Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A Pastor's letters

Gentle Readers,
Here are some of the letters that I have come across my desk. Don't ever think your prayers go unanswered on that God doesn't care about you!

On March 11, 1997, I tried to kill myself. Too many heart aches--too much pain. After researching the subject, I decided on carbon monoxide. While waiting in my car to die, I was crying, drinking beer and listening to Gospel music. I didn't want to go to hell, so I cried out "God forgive me." And He did. It was only a second or two before there was a knock on my car window. The figure of a man was standing there. He said in the most beautiful voice I had ever heard, "You seem so sad." That was all, and He was gone. I was broke, without a job, 45, and single, but I had found a Friend and began getting acquainted with Him in my Bible. His love, mercy and forgiveness won my heart, and brought me to LIFE. Jesus said, "....I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly." John 10:10

I really enjoy receiving and reading others Testimonies. Your
organization has come up with such a wonderful idea.
I too have a testimony to share with the world.
I am 17 years old and I love God so much...he has done so much for
me. When I was 15 my mom started attending a Christian church. She forced me
to go with her and I hated it and her. I decided I did not want to live by my
parents strict "Christian" rules and ran away, of course by law I had to stay
at home until the age of 16, so I was forced to go home again.
While at home I was extremely rebelious. I did drugs, stayed out late and
didn't even come home sometimes. I mentally and physically abused my
mom...she went through Hell on Earth. I swear Satan had such a strong hold on
me...I was shall I say "Demon Possessed."
When I turned 16 I was gone. I moved out and stayed with a friend for quite
awhile...until I meet a guy. I then moved in with him. He was severely abusive
and Satan just kept telling me that I deserved it and I could never do any
better for myself.
Finally one night after a big fight and months of torture God spoke to me
and said he loved me. He told me that no matter what he would forgive me and
everything would be okay. I called my mom and asked her if she would take me
to church with her the next evening. She did and God ministered to me that
night. He showed me all that was wrong and removed it all.
The next day I left my apartment and moved back home. That was 9 months ago. I
have not smoked a cigarette, had a sip of alcohol or done any drugs since
then. I am a spirit-filled born again Christian and I am serving God with a
fire that only he could have given me, and I am proud of it!
I just want everyone to know how awesome God is...if he could save me and
wipe away all of my sins he can do it for everyone. God loves us all so very
much and it hurts him when we go against his word.
God sent his only son to die on the cross so that we could have everlasting
life...that means a lot and I hope the whole world realizes that.
Thanx for reading this and I hope it helps someone
Someday!! God Bless You
Love Chasity W

In 1993, convinced that my life had ended, I accepted a friends invitation to go with her to an Easter musical. For the first time, I saw how much God loved me. He had not only sent Jesus, but He sent people to love me and to save me from committing suicide. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. Though I had been kicked out of the high school chorus for singing off key, my church choir director now urged me to sing and later launched me into a ministry of singing and sharing my testimony in various churches. I want everyone to know the love and forgiveness I have received and that Satan is a liar. Any thoughts that make you feel there is no hope come only from Satan and not from God. "The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation..." Exodus 15:2

You see Gentle Reader, It's your prayers and mine for the lost that keep these young people from going to a Christless eternity! pray for the Lost! Help them find their way on the journey home.
Pastor Dennis

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