Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Vacation

Gentle Reader,
When was the last time you took a long look at nature? Lest week? Last month? Last year, Perhaps never! Why don't you stop right now step outside or look out window and tell me what you see, then come back and reread this little offering

Marty, who’s father was killed in a car accident when he was two, always looked up to his Uncle Jack. And Jack was wild about Marty! He also felt a heavy responsibility for the boy and did his best to provide him with a positive male role model. They spent a lot of time together. Especially in the summer when Jack, a high school guidance counselor was off on vacation and Marty was out of school. This summer, they had planned to tour the whole United States!

The trip was great! They really made the rounds and saw everything! They even spent two days at Disneyland. Marty loved being with Uncle Jack but when summer was coming close to an end, he was ready to go home. He couldn’t wait to tell his Mom and Grandparents of all his wonderful advertures.

Upon his arrival, Marty’s Mom greeted him with a big hug. Then, as he showed her all the pictures he’d taken, she asked him to tell her about his favorite place to visit. After giving it a little thought, Marty answered, "It would have to be the Grand Canyon!" When asked why, the boy said, "Because Uncle Jack said that you could see all the layers of time which have gone by by looking at the stripes in the rock. He told me that the very first layer was put there by God, and that God was there when every other layer was laid on top. And then, you know what? He also told me that before God ever started making the Grand Canyon, He started thinking of me and loving me. And then he prayed with me. And Momma, that’s where I asked Jesus to come into my heart!"

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