Monday, March 27, 2006

All things? Yes, All things!

driving skyline

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him" (Romans 8:28)

My faith in God's perfect will for me was tested again this week. We were driving back to our home in British Columbia from California. Three days of driving and we would be home. Next week would be very full for we already had booked many appointments.

And then God interrupted our plans. Three hours out of Palm Springs our truck stopped and we couldn't start it again. We called AAA and four hours later a tow truck arrived and brought us to a service station. We left our RV on the shoulder beside the highway and prayed for God's protection over it.

Oh well, so we would have to stay in a motel for a day, that would be fine. At first we were told it was a minor problem and that it could be corrected in a few hours the next morning, but it was more serious and the two hours turned out to be two days.

I found myself getting irritable and impatient. We would have to change all of our appointments because we would arrive home at least two days later than we planned.

I turned to God and asked Him why I felt irritated and was not peaceful. He told me I was impatient and irritable because I didn't really believe that His plan for me was better than my own plan. That was true. I had to agree that I thought it was more important to be driving home than waiting in a motel room.

However, we were able to share our testimonies with a couple in a restaurant and a service man. That could have been one reason we were held up. But I think God wanted to reveal to me it is easy to believe that God's will is best for me when things go like I want. If God interrupts (or uses someone else to interrupt) my unbelief is revealed. I will give that area of my life to God so He can change it.

How about you? Has God been testing your faith lately? Do you really believe that God's will is best for your life?

Father, as an act of my will, I chose to believe that You work all things for the good of those who love You. I love You Lord and choose to trust You. Amen


Katina Mooneyham said...

I know that when I pray, and ask God why things might be happening, why I feel irritated, why I am frustrated I feel better about things. It's as if the weight is let go. I have learned to accept things God has given to me (or not if you will).

I am pregnant with my third child and this pregnancy has been a toll on my older body and it gets me quite frustrated. I pray (although I wish I'd pray more) about why I feel that way. But it's helped me to pray and let go of my fears and stuff.

Refreshment in Refuge said...

I'm confused. Are you in Ireland or are you in B.C.?

I did like this post! It brought it home to me why I am irratable and impatient! Thanks for the insight. I need more kneeology when I get that way. I'm quite sure God will have the same answer for me :)