Sunday, September 30, 2007

"Christianity Lite"




Gentle Reader,

What I had expected to take a couple of sessions has taken me (counting this one) 4 Will this be my last part on the role of women in the church (we’ll see).

Last time I pointed out that fact that were women in positions of leadership in the church. Not only as deacons but in fact (take this home and show your pastor/Bible may not be popular after you do.) Apostles!

But something happened (even in the best of organizations) Men interfered (remember it should have taken only 40 days to cross the desert but took instead 40 years. (Men never ask directions! ) "But Denis," you may say "Pastor says... [fill in the blank] " Remember what I said earlier about "Everyone wants to be right especially when it comes to our belief system] well pastors for the most part teach what they have been taught in [Cemetery sorry Seminary] some never do anything but read a few book and get a sermon off the Internet and run off to a business meeting (Sorry guys, Pastors [but if (the Greek prepositional if ...and it could be true) you have been called by God they you job is 2 fold to "teach and to preach" and to do that you have to do 2 things "Study and pray"!] If your doing anything else then your working for yourself and not for God and you are "cheating those in your church who count on you!

Sorry Gentle Reader, but someone needs to set the record straight And since your best friend won’t tell you...

Now what happened is that somewhere in the 1st century through the 4th century men began to see that they had the power to influence people and control men and women the "clergy so called" so what your about to read can be checked out and if you find something different let me know (because I’ll want to check you out!) We are told that women as ministers were seen as characteristic of heretical groups. No one wants to be called a heretic!. Women were vehemently opposed and suppressed! We have evidence that some women served as heads of widows’ ministries ans even as deacons, bishops, and elders. But these roles steadily were diminished.

  • The Council of Nicea, in 325 C.E., decreed that woman were no longer to be ordained along with the clergy for leadership roles but were to remain among the laity.
  • The council of Laodicea, in 352 forbade women from the priesthood and presiding over churches. The council also barred women from approaching the altar.
  • The Fourth Synod of Carthage, in 398 said woman may not teach men in assembly and may not baptize.
  • The Council of Chalcedon, in 451, ruled that no women under 40 years of age could be ordained a deacon, and then only close scrutiny.

The secular world Gentle Reader, is ready (for the most part) to give women equal rights. So I have to ask my male counterparts will we do the same? Will God’s own people prevent it? As some quote "proof texts" written in the 1st Century to people living in the 21st century, do we not sound like the southern forbears who tried to stop the abolitionist movement (and later the civil rights movement) by quoting the Bible . Is that not the "blind" leading the "blind"?

The time has expired for men to lord authority over women , whether inside or outside the church. Instead, we should be working together as equals, for in God sight we are "There is neither JEW nor GREEK, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."

In light of the fact that 90% of the work in most churches is done by women I have a question. Ladies, have you considered a strike?

Love, Denis


Friday, September 28, 2007

10 things

10 things
Church men or mice?

Church pulpit mouse

If you expect me to be quiet as a ___ think again!


Gentle Reader,

What I find within Christianity is the desire after becoming Christian is to sit back and watch the life around them (the Christians) to go by with out so much as a "by your leave"

It is not only a shame but to my way of thinking to accept a "gift" and then put away and never even look at it.

The "Gift I am speaking about is not merely Salvation, or grace (important as they are) but the opportunity to "really, really" (2 reallys -Really important stuff to follow) get to know our heavenly Father. Paul prayed in Philippians Chapter 3 and verse 10...

"That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death"

written almost 30 years after Paul meet the risen Christ on the Damascus road! You see Gentle Reader even after all that time Paul’s supreme desire was "To know Him"

The story goes that a little girl was sick in bed and at the foot of the bed was a mirror at the head of the bed was a picture of Jesus. When she felt so ill that all she could do was lift her little head to look in the mirror, she called out to her mother "I can see Jesus!" But when she felt better and could crawl down to the foot of her bed to look at Jesus reflected in the mirror, she exclaimed "I can’t see Jesus any more" Some times Gentle Reader, we see ourselves so big that we don’t see Jesus any more or for that matter what he is trying to do in us and for us.

Now to those verses that some (many) use to deny the Lord His place and what He wants for the body of Christ. "Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body." (Ephesians 5:21-23)

Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. (1 Timothy 2:11-12)

How can you understand these verses with the verses in Corinthians? Verses where Paul makes provisions for women to prophesy (i.e. preach) in the church . In the book of Romans Paul sends greetings to his friend Phoebe, a deacon. And throughout his ministry he works with women who he mentions by name (Euodia and Priscilla). The respect didn’t start with Paul but Jesus! {For those who really want to "know Him" read Romans the 16th Chapter where Paul speaks of a woman apostle (overlooked by so many in the church today)

"Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellow prisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me." Verse 7 Chapter 16 of Romans.

No, Gentle Reader, Paul was not giving the "church" license to dominate women. Nor was he telling women in the 21st century that they are second-class citizens who must bow and scrape to the whim of their husbands. Paul’s ultimate hope was for both men and women was that as he put it "We have the mind of Christ" that as God see each of us there is no distinction! He said this in no uncertain terms in the book of Galatians, Chapter 3 and verse 28

"There is neither JEW nor GREEK, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." Now that Gentle Reader, is radical stuff! That is the way God sees you and me.

The fact is that the "Church which is the body of Christ" was years ahead of the time in its treatment of women. While society was keeping women enslaved, the church was appointing them to positions of responsibility and leadership. Female deacons and apostles were prominent in the early church, their qualifications for office being set down in 1 Timothy 3:11. (Note: the Greek word often translated as "wives" would be better translated as "women").

Female preachers were also commonplace . Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary some Christians still maintain that woman cannot adequately serve as ministers. The problem is that God cannot be locked into the culture of the 1st century whether we like it or not. If God exist (I use the Greek prepositional "if" if and it is true) He is alive today and revealing Himself and continuing to reveal Himself to those who truly want to "know Him".

Next time we look at evidence how men (good? Perhaps! Misinformed? Definitely! Not well taught, unlearned? Certainly!!!!) Have veered from what God wanted and For those of you who intend to preach this message in your Assemblies I’ll give you facts that are irrefutable that you can check me out! How’s that?

Well it’s dog feeding time for me. See you next time.


Denis       The Word with mouse

Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Hebrew Word

Since the Exodus, "Freedom" is spoken with a Hebrew accent.


"You shall dwell in booths for seven days; all who are native Israelites shall live in booths, in order that future generations may know that I made the Israelite people live in booths when I brought them out of the land of Egypt, I am the LORD your GOD." [Leviticus (Vayikra) 23. 42 - 43 Tanakh, Torah]

"Succoth" - Hebrew for the Festival of the Feast of Tabernacles, also known as "Chag ha-Asif" (Feast of Ingathering). It is the Season of our Rejoicing for the Torah commandment to rejoice is mentioned more often in connection with the holy day of Succos then for any other. It is a national holiday that memorializes the journey from the land of slavery to the Promised Land. It is the custom to dwell in a Succah (booths, huts) decorated with various kinds of fruits and flowers. This symbolizes the house where you and the Almighty Creator will dwell together.

There are nine traditional fruits that are hung in the Succah, symbolizing nine characteristics and attributes of the Holy ONE that He wants us to have in our lives. The nine fruits or vegetables include pomegranates, figs, dates, oranges, apples, grapes, pumpkins, etrog (citron, lemon) and the fruit from locust tree (a chocolate-type fruit). The nine FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT are symbolized by the nine fruits hanging in the Succos. "The FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control." [Galatians 5. 22 - 23] There is a correlation between the two.

Succos is indeed a time of rejoicing, following closely after Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement (forgiveness). Succos begins on the fifteenth day of Tishri, at the time of the ingathering of the crops - a further cause for rejoicing, as one looks with a sense of humbleness knowing the Almighty One, blessed be He, has prospered and blessed the fruits of one's labour of the previous months.

