Monday, August 06, 2007

Kool aid

10 things

Well! Gentle reader,

I was going to offer you a wee bit of Ice cream but ran out just before you showed up! Sorry, I still have some ice coffee though!.

Today I want to talk a bit about where we have come to in this country. Where are priorities are. Let's start with the fact that there are no Atheist's in fox holes! and move from there to Paris Hilton, MTV, Hip Hop videos These are and so many more are what takes up all of our time. What about Christians? Well If God were to give a test on what most know (really know) about His best seller (Now I don't mean what their church teaches or "Pastor says" Or ever worse the older men (we call them elders in the church "Why should I have to know what God says that's what we pay a pastor for"!) Shame on them Gentle Reader! Have I hit a nerve yet?

Oh well one could hope, how about these home Bible studies where everyone sits around and reads a verse of Scripture and them tells everyone else what it means to them![did you know that the home is where believers called Christians meet in the 1st century?) America is a waste land, and modern churches are drying up what is left of the spirit of the American people! To harsh you think? Well Let me give you one example. When is the last time your "preacher" taught verse by verse from the last 7 epistles of the Apostle Paul? Or while I'm one the subject ask him or better still ask your self "is the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God the same?"

Let's face the burning truth when the Dan Brown book the De vinci code is a best seller America is hungry for spiritual truths and willing to embrace @#$^&&^$@* (this is a g rated blog fill in my thoughts ) for the lack of real spirituality. We make hero's of Mother Theresa all the while bemoaning that fact that "Where all all the leaders (real) not the people you find in drug rehab programs or on the nightly news (they don't have a clue either!)

Well in the next few days let me bring back a bit of sanity to this kool aid generation!

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