Thursday, December 29, 2005

I thought you should know

Gentle reader,

Most "church folk" are under the missapprehension the "preachers "only work one or two hours a week and the rest of the time play golf Well this is one who does not play golf. When I was younger I use to work out in Korean Karate called Tae Kwon Do I learned in Korea (from Koreans- a great people) But I degress.

Most folks believe that Monday is a day when we kick back and wait for monday night football. Not true, dear reader, for me at least! Monday was "rush day" that is I used to rush around trying to make up for everything I put off during the week I like to think that Monday was a creative day for me .On the seventh day God rested but then His work was done! Monday, Gentle Reader is when I begin to think about the next study, message or sermon, what ever you want to call it.In other words Back to the "Book" Everyone has a different approach as to what they present and how they present it. I teach verse by verse through a Whole book of the Bible, that way we can stay on track as to what it says and also so that no one will say "you picked me out, to _______ (fill in the blank)"

Since I already know the subject all I have to do is to present it in such a way as not to put people asleep Oh, by the way I have found that if all the people who sleep in church were laid end to end they would be more comfortableSorry I couldn't resist.

Any way back to what I was saying I like titles and that's where I start. With a catchy title under my belt I get started.

Some of my past titles were: "How to get your husband to treat you like a Oueen " and of course the next Sunday I taught on "How to get your wife to treat you like a king"

Among others gems were: "May your house be safe from tigers"

And " Dont let the Elephants step on your airhose"

And "Jeremiah was not a bullfrog" "

"The day that dogs barked at the moon"

And of course my all time favorite " What do you mean it doesn't fit?"

And the variation on that theme When looking at a star Sapphire ring and told 'I can see the Star' To which I replied "What did you expect the three wise men ?"

One other thing I should tell you Dear Reader, I love puns, quips, jokes, and any thing that will impress on you a thought!

For example: 'once when I took my car in to be fixed, The fixer-upper guy said " This job is going to cost" To which I said " Just remember I am a poor Preacher" And he said " I know, I heard you last Sunday"!

Well until that time gentle reader,


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