What do you do when you are bone weary?
Even Jesus got tired now and then
Gentle Reader,
What do you do when you are so worn out that you can’t even put into words how tired you are. Well, here I am at that point. After 3+ years and over 1800 posts I’m tired! My prayers are almost non-existent I miss the face to face fellowship of Bible Studies, where we get to "really" study and pray not just "rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub" kind of praying.
Where are those who want to call down heaven and search the Scriptures daily to seek and to find "real answers" just the way the Bereans did [ Acts 17:10-11]?
I need to find and redefine my relationship with our heavenly Father, I need to sit at His feet and listen as He talks, teaches and loves me back to where He wants.
I need koinwniva Koinonia (koy-nohn-ee'-ah) association, community, communion intimacy with my Father. It’s time to draw aside for a while and seek His face once more . I need to spend time in prayer and the Word so that I don’t become like so many that I see around me who say "Give me 50¢ worth of God, please!" So I plan to take a wee break for a time. Now don’t worry I left you plenty of things to read and I’ll leave coffee and Irish cream muffins on the fridge above my stash of stories and the like. Write me a note that you were here and I get back to you. Better still, invite me to speak to your church or fellowship and I’ll be back before you know it _Denis
Hello, I reached your blog through a friend's .. which in itself is not important ... but why I selected to read your's is the title 'Heart-to-Heart'.
Your post of '50-cents worth of God!' is where I am at too. I too am bone weary, tired, and missing out on so much of what God my Father has for me. I too need to seek His face, sit at His feet, and be in koinonia with the Lord.
Thank you for your inmost thoughts here .. and know you have touched my heart here in California, USA.
Be blessed in your rest,
may the Lord of Lords ... open the eyes of your heart so you can be still and heard Him speak to you.
A sister-in-Christie,
PS Will be adding your blog to my 'favorites' and will be back for more words of wisdom.
I'll be praying for you...I, too, feel that need, so I really understand.
Years later I came across this that was written. Let me start with scripture for anyone that might read this:
Phil. 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
We may be in the lowest point at any point in our walk with God. But you know what? Many times, that is where He wants you. Where all our feelings and desires are contrary to following Him. But we can pray:
"LORD and Savior, work the WILL in me to begin desiring you once more agin. Work that WILL that would tear through anything hindering me from a relationship with You."
When enough of the "Will" is in us, then we begin to ask for the "Do."
"My LORD and Savior, work the DO to in my life when ALL I want is YOU. Where nothing matters, but having that RELATIONSHIP with YOU. Let me begin to DO the works which You called me to do."
He will plant the WILL (Desire) and the DO (the performance) to become a doer once more. Be persistant in your prayers.
God bless you.
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