very same question. Every Christian should be able to study and gain a deeper understanding of the Scriptures concerning salvation, grace, and the second coming of Christ. These are fundamentals of the faith, yet many believers struggle with these truths from Scripture for themselves.

To apply the study of Scripture in all aspects, from past and present Biblical Linguistics, hermeneutics, preaching and teaching the Grace of God, to a committed Fellowship of believers along with counseling, training, in a non-traditional environment via the internet and Bible Conferences.

The Holy Scriptures

The Foundation of Christian Faith

Our Christian faith does not hang upon air but is firmly grounded in divine revelation. God reveals Himself in the universe which He has created, in human history, especially the history of the Christian Church, and in the preaching of the Gospel. But above all God reveals Himself in the pages of the Holy Scriptures. For without the Scriptures these other modes of divine revelation would avail us little. As John Calvin observed, the Scriptures are the spiritual eyeglasses which enable our sin-blinded minds to see aright the revelation which God makes of Himself in nature. Also the Scriptures are the key which unlocks the mysteries of history and reveals to us God's plan. And finally, the Scriptures are that pure well of divine truth to which the preachers of the Gospel must continually repair and fill their silver pitchers. The Scriptures, therefore, are the foundation of faith. In them, alone God's revelation of Himself is found unobscured by human error. They are the Word of God, which liveth and abideth forever (I Peter 1:23).Dr. Edward F. Hills, Th.D. Believing Bible Study,

On March 29th 2008 at Longefellow Plaza Anderson Indiana, Pastors from the Mid-West District will gather together to fellowship around the Message of 2 Tim 2:2 "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also."

The Public is invited to hear and participate in some of the finest preaching and teaching of the Holy Scriptures. The purpose: to inspire pastors and believers everywhere to hear the voice of God in their spirit and to share with others .

Awake to trust and love and serve,

For can His mercies less deserve?

Till yonder, perfected in love,

Thy heart awakes in heaven above.

So there you have it Gentle Reader, that's what's up!