The seven-day celebration of Succoth is one of the three Festivals of the LORD, when all Jewish males over the age of thirteen were commanded to come to Jerusalem to celebrate. This is called "Sholosh Regolim" – the other two Feasts are Pesach (Passover) and Shavuoth (Pentecost). Women and children joined these pilgrimages whenever possible.

Succos is celebrated for 7 days. The 8th day which follows is a Solemn Assembly known as "Shemini Atzeres" (holding back); which is also a Sabbath and a complete holiday in its own right. This speaks of the future earthly MESSIANIC KINGDOM when peace and righteousness shall rule and GOD's people will be observing the Seventh Day Sabbath during that time they are "resting in GOD" and "GOD resting in His people." Then follows the new day, the New Beginning . . . the first day of Eternity, a Sabbath forever!

Sha'alu (Pray) for the Shalom (Peace) of Jerusalem and all of Israel!
"Chag Sameyach" - a joyous Sukkoth (Festival of Booths) to you and yours, may they be extraordinary and richly blessed! Rabbi Del n' Rifkah

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


A man's service to Almighty GOD is sincere when he wants no publicity for it.

The Book of Jonah is read during Yom Kippur in order to teach us that the compassion of Almighty GOD extends over all that He has created. Jonah was angry with the Creator for not destroying Nineveh. Jonah confused GOD's hatred of evil in people for GOD's abhorrence of the evil person. Omnipotent GOD's mercy and compassion for the people of Nineveh is available to us today. The Holy ONE does not think we are beyond hope. The Eternal does not condemn us without an Avenue of Repentance open to all who will receive Him: "For GOD so loved the world that He gave HIS ONE and ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal and everlasting life. For GOD did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him, might be saved." [John 3. 16 - 17]

Jonah is called. . . Jonah was in the light; Nineveh in darkness. Likewise, Israel and the nations. Israel was called to show forth the Lord to the nations.
Jonah is disobedient. . . Israel became apostate and turned merchant. Israel became a curse to the world as did Jonah to the sailors.
Jonah is in trouble. . . It is thus with the Jews, trouble has come upon us; and they are tossed about by the sea of nations.
Jonah doesn't deny GOD or his nationality. . . So with the Jews; we still believe in ONE GOD, and confess ourselves as Jews.
Jonah is cast overboard. . . So Israel is cast away in part for a time, as at present.
Sailors conversion. . . So the Gentiles turned to GOD on the fall of Israel.
Jonah is miraculously preserved. . . So is Israel among the nations - - nationally dead, yet preserved by GOD Almighty.
Jonah wasn't digested by big fish. . . The Jew is not digested by the nations, he is still a Jew. Assimilation fails!
Jonah is restored. . . So will Israel. "Salvation (our deliverance) is of the LORD. Selah" [Psalms/Tehillym 68. 20]
Jonah is commissioned the second time and he obeyed. . . So will Israel!
Nineveh is spared. . . So will the world be spared who repent at the preaching of restored Israel.

When Israel's eyes are opened to behold their Messiah, Yeshua of Nazareth, all the world will be glad and rejoice with the "SHIMCAS of the TORAH (Joy of the LAW)." We offer thanks to You, Living & Eternal King for You have mercifully restored our soul within us, Your faithfulness is immeasurable!

Sha'alu (Pray) for the Shalom (Peace) of Jerusalem and all of Israel.

Monday, September 24, 2007

pray like your life...

depends on it
Gentle Reader I need to...
Prayer for myself as a communicator of God’s Word
That God will cleanse me, fill me, send me and use me.
That my preaching will be anointed by the Holy Spirit, so that a genuine movement of God can / will take place.
That I would discern the leading of God with unmistakable clarity, and that the words I say would be chosen by God.
That my voice remains strong and clear.
That with God’s help, I would communicate His truth to the best of my ability.
Evangelistic praying
Pray that God will draw people to Himself.
Pray by name for specific unsaved people.
Pray that God would remove spiritual blindness.
Pray that people would hunger for the true God.
Pray that people will understand and believe the Scriptures.
That as I preach, the Holy Spirit would touch the intellect, emotion and will of every listener, drawing them to Himself.
Pray that any one present who needs to be born again would believe on Christ as Savior.
Pray that people would not just become converts, but would be disciples.
Revival praying
Pray that in churches everywhere, God would bring thorough and long-lasting revival.
Pray that the Holy Spirit would move Christians to consistent, honest and faithful prayer.
Pray that Christians will focus more on “who they are,” rather than merely on “what they do”
Pray that God will arouse believers who may otherwise be content with things as they are.
Pray that Christians will have an insatiable thirst for the Word of God.
Pray that Bible study would be a priority for all believers.
Pray that God would call Christians into all types of ministries.
Pray that, from among teens and young adults, God would raise up Christian leaders.
Pray that Christians would not have “ought against each other” (Matthew 5:23-24).
Pray that believers would not harbor grudges and unforgiveness among themselves.
Pray that Christians would be the same in private that they are in public. Pray that the words and actions of believers would “match up.”
Pray that Christians will be consumed with a desire for God to be worshipped and for people to be saved.
Pray that God would bring repentance, cleansing, and the Holy Spirit’s filling to the Body of Christ.
Prayer - the most potent resource of all
Throughout the centuries, Christian leaders have testified to the power of sincere, specific prayer. Given the fact that all ministers need God’s hand on their lives as they prepare and deliver their messages and in light of the testimonies presented here, I believe that the role of prayer in preaching cannot be overstated. Samuel Chadwick (1860-1932) summed up well the need for those in ministry to keep prayer a priority: “The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying, The devil fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, prayerless religion. The devil laughs at our toil, mocks our wisdom, but Satan trembles when we pray.”
Chadwick, Samuel. Cited in The New Encyclopedia of Christian Quotations (Hampshire, UK: John Hunt Publishing, 2000), p. 783.

Friday, September 21, 2007


God’s Eternal Purpose

The Bible is abundantly clear that God works…

"According to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ our Lord."

The words "eternal purpose" are not that easy to understand. The Greek words for "eternal" mean "of the ages." The Greek for "purpose" refers to the design, intention or goal. We find that the "eternal purpose" of God was active in the ancient history of Israel and its neighboring nations. It is further learned that nothing could restrain or interrupt the "divine intention."

"Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand… for the Lord of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disable it? And His hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?"

Later, the apostle Paul spoke of God working His ancient purpose through the Messiah, Jesus.

"Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began."

We see in Bible history that the purpose of God reached forward, into two distinct areas, the "earth below" and "heaven above." And we get a glimpse of it in the prayer petition that the Lord taught His disciples.

"Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."

We also learn from the apostle Paul that God’s purpose in earth and heaven was to…

"…gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth, even in Him."

This joined those on earth and those in heaven into "a new creation" called "one new man." These separated groups in heaven and earth were situated and formed into union with the Christ, seated at the Father’s Right Hand. For those "in Christ" to live according to their new position, God indwells them, guiding them and opening their understanding to His Will. John, the Revelator made mention of this as he wrote of hearing an awesome voice out of heaven saying:

"Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."

As "former things," in Judaism were passing away, "all things" were becoming "new," as to quality. For, He that sat upon the throne said,

"I make all things new."

Throughout the history of redemption, angels attended God’s ambition and purpose. However, in this present age, it is a new day. We are now associated with "things new." And we are void of helpful angelic manifestations. This is due to the fact that now, as in no other age, the Father Himself indwells us and we are aided by His powerful presence and leading, which is more constant, vital, and exalting than former angelic visitations could possibly have ever been. This new way was achieved by Christ Jesus dying, rising and ascending to His Father in heaven to become Lord over all so…

"…that God may be all (things) in all (places)."

