Tuesday, September 25, 2007


A man's service to Almighty GOD is sincere when he wants no publicity for it.

The Book of Jonah is read during Yom Kippur in order to teach us that the compassion of Almighty GOD extends over all that He has created. Jonah was angry with the Creator for not destroying Nineveh. Jonah confused GOD's hatred of evil in people for GOD's abhorrence of the evil person. Omnipotent GOD's mercy and compassion for the people of Nineveh is available to us today. The Holy ONE does not think we are beyond hope. The Eternal does not condemn us without an Avenue of Repentance open to all who will receive Him: "For GOD so loved the world that He gave HIS ONE and ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal and everlasting life. For GOD did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him, might be saved." [John 3. 16 - 17]

Jonah is called. . . Jonah was in the light; Nineveh in darkness. Likewise, Israel and the nations. Israel was called to show forth the Lord to the nations.
Jonah is disobedient. . . Israel became apostate and turned merchant. Israel became a curse to the world as did Jonah to the sailors.
Jonah is in trouble. . . It is thus with the Jews, trouble has come upon us; and they are tossed about by the sea of nations.
Jonah doesn't deny GOD or his nationality. . . So with the Jews; we still believe in ONE GOD, and confess ourselves as Jews.
Jonah is cast overboard. . . So Israel is cast away in part for a time, as at present.
Sailors conversion. . . So the Gentiles turned to GOD on the fall of Israel.
Jonah is miraculously preserved. . . So is Israel among the nations - - nationally dead, yet preserved by GOD Almighty.
Jonah wasn't digested by big fish. . . The Jew is not digested by the nations, he is still a Jew. Assimilation fails!
Jonah is restored. . . So will Israel. "Salvation (our deliverance) is of the LORD. Selah" [Psalms/Tehillym 68. 20]
Jonah is commissioned the second time and he obeyed. . . So will Israel!
Nineveh is spared. . . So will the world be spared who repent at the preaching of restored Israel.

When Israel's eyes are opened to behold their Messiah, Yeshua of Nazareth, all the world will be glad and rejoice with the "SHIMCAS of the TORAH (Joy of the LAW)." We offer thanks to You, Living & Eternal King for You have mercifully restored our soul within us, Your faithfulness is immeasurable!

Sha'alu (Pray) for the Shalom (Peace) of Jerusalem and all of Israel.

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