Thursday, April 12, 2007

Stand up America!

Have you ever known a time when there was so much talk about ethics -- or so little practice of it? 
  Thomas Sowell



Gentle Reader,

"Truth is sometimes corrupted; conjecture can become mistaken for fact; nonsense somehow becomes enshrined in the annals of our collective wisdom,"  "Things get repeated not because they are based upon truth, but because they sound good."

 A Pedant is "a person who is excessively concerned with minor details and rules, or with displaying academic learning," . "It's right to be pedantic when the truth itself is at stake,"  Therefore, "Next time you are tempted to pass on received wisdom, consider where it's come from and just how wise it is. If it's from a commercial for breakfast cereal, think again."

It's because that we sit back and let people who should not do what they do and then we complain because they do it ! "What are you talking about Denis?" Well, Gentle reader, how about your rights as a  sentient being on this planet!

Where does this philosophy come from that says "There are no absolutes, there is no right or wrong!"

 Does the unborn have a right to life? What about Children who are abused by parents, teachers, strangers yes and even priests. Are these children who are so small and defenseless right-less also?

 Not to me! Nor the homeless, or the hungry, or the poor or the elderly or the sick and helpless!

They are after all brother and sisters in the Human race! Stand up for what right Gentle Reader, before your right to speak and take a stand on moral issues and values no longer exist and you become one of the people that "do not exist to the rest of world!

That's my message


Out to lunch at the Pub



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