Since then, God began to dwell in people, He no longer dwelt in tent or brick/mortar buildings. Therefore, it is reasonable that first century believers never met in religious structures. That's what made the new life "in Christ" different from other religions in the Egyptian, Roman, Greek and Persian cultures -- it had no holy buildings. When Paul visited synagogues, it was to take the gospel to the Jews, not gather "brothers & sisters" together for worship. The message of the gospel did not encourage assembles to divide into ethnic groups for worship. That would deny what the gospel stood for. Believers from all backgrounds met together in a home of that city. Race barriers were removed by the gospel of Christ.

Today, when a religious building is erected, men appear in the forefront to lead the congregation into identity and growth. In light of Jesus' teaching, these brethren should function together without titles like Rabbi, Rev., Pastor, etc. The clergy/laity distinction is only fed by titles that elevate the few believers above others. It is difficult to learn that the ground at the foot of the cross is level.

In determining to minister, is it possible to step back and evaluate the wisdom of huge expenditures on construction of buildings? The first century church prospered spiritually and advanced powerfully without building buildings. Why do we feel compelled to invest so heavily into sacred structures, in which to meet God? That contradicts the truth of His Temple or true dwelling place? People are His building and this was something very NEW to ancient religions. The people of God became a "new creation" for God to dwell in. People are His temple. No wonder the apostle prayed:

"Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out. For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath been His counselor? Or who hath first given to Him and it shall be recompensed unto him again? For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom is glory forever."

The Divine power that definitely changes the life of any individual is the new indwelling presence of God. Open your heart to him and His loving presence will fill your life with purpose and you will understand true Love and Forgiveness, that is found only in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Let's fight!

Gentle reader,
Please find a article that will get your blood pressure up (maybe, or not) In any case this issue needs to be addressed Where do you stand on leadership for women?

Is There Such a Thing as a Complegalitarian?
Mark L. Strauss
Bethel Seminary, San Diego

One of the most divisive issues in the evangelical church over the past few decades has been the discussion surrounding the role of women and men in the church and the home. This debate pits “complementarians,” who believe that men and women have distinct God-given roles in the church and the home, against “egalitarians,” who believe that the new age of salvation in Christ means full equality of gifts, calling and church office. Complementarians point especially to 1 Timothy 2:11-15, where Paul tells Timothy that he does not allow women to teach or exercise authority over men. Egalitarians point to Galatians 3:28, where Paul says that former divisions based on ethnicity (Jew and Gentile), social status (slave and free), and gender (male and female) have been overcome “in Christ.”

This brief essay is not an attempt to solve the issue. Not even close. If you are interested in pursuing it, there are many excellent books that argue convincingly for one side or the other. See especially the “manifestos” for both positions: Discovering Biblical Equality (eds. Pierce and Groothuis; egalitarian) and Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (eds. Piper and Grudem; complementarian). If you can’t afford these, get both views in one handy volume with the excellent Two Views on Women in Ministry (eds. Beck and Blomberg).

So what are we to do with this issue? I am in print and on record as a complementarian. I remain in this camp because it seems to me that God has made women and men to be different. Men naturally gravitate more toward assertive leadership roles, while women tend toward more supportive and nurturing ones. This tendency seems to me confirmed not only biblically, but also biologically. Social-scientific studies, as well as a mountain of anecdotal evidence, indicate that men and women are different in the way they think and interact with others. And different gifts and skills translate naturally into different social roles.

Although I remain a complementarian, I have been accused on more than one occasion of being a “closet” egalitarian. I’m not unhappy with that description. One of my colleagues calls himself a “complegalitarian.” That’s not bad. If you asked the women I work with if I am supportive of their gifts and calling, I’m pretty sure they would say “yes.” If you asked them whether they feel their opinions and perspectives are highly valued and respected, I think you’d get the same answer. I have never told a woman she should not teach, or that she should not fulfill a pastoral role, or that she should not become ordained or move into a position of leadership. I believe that is between her and God. When it comes to using people for his purpose, it doesn’t seem to me God ever limits his options. If God could speak to Balaam through a donkey, if God could deliver Israel through a whiner like Moses, if God could turn the world upside down with a bunch of faith-challenged disciples, indeed, if God can use me with all my failings, then it would be pretty arrogant to say that God can’t use anyone he chooses.

Although I believe God usually calls men to leadership roles, there have been many exceptions both biblically and historically. Take Deborah for example (Judg. 4-5). I have heard complementarians claim that Deborah was really just a counselor, giving private advice to those who came to her (move over Dr. Laura). This seems to me special pleading. The judges in Israel were leaders, and Deborah clearly exercised political as well as judicial leadership. Or take Priscilla, a gifted New Testament teacher who is usually named ahead of her husband Aquila. This is likely because of her more prominent teaching and leadership role. The claim by some that she only privately instructed Apollos while under the authority of her husband seems to me a desperate attempt to deny that God ever uses women in leadership roles. Or take Phoebe (Rom. 16:1), or Junia (Rom. 16:7) or the thousands of women who have served throughout history in leadership and teaching roles in the church and on the mission field.

How do I square this perspective with 1 Timothy 2:11-15 and the (few) other texts that deal with this issue? First Timothy, like all New Testament letters, is situational and was written to address a specific situation in the church in Ephesus. If Paul’s statements here were absolute, why would we find apparent exceptions elsewhere in the New Testament, and especially throughout history? It seems Paul is applying a general principle —men should lead and teach—to a specific historical situation. Paul wants men to lead in the church, because churches are dysfunctional if they don’t have strong male leadership. Does that mean that there can be no female leadership? This is where I would differ from many of my complementarian friends.

The women’s movement—both in secular society and in the church—did not arise in a vacuum. It arose in contexts where women’s voices were not heard or respected. It arose in churches where gifts and callings were ignored or demeaned. It arose in places where women who were gifted in leadership and teaching were told to sit down, shut up, and defer to their (sometimes much less gifted) male counterparts. We need to address these issues first, before we start telling women what they can and cannot do.

As a seminary professor, I preach in a lot of churches and work with a lot of pastors. I also see many churches in crisis, often losing staff and sometimes splitting. But I have never seen a church in crisis because a woman was trying to assert her authority over a man. Rather, the causes are always the same: pride, self-centeredness, desire for control, an inability to get along with others. And in almost every case, males are the primary offenders. The greatest danger to our churches is not creeping feminism, it is human sin and our inability to humbly submit in love to one another. When we start valuing and loving one another like Christ loved the church, I am convinced that these struggles over church leadership will disappear. I don’t see women clamoring to take over the church. I see them looking for the opportunity to exercise their gifts and calling as equals in the body of Christ.

As you face this difficult issue in your church, ask yourself these questions: "Do the women in this congregation feel their gifts and calling are ignored or neglected? Do they feel their voices and opinions are not heard or valued? Do they ever feel like second-class citizens? If you get even a hint of a “yes” to these questions, it’s time to examine the style of leadership that is modeled in your church body. In the radical new leadership paradigm Jesus proposed, the last become first, and to lead you must serve, “for even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).

Saturday, September 15, 2007


In-God-We-TrustIt's true that this road I travel,

Sometimes takes me places I don't want to go...

It's true that I'm sometimes reluctant,

And really don't want others to know...

But in His Word I was reminded

That if I refuse to do His will

That not only will the poor sinner die,

But I'd be held accountable still!

The Lord called me to an awesome task,

I'm afraid, and doubt sometimes slows my way;

But that doesn't mean God changed His mind,

And so he convicts me each and every day!

It's an intense struggle that's within,

It burdens me right to my very soul;

To feel that I am outside of God's will

Desperately trying to figure out what will make me whole!

He has called me --- Or at least that's what it "seems"

But at this point, I don't really know;

So the ONLY thing I know to do

Is to try, and see if I'll be accepted to go...

Where He leads me, I will follow;

Even though my faith at best is poor;

And although it is a struggle;

I'm learning to trust him more and more!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Attorney

Attorney argues first case

After living a "decent" life, my time on earth came to an end. The first thing I remember is sitting on a bench in the waiting room of what looked like a court house. The doors opened and I was instructed to come in and have a seat at the defense table. As I looked around I saw the prosecutor - a villainous looking man who snarled as he stared at me. He definitely was the most evil person I had ever seen. I sat down and looked to my left, where, seated, was my lawyer - a kind and gentle looking man whose appearance seemed familiar to me. The corner door flew open and the judge appeared, dressed in full flowing robes. He commanded an awesome presence as he moved across the room. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. As he took his seat behind the bench, he said, "Let us begin."

The prosecutor rose and began his opening statement, "My name is Satan and I am here to show you why this man belongs in hell." He began by describing the lies I had told, things I had stole, and how I had cheated others in the past. Satan told of other horrible perversions that were once in my life and the more he spoke, the further down in my chair I sank. I was so embarrassed that I couldn't look at anyone, even my own lawyer, as the Devil told of sins that even I had completely forgotten. As upset as I was at Satan for revealing all those things about me, I was equally upset at my representative, who sat there silently - not offering any form of defense at all. I knew I was guilty of all those things, but I had done some good in my life - couldn't that at least cancel out part of the bad things I had done? Satan finished with a fury and closed by saying, "This man belongs to me in hell, since he is guilty of all these charges, and there is no person who can prove otherwise."

When it was his turn, my lawyer first asked if he might approach the bench. Satan yelled, "I object!," but the judge remarked, "Overruled," and beckoned my attorney to come forward. As he got up and started walking, I was able to see him in his full splendor and majesty. I realized why he seemed so familiar. My attorney was Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior. He stopped at the bench and softly said to the judge, "Hi Dad," and then he turned to address the court. "Satan was correct in saying that this man has sinned. I won't deny any of these allegations. And yes, the wages of sin is death, and this man deserves to be punished." Jesus took a deep breath and turned to his Father with outstretched arms and proclaimed, "However, I died on the cross so that every person might have eternal life. Since this man has accepted me as his Savior, he is mine." My Lord continued, "His name is written in the book of life, and no one can snatch him from me. Satan still does not understand that this man is not to be given justice, but rather mercy." As Jesus sat down, he quietly paused, looked at his Father and replied, "There is nothing else that needs to be done. I've done it all."

The judge lifted his mighty hand, slammed the gavel down, and bellowed from his lips, "This man is free. The penalty for him has already been paid in full. Case dismissed!"

As my Lord led me away, I could hear Satan ranting and raving, "I won't give up, I'll win the next one." I asked Jesus as he gave me my instructions where to go next, "Have you ever lost a case?" Christ lovingly smiled and said, "Everyone that has come to me and asked me to represent them has received the same verdict as you, Paid in Full."

Sunday, September 09, 2007

"Which Church?"


Gentle Reader,

Welcome to my back room where I am working on my book called (for now) "which church" This is a wee bit of the introduction w/o footnotes. Still under revisions. Read, enjoy, criticize whatever....


"And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." Ezekiel 22:30

Church for sale

Dear Gentle reader,

I have been called  (by God) to teach and to preach the Word of God (Some call it the Bible). Based on 2 Timothy 2:2 "And the things you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."And after 30+ years in the ministry I have seen more confusion rather than less. What should have been a joy, proved to be a nightmare of political, personality cults, Mega-churches. I have seen men called pastors unprepared for the work of the ministry, giving out pronouncements from the pulpit, to people asleep in the pew. Christians who are not even aware that their faith is being stolen away by the pseudo- clergy, secular rationalism, apostasy and atheism. Ignorance abounds on every side from the pulpit to the pew.

In a recent survey I discovered that out of more than 1000 churches looking for a senior pastor when presented with a pastor/teacher whose strengths were in the very thing that God called the Apostle Paul to do was rejected by these very churches for various reasons e.g. "We are going in a different direction", "Your not the match we are looking for" etc. Churches in America have turned away men that God called and joined Madison Avenue to "reach out to build great buildings and "cemeteries" Churches:

"Having a form of godliness, but denying the POWER thereof: from such turn away." Paul wrote to Timothy in the third Chapter of his second personal letter warning of what we see all around us.


What would a fellowship/church want as a leader/elder more than one who can understand the Word of God and to be able to teach the "truth of the Truth"? What would a Christian want other that to be able to articulate and practice his/her faith and to share in an intelligent way the Sacred truths of Scripture? "Now faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God"( Romans 10:17) .

A Large group of concerned Bible Teachers, Pastors, Professors, Historians, Linguists, Scholars and everyday students of the Bible started Scripture Institute based on the belief that what was need was serious teaching/study not only from the platform/pulpit but in the seminaries. The goal was simple. A no cost Bible Education for anyone who would be willing to spend the time in The Book of books.1

I have found there are more different churches, (with understanding, that is not only contrary to what Scripture clearly teaches but fighting among themselves) each vying with their own requirements of what one must do to "join" their Church, trying to get the average non believer or for that matter believer to leave one group to join another all the while claiming to be "THE TRUE CHURCH" or they having some corner on the "TRUTH". Call them denominations,2 or fellowships, in buildings or houses all who claim to follow the Risen Savior Christ Jesus. We all seem to think we have our, as it were act together, but we seem to go in different directions. Why is that?

There seems to be more confusion than understand, more hard feelings than Grace. More opinions, than as my Jewish friends would say "Get 6 Jews together and you have 12 opinions"!

What I would like this book to do is at least for me and perhaps the few people fortunate to pick it up and read it with an open mind is to set out to show where we have come from the first infant beginnings of the "Church" to today. How we got where we are and if need be how to get back ( or if we should).

Joseph Hart once wrote:

"The scriptures and the Word

Bear one tremendous name,

The Living and the Written Word

In all things are the same. "

There are so many areas in which we have moved away from our Lord Christ Jesus... modern methods, tricks, and contrivances. Instead of allowing God to speak to us through His Word. We would rather start some new means of converting people to our way of thinking rather that converting our thinking to God’s way.

For example we have now in the United states about 1, 500 different groups that claim to have the "truth" and all one need to do is join their group, pay your money, and sit back and let the "paid clergy" tell them what they should believe.

My goal Gentle reader, is not to convince you that I have all the ‘answers" which I don’t. In fact it’s rather like when I studied Korean Tae Kwon Do (Karate). I thought that when I made my "Black Belt" that I would be an expert! What I found out after making 1st Black was that I was now in a position of a student I could begin to learn. And learn I did! Now as a 6th black I find that as an old acquaintance of mine said "A punch is just a punch and a kick is just a kick" -Bruce Lee.

So Gentle reader, perhaps I will be able to "teach" a bit of Grace along the way as we look at where we were, where we came from and where we are going.

The Principle that we espouse is called "rightly dividing" from 2 Timothy 2:15 "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" In the literal Greek one would read "You, yourself be diligent to stand approved a workman who needs not to be ashamed handling accurately the Word of the truth" or in another version

"Be diligent to present thyself approved to God -- a workman irreproachable, rightly dividing the word of the truth;

spoudavzw Spoudazo where the word "study has the meaning of a state of absorbed contemplation. 3It is Gentle reader, up to us who claim the name that is above other names to stand in the Gap for the "Church which is His body" No longer to allow the whims of men to dictate the Word of God by their own understanding or groups that stand for nothing but budgets, buildings and body counts.


dovkimoß Dokimos The Greek for approved is God’s own determination for what He wants for us all.

ejrgavthß Ergates The Greek word for workman while it refers to the gaining of Knowledge in the spiritual sense beyond that is the goal of handling accurately the Word of God that we may stand approved of God rather than disapproved for mis-handling the Word of The Truth.


ojrqotomevw Orthotomeo "rightly dividing" means to make straight and smooth, to handle aright, to teach the truth directly and correctly.

When we are finished Gentle reader, you will have the evidence of who has been faithful and who has strayed from what God intended. May you follow the Lord of heaven with all your heart. The choice is yours.

"That I may know Him." Ah, I long to know

Not just a Christ of far-gone years ago;

Nor even reigning on a heavenly throne,

Too high and distant to be really known.

I long to know Him closely; this is how-

Alive-and in this ever-pressing "now";

Communicating His all-conquering power,

A living One, within my heart this hour,

Who now no longer lives from me apart,

But shares His resurrection in my heart.

Dr. Denis Callaghan Ph.D. ,Th.D., D.D.



God has not spoken

Even when the Holy God of Heaven says nothing, some men turn it into something.

"I did not send those prophets, but they rushed in; I did not speak to them, yet they prophesied. IF they had stood in MY counsel, let them announce MY words to MY people and make them turn from their evil way and wicked acts and return to ME - says the LORD." [Jeremiah (Yirmeyah) 23. 21 - 22 Tanakh, Nevi'im]

Today, like has always been, there are self-proclaimed prophets who say they are bring "a word to you" and prefix it with "THUS SAYS THE LORD." Since there are three voices we can hear from . . . the ALMIGHTY CREATOR, ones own spirit, and ha'Satan - - it is vitally imperative that you are able to "DISCERN the source" of the message. The question that we should ask is, "where did this message come from?"

GOD ETERNAL'S MESSAGE: "Who has marked HIS WORD and heard it? He who has stood in the council of the LORD, and seen, and heard HIS WORD - he who has listened to HIS WORD must obey and announce it." [Jeremiah (Yirmeyah) 23. 18 Tanakh, Nevi'im] "I did not send those prophets, but they rushed in; I did not speak to them, yet they prophesied. IF they have stood in My counsel, Let them announce MY Words to MY people, and make them turned back from their evil ways and wicked acts – says the LORD." [Jeremiah (Yirmeyah) 23. 21 – 22 Tanakh, Nevi’im] "I have heard what the prophets say, who prophesy falsely in MY NAME: 'I had a dream, I had a dream.' How long will there be in the minds of the prophets who prophesy falsehood – the prophets of their own deceitful minds – the plan to make MY people forget MY NAME, by means of the dreams which they tell each other." [Jeremiah (Yirmeyah) 23. 25 - 26 Tanakh, Nevi'im] "Assuredly, I am going to deal with the prophets – declares the LORD – who steal MY WORDS from one another. I am going to deal with the against the prophets who steal MY WORDS from one another…who wag their tongues and make oracular utterances. I am going to deal with those who prophesy lying dreams…who relate them to lead My people astray with their reckless lies, when I did not send them or command them. They do this people no good - declares the LORD." [Jeremiah (Yirmeyah) 23. 30 - 32 Tanakh, Nevi'im]

OUR PERSONAL IMAGINATION or HA'SATAN'S LIE: A message from an individual originates in himself and focuses the attention on himself, causing him to "appear more spiritual than others." It is words for people who have itchy ears. Hananiah brought a message the people wanted to hear. Omnipotent GOD concluded, "Listen, Hananiah! YEHOWAH did not sent you, and you have given this people lying assurances. Assuredly, thus said the LORD: I am going to banish you from off the face of the earth. This year you shall die, for you have urged disloyalty (taught rebellion) to the LORD." [see Jeremiah/Yirmeyah 28. 1 - 17] There was also a "lying spirit" in the mouth of all the prophets of King Ahab. [1 Kings (Melakhim Alef) 22. 23]

A worthless prophet will "lead MY people (Israel) astray." [Jeremiah (Yirmeyah) 23. 13 Tanakh, Nevi'im] "The prophets of Jerusalem are something horrifying: adultery and false dealing. They encourage evildoers, so that no one turns back from his wickedness." [Jeremiah (Yirmeyah) 23. 14 Tanakh, Nevi'im] "Thus said the LORD OF HOSTS: Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you. They are deluding you, the prophecies they speak are from their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD." [Jeremiah (Yirmeyah) 23. 16 Tanakh, Nevi'im] "They declare to men who despise ME - The LORD has said: ‘All shall be well with you;' And to all who follow their willful hearts they say: 'No evil shall befall you.'" [Jeremiah (Yirmeyah) 23. 17 Tanakh, Nevi'im]

In the NEW COVENANT, the Apostle Paul said, "Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others JUDGE." [1 Corinthians 14. 29] We desperately need to be able to discern the source of a message. When GOD ALMIGHTY does speak, we should hear and obey promptly. When a message is of man or from ha'Satan, we need to recognize the source and not get caught up in their lie and be deceived. For many "evil men and impostors" will become embolden, and they "WILL GROW WORSE AND WORSE, DECEIVING AND BEING DECEIVED." [2 Timothy 3. 13] Let us take heart, the LOVING GOD we serve knows what is ahead and has forewarned us. Stay alert, for such a time as this!

Friday, September 07, 2007


In life we often discover what we did not know we were seeking.

"The LORD spoke to Moses saying, 'Take choice spices: five hundred weight of flowing myrrh, half as much - two hundred and fifty - of fragrant cinnamon, two hundred and fifty of aromatic calamus cane, five hundred - by the sanctuary weight - of cassia, and a hin of olive oil. Make of this a sacred anointing oil, a compound of ingredients expertly blended, to serve as sacred anointing oil.'" [Exodus (Shemot) 30. 22 - 23 Tanakh, Torah]

[In most cases BIBLICAL spices are uncertain as to what they really were. But, they are concluded to be comparable to many of the spices of today with different names. A Shekel is a weight and also the name of a coin. The Shekel in this passage, according to medical language equals 9 drops. Thus, 500 shekels would be 4,500 drops.]

The Tabernacle study began with ALMIGHTY GOD's desire to dwell withIN HIS people by the filling of the HOLY SPIRIT and now ends with the anointing oil and the GLORY CLOUD filling the finished Sanctuary.

The LORD MOST HOLY instructed that the Tabernacle, with all its features, be built and every detail of the services, as well as the clothing of the priests be made "according to the pattern" Moses saw on the mountain. And this was done as GOD commanded. Nevertheless nothing supernatural occurred until the directions for the anointing oil were carried out and everything received this ointment. Only then did the HOLY SPIRIT begin to move in HIS Holy Habitation!

MYRRH is first spice, a bitter plant, but from which sweetness was obtained after it was bruised. The word is taken from the Hebrew "mor" which means "to drop on from a container above" or in other words, it is distilled. It was to be pure, the best of the myrrh which exudes spontaneously from the bark. The inferior myrrh comes out more abundantly by splitting the bark. Myrrh was used as a perfume, as a medicine for deadening pain [Mark 15. 23], for preparing the dead for burial [John 19. 39 - 40], as a modifier of other medicines, and for purification. Through the power of the ETERNAL SPIRIT, MESSIAH JESUS gave HIMSELF freely. He was made "sin or bitter." But, from HIS bruising, comes forth the sweetness of the HOLY SPIRIT. CHRIST THE LORD was dead, HIS body was anointed with the myrrh. YESHUA is our purification. [Hebrews 9. 13 - 14] HIS life that HE gave was sweet to GOD THE FATHER, sweet to the saints, and HIS life is a healing medicine for those who are sick in spirit, soul or body.

SCRIPTURE records that during six of the twelve months for Esther's preparation and purification to be among the number who were to stand before the king, she was rubbed down daily with this spice. [Esther/Ester 2. 12] It was Hadassah, the one who gave forth the fragrance of myrrh, who was chosen to be his bride queen. As we stand before KING JESUS, the holy anointing oil with the sweet smell of myrrh should be upon our garments of salvation. Freely are we to give ourselves even as HE freely gave. . . DIE TO SELF for "unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain." [John 12. 24] We are to apply this anointing oil daily, to purify ourselves even as the LORD YESHUA is pure, as we prepare for the Marriage Supper of the LAMB!

SWEET CINNAMON is the second ingredient. Cinnamon bark comes as upright rolls. It is used for flavouring, as a medicine, and it is a stimulant. The fragrance, no doubt counter-acted the stench of the butchering, burning and cooking of animals in the Tabernacle Court. Though the Cross of CHRIST JESUS revealed an ugly and awful death, yet there was fulfillment in it of the burning, scorched flesh of all the Old COVENANT sacrifices which was acceptable to GOD on behalf of the people because of the "cinnamon fragrance" which accompanied it.

We are instructed to "present our bodies as a living sacrifice upon GOD's Altar which is our reasonable service." [Romans 12. 1] Though there is sin, death, and decay included in this offering; yet by the application of the cinnamon this is all counteracted and we become a sweet smelling savour in the nostrils of the LIVING GOD. [2 Corinthians 13. 14]

Cinnamon has a warm, sweet, pleasing, and peculiar aroma. YESHUA ha'MASHIACH, with the HOLY SPIRIT or "DIVINE CINNAMON" resting upon HIM, gave forth that feeling of warmth which is sweet, pleasing and peculiar. This is the case with those whose lives have been anointed with the Cinnamon.

The third ingredient, SWEET CALAMUS grows in Arabia and India; it is a fragrant cane whose root is highly prized as a spice. [Song of Songs (Shir ha'Shirim) 4. 14; Ezekiel 27. 19] The root word means "to stand upright" - hence, a cane or reed. It usually grows in miry soil. The more this bark is beaten the sweeter is its fragrance. How like YESHUA ha'MASHIACH WHO grew in the mire of this world UPRIGHT and FRAGRANT to ALMIGHTY GOD. The LORD YESHUA was beaten, humiliated, spit upon and nailed to the Cross of Agony. Yet, HE prayed on behalf of HIS persecutors, "FATHER, forgive them for they know not what they do." We are to do as YESHUA did: "Love your enemies, pray for them that despitefully use you" were HIS commands. The more we are persecuted the sweeter are we to be by the enablement of the HOLY SPIRIT, the HEAVENLY CALAMUS.

CASSIA, the fourth spice, is derived from a root word meaning "to split" and refers to the rolls of bark being split. It is said to resemble cinnamon and to be of the same family, but to be less fragrant. It was used for flavouring and as a medicine. It was a bitter medicine, but one which purges that it may heal. This aromatic bark comes from a shrub which grows only on great heights of around 8,000 feet. As this plant flourished, where other plants could not grow, so we see at Calvary's height the perfection of MESSIAH in HIS faithfulness. In the place of HIS sacrifice for sin, there was yielded a "peculiar" fragrance such as from no other death. Coming from the heights of Calvary, is the HOLY SPIRIT WHO elevates the receiver to heavenly places above the elements of the world.

Four spices were to be combined with a "hin" (6 quarts) of pure olive oil. The "vehicle" of these four ingredients for their exhibition was the OLIVE OIL, a symbol of the HOLY SPIRIT. All true witnesses to the graces and excellencies of MESSIAH JESUS must be in and by the HOLY SPIRIT. The spices are dry apart from the oil.

Oil also is a lubricant which is used to heal and energize as well as to aid in giving light and fire. This is characteristic of the HOLY SPIRIT in the life and ministry of YESHUA ha'MASHIACH and HIS saints.

There are four principal spices with the oil. In the four corners of the earth, OMNIPOTENT GOD anoints HIS own with the HOLY SPIRIT. "The promise is to as many as the LORD our GOD will call." [Acts 2. 39]

. . . to be continued


What is Christianity all about in 25 words or less (just kidding about the 25 words) If you were to ask the average person what Jesus' preached - even the average Christian - you'd no doubt hear something about love: "Jesus taught about love. He said we should all love each other." This perception of Jesus' teaching isn't wrong, let me hasten to add. Jesus did talk quite a bit about love. In fact he said that loving God is the greatest commandment and loving our neighbors is the runner up (Mark 12:29-31). So, to be sure, love figured prominently in the message of Jesus.
But love was not the core of his proclamation. And, to be sure, his preaching about love didn't get Jesus crucified. Neither the Romans nor the Jewish authorities would have been particularly bothered by a Jewish prophet who ran around telling people to love God and people. Quite a few Jews would have been distressed over the thought of having to love their enemies, however. But the Romans - the obvious enemies -- wouldn't have crucified someone whose main crime was telling Jews to love them and turn the other cheek! The core of Jesus' message must have been more contentious, indeed, more scandalous, than a call to love.

It's common for people to reduce the message of Jesus to something all too simple and, I might add, all too similar to the biases of whoever is doing the reducing. You'll see this in many of the contemporary "scholarly" attempts to summarize the message of Jesus. The infamous Jesus Seminar, by the time it stones Jesus to death with its red, pink, gray, and black beads, ends up with a sage who speaks in esoteric riddles, hardly someone who would be put to death as a threat to Roman order in Judea.

Whatever Jesus preached, it got people excited. Even the demons were riled up. And Jesus' message angered most of the religious leaders he encountered. In the end, it got him killed on a Roman cross. So what exactly was this inspiring, challenging, goading, and apparently subversive message of Jesus all about?

What Jesus actually proclaimed, first and foremost, was not that we should love, but something else. We find a succinct summary of this "something else" in the first description of Jesus' ministry in the Gospel of Mark: "Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying, 'The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news'" (Mark 1:14-15). Here, in a nutshell, is the message of Jesus: the kingdom of God has come near.

I cannot tell you how many times in the last thirty years I've heard people locate the kingdom of God in human hearts. Christians do it, and so do many New Agers. Their credo is "The kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21). But they missed Jesus' own meaning by a mile.

Yes, to be sure, God's reign will touch human hearts. But it is not limited to some kind of internal, subjective experience. Yes, I know Jesus is quoted as saying that "the kingdom of God is within you," but this verse is usually wrenched way out of context. Let's return to the passage from which this line comes:
Once Jesus was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, and he answered, "The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' For, in fact, the kingdom of God is entos hymon" (Luke 17:20-21).

I've left the original Greek untranslated for a moment so we can see the context of this phrase without prejudging its meaning. Jesus is speaking, not to his faithful disciples, but to a group of Pharisees. They expected the kingdom of God to come with great signs, most obviously the beginnings of a successful revolt against Rome. But Jesus says their expectations are misguided. In fact, the kingdom of God is entos hymon. Given what Jesus says about the hearts of the Pharisees elsewhere - that are "full of greed and self-indulgence" and "all kinds of filth" (Matt 23:25, 27) - it's unlikely that Jesus is telling the Pharisees to look within their hearts to find the kingdom. Rather, he is saying to them: The kingdom of God is right here, in your midst. The Greek phrase entos hymon can mean "among you," as it does in this instance. If the Pharisees want to find the kingdom, Jesus says, they should look, not into their own sinful hearts, but right in front of their eyes, at Jesus himself, at his words and works.

So, though God's reign embraces and transforms human hearts, it is not limited to some sort of interior experience. The kingdom of God impacts actions, thoughts, relationships, families, institutions, and governments. In the end, it will touch everything on earth, when God's will is done on earth "as it is in heaven." Yet this expansive kingdom has begun on earth in a most unexpected and unnoticed way - rather like a mustard seed -- in the ministry of Jesus.

If the kingdom of God is neither up in heaven nor limited to human hearts, but is something we ought to experience in all aspects of our earthly life, this points to another question: When is it coming? Did Jesus envision the kingdom of God as present reality? Or was it rather something that was coming in the future?

What Was the Core of Jesus’ Message?

1. The core of Jesus’ message was the proclamation of the coming of the kingdom of God: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news” (Mark 1:14-15).
What is the Kingdom of God?

The English phrase “kingdom of God” translates a Greek phrase from the gospels that refers not so much to the place where God rules as to the presence and power of God’s actual rule. The kingdom or reign of God is here when God is exercising his authority on earth.

How Did Jesus Proclaim the Kingdom of God?
Jesus proclaimed the kingdom of God in words (basic statements of fact, explanations, parables) and in works (healings, exorcisms, nature miracles, other symbolic gestures). What Jesus said, he did. This not only illustrated the truth of his proclamation, but it also drew the people to him.
Where is the Kingdom of God?
Contrary to popular perceptions, the kingdom of God is not primarily in heaven or our hearts, but in all dimensions of reality. God’s reign impacts actions, thoughts, relationships, families, institutions, and governments.

When is the Kingdom of God Coming?Jesus proclaimed the kingdom of God as something present in his ministry, and also as something that was still to come in glory. Thus the kingdom is not either present or future, but both present and future. It is the “already and not yet kingdom.” It’s is already here, and not yet fully here. Thus it is rather like an engaged couple, a pregnant mother, or a finished but not quite yet graduated doctoral student.

How is the Kingdom of God Coming?

According to Jesus, the reign of God will not come through a Jewish revolt against Rome. Though he agreed with his Jewish contemporaries who looked forward to the coming of an anointed deliverer, Jesus conceived of the work of the Messiah in radically unexpected terms. Rather than conquering the Romans through force, Jesus, as Messiah or Son of Man, would die on a Roman cross. Through this sacrificial action he would take God’s judgment upon himself, offering his life as a ransom for many. The new exodus, God’s new act of salvation, was taking place in Jesus, and would be culminated in his passion and resurrection.

How Does the Message of Jesus Lead to Crucifixion?

Throughout his ministry, Jesus consistently upset many of the religious and political leaders of the day. His proclamation of the kingdom through words and works made him a marked man, both because he contradicted many of the core values of his opponents, and because he undermined their popular impact. But when Jesus “cleansed” the Temple in Jerusalem, this was the last straw. He became a clear and present danger, not only to the Pharisees in Galilee, but to the priestly hierarchy in Jerusalem, and to the Temple, the core institution of Judaism, and to the fragile peace of Judea. Thus he threatened the social order so essential to Roman domination. The leaders in Jerusalem, both Jewish and Roman, sought to crucify Jesus, both to get him out of their way and to warn others not to follow in his footsteps.

Closing Thoughts: How Do We Follow Jesus?

If Jesus came to inaugurate the reign of God on earth, if he proclaimed this message in words and works, and if, in the end, this message led him to the cross, then how do we who believe in Jesus follow him today? Let me offer a few brief suggestions:

1. We should seek to live each moment in the reality of the kingdom of God. Jesus said, “The kingdom of God has come hear; repent and believe in the good news” (Mark 1:15). This call is still valid today. When we accept God’s rule over our lives, we adopt values and priorities that are radically different than those of the world. Thus we make a U-turn; we repent and live our lives in a brand new direction, pointing toward God’s kingdom.

2. We live in the world as salt and light. Like Jesus, both our words and our works should proclaim the reality of the kingdom. We talk about the good news of what God has done in Christ, inviting others to accept this gospel and live under God’s reign. And we live out this reign each day by loving our enemies, healing the sick, confronting evil, feeding the hungry, forgiving those who wrong us, and living as a active member of the community of Jesus.

3. We take up our cross and follow Jesus each day. We who live in the community of Jesus must seek, not to dominate others, but to serve them. We live, not for our own glory, but for God, to whom belongs the kingdom, and the glory, and the power.

4. We live in the present power and the future hope of the resurrection. Although I have not spoken of the resurrection in this series on the message of Jesus, were it not for the fact that Jesus was raised from the dead on Easter, none of what I’ve said would have any value whatsoever. The message of Jesus would have been long forgotten as wishful thinking by one more failed Jewish messianic pretender. The resurrection of Jesus persuaded his confused and bereaved disciples that he was who he said he was, and that his paradoxical “program” for the coming of the kingdom had in fact been the right one. We who put our trust in Jesus today have access to same power that raised Jesus from dead – the Holy Spirit who dwells in and among us (Ephesians 1:17-23). Moreover, we believe that Jesus’ resurrection prefigures our own, and that one day we will live with him in the fullness of the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 15). This hope sustains us as we live today in the ambiguity of the “already and not yet” kingdom. Someday the kingdom of God will come in full power; the mustard seed will be fully grown, and the victory of God will be complete. In that day, God will wipe away every tear and his dwelling will be here among us (Revelation 21). Then we will join the heavenly chorus in singing,
The kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever.
Hallelujah! Amen!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


It Takes Courage to Learn from Our Mistakes
But not everyone who makes a mistake gains useful knowledge from the experience. Most people explain away their failures, unwilling to stare into the light and see that their sacred cows were really just cows. Are you strong enough to see the truth and name it? Are you willing to identify the substance of your own mistakes?

This humility is the key to progress. It’s hard to say, “Our product or service fell below the customer’s expectations.” It’s easier to say, “We ran into unforeseeable circumstances” or “We were ahead of our time.” What we might have learned from the mistake is lost, and now history must repeat itself one more time.

This is why so few people who hold a job for 10 years get 10 years of experience. The average blame-shifter gets one year’s experience ten times. Don’t let this be you. To learn things most people will never know, you must summon courage, see clearly, swallow your pride and speak the truth.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Open Bible Trust

Gentle readers,
Beneath you'll find a report from some dear friends from the OBT in England, Some of my best times were with these dear people.

Open Bible Trust Bible Study Conference - Nottingham Area, March 24th 2007

Jesus and ... The Effect of the Resurrection

Report by Dawn Purnell

It was a joy to renew contact with Christian friends and to share companionship and fellowship with each other. A warm welcome to Stapleford Methodist Church was given by Cliff and Sandra Richmond. However, we held Vicky and Dave Wilkinson in our prayers who sadly were unable to attend due to family bereavements. Good wishes were sent to Willie Henry who, through illness was unable to be with us and we were indebted to Mike Penny who presented the work Willie had prepared, as well as delivering his own sessions for the day. Pete Mansell also presented two sessions that were well received and appreciated.

In the three sessions we looked at five disciples of Jesus: Peter, James (half-brother of Jesus), John, Thomas and Judas. Four of them had a close relationship with Jesus, both before and after His resurrection, and Judas whose contact with Jesus did not extend beyond the passion of Christ.

A film shown by Pete explained the then accepted meaning of specific words: Rabbi, Teacher, Messiah, disciple and discipleship, giving us an appreciation of the religious background and community structures from which the first disciples of Jesus came. From biblical references a picture was built up of the personalities of these disciples, and their relationship with Jesus Christ.

We saw the outspoken and sometimes erratic Peter prior to the resurrection of Christ, in comparison with the man who experienced forgiveness, and became a man of leadership qualities and matured faith in the post-resurrection days.

We were helped to distinguish between James, the brother of John, and James, the half– brother of Jesus, and to appreciate the change in this James, from being a sceptical unbeliever, to the stable and practical leader of the first Christian Church in Jerusalem.

We met John, known as the disciple beloved of Jesus, the man entrusted with the welfare of Christ’s mother, the man thought to be the writer of the lovely letters telling us of the overwhelming love God has for us, shown through His Son, our Lord.

We came face to face with the enigmatic Judas, once called to follow Jesus, but who ultimately betrayed Him. We felt we were still left with the question ... Why? ... And yet we know that for our salvation, Jesus had to die and be raised.

And lastly we had a brief glimpse of Thomas who, in pre-resurrection days, spoke the ‘negative’ but did the ‘positive’ and who, after the resurrection required proof ... and got it! But who, on bended knee, proclaimed “My Lord and my God.”

For us, as we listened to our speakers, the effect of the resurrection of Jesus on the lives of His disciples was palpable. His resurrection changed them from followers who seemed uncertain at times as to Christ’s purpose and His way of achieving it, to men of certainty, men of deepened and even maturing faith, men to whom Christ entrusted His church.

It was a day of spiritual challenge and refreshment, for which we give thanks and praise. At the end, we were encouraged to give prayerful thought to “Jesus .... And the effect of His resurrection on us”. And that we might say with Thomas, “My Lord and My God”.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

1 Timothy 3:15

2 Tim 2

Gentle Readers,
A dear friend and colleague wrote this little piece in response to my query on another matter I felt it needed dissemination to the widest readership and so I give you Dr. J. D. Watson:

...Finally, one of the greatest burdens on my heart is the lack of knowledge and Truth in Christianity today. It is deeply tragic that many are caught up in these inadequate sources of Truth when the battle can only be won with the “sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of GOD” (Eph. 6:17). And what’s more, the major fault lies nowhere else than on the heads of preachers. One of the saddest realities in the Church are pastors who stand in the pulpit week after week and preach nothing but salvation messages, or at best, some shallow, syrupy devotional. Yes, salvation is the beginning, but it’s just that—the beginning. From there comes “the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” (Eph. 4:11-12). Paul went out of his way to specifically challenge the Ephesian elders to declare “all the counsel of God” and “to feed the church of God” (Acts 20:27-28). It is only by giving God’s people the Truth—predominately by expository preaching—that they can be equipped for living and become discerners of error. But tragically, that is not the norm today.

It is also for this reason that Paul entreated Timothy that the very mission of the Church is to be “the pillar and ground of the truth” (I Tim. 3:15). This was actually an extraordinary statement. Timothy was at that time the pastor of the Ephesian church. Paul had left him there to deal with several problems that had arisen. While we don’t readily understand this statement, Timothy and the Ephesians immediately recognized the imagery Paul uses.

The impressive temple of the goddess Diana (Artemis), one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, was located in the city. William Barclay gives the following description of it:

One of its features was its pillars. It contained 127 pillars, every one of them the gift of a king. All were made of marble, and some were studded with jewels and overlaid with gold.[i]

Each pillar acted as a tribute to the king who donated it. The honorary significance of the pillars, however, was secondary to their obvious function of holding up the immense structure of the roof. Here, then, Paul says that the church’s mission is to hold up the Truth.

But Paul adds something else—that the church is also the ground of the Truth. Ground translates the Greek hedraiōma, which appears only here in the New Testament and refers to “a stay, a prop, or a support.” Some commentators maintain that the idea here is “foundation.” The NIV even translates it as “foundation.” But that is a very serious error. Gordon Clark points out by writing:

Were this word translated foundation, so the church would be the foundation of the truth, the connotation would be seriously in error. The Church does not invent the truth; the truth produces the church . . . The church is the pillar and seat, the mainstay, the bulwark, the support of the truth. In less metaphorical language this means the church proclaims, defends, and propagates the Gospel.[ii]

Greek scholar Kenneth Wuest gives the true comparison of pillar and ground by writing:

The word “ground” is hedraiōma, “a stay, a prop.” The kindred adjective is hedraios, “firm, stable.” The words, “pillar” and “ground,” are in apposition to [i.e., supplement] the word “church.” The idea is that the church is the pillar, and as such, the prop or support of the truth.

So, in Paul’s metaphor the church is not the foundation of the Truth—the Truth is the foundation. Rather, the Church is the pillar, the mainstay, the chief support that holds up the Truth and proclaims it as the only Truth. As the pillars of the Temple of Diana were a testimony to the error of pagan false religion, so the Church is to be a testimony to God’s Truth. That is its mission, its very reason for existence.

In direct contradiction of Paul’s imagery, the mission of today’s churches is to be “user friendly,” “purpose driven,” and “seeker sensitive,” but God said to just preach the Truth. It is the solemn responsibility of every church to solidly, immovably, unshakably, uncompromisingly uphold the Truth of God’s Word. Again, the Church is not to invent the Truth, as is being done today by everything from redefining the Gospel to reinventing Church ministry. Such people are treading on dangerous ground. As Revelation 22:18-19 declare, judgment awaits those who alter God’s Word:

For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

When John, the last of the apostles (and therefore the last person able to write Scripture), wrote those words, the Gnostics were already adding to and subtracting from the Word of God. The Roman Catholic Church has since added its traditions and the ex cathedra (“from the chair”) pronouncements of its popes to the Word of God. The Mormons have added the nonsense concocted by Joseph Smith in The Book of Mormon. The so‑called Christian Scientists have added the ramblings of Mary Baker Eddy. The Spiritists have added pronouncements derived from demons. In contrast to such additions, liberal textual critics have specialized in deleting great portions of Scripture. And the tampering goes on, in spite of God’s warning. In the end God will settle His own accounts with those He bluntly labels “liars” in Proverbs 30:5-6: “Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.”

If we may say it one more time—the Church’s mandate is not to invent the Truth, but to support and safeguard the Truth. It is to the Church that God has given the stewardship of Scripture. The Scripture is the most precious possession on earth, and it is the Church’s duty to guard It. Churches that tamper with Biblical Truth, misrepresent it, depreciate it, relegate it to a secondary place, or abandon it altogether destroy their only reason for existing and will experience impotence and judgment. I grieve every day over the fact that many (if not most) evangelical churches are not preaching the unadulterated, uncompromised Truth of God’s Word.

The most important gauge by which a church can be measured is not how large it is, how good its fellowship is, how interesting the pastor is, how good the music is, how well the grounds are kept up, or even how respected it is in the community. The measure of any church is how it handles the Word of God. Two questions should be our benchmark: First, does it teach the Truth? Second, does it live the Truth?

Let us emphasize once again that Truth is not relative. Unlike the world, Liberal Christianity, and even much of the Evangelical Church, the Scripture could not be clearer on this point. In Luke 9:50, the Lord Jesus said to His disciples, “He that is not against us is for us.” Two chapters later (11:23) He said it in the reverse: “He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth.” A person is either for Christ or against Christ. There is no middle ground between right and wrong, Truth and error, sound doctrine and heretical doctrine, true Gospel and false Gospel. Something is either true or it is a lie. In contrast to the prevalent and predominate attitude of our day, there is nothing in the middle. There is no “gray area.”

Oh, Dear Christian Friend, no matter what the question, no matter what the issue, would that our motto be, “What saith the Scripture?” (Rom. 4:3; Gal. 4:30). Why? Because only It is Truth.

What a contrast there is between our day and the early days of Christianity! As Francis Schaeffer points out,[iii] the Romans threw those Christians to the lions for two reasons. First, they refused to worship Caesar. It didn’t matter who else you worshipped, as long as that did not interfere with the formal worship of Caesar. The early Christians, however, committed treason by worshipping only one God, which became a direct threat to state unity.

Second, and perhaps even more profound, is that they were persecuted because they looked to one source alone for their authority—God’s revelation. They were enemies of the state because they judged all things—including the state—by that single authority, and that simply could not be tolerated. In the eyes of Rome, in fact, they were no less than “rebels” who had to be destroyed.

How many Christians today are of the same stock as those who stood so uncompromisingly? How many are willing to be called “rebels,” not because of political activism or “social awareness,” but solely because God’s Word is their only authority?

Let us close with two other wonderful verses:

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (Jn. 8:32-33).

Will science make us free? No, we’re ever learning but never discovering. Will philosophy make us free? No, it drove Nietzsche mad. Will even religion make us free? No, the Law keeps us in bondage. It is only the Gospel of Christ that makes us free, and it is only in His Word that we find Truth.


[i] The Letters to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1975), p. 89.

[ii] Gordon Clark, The Pastoral Epistles.

[iii] Francis A. Schaefer, How Should We Then Live? (New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1976), pp. 24-25.

Dr. J. D. "Doc" Watson
Pastor-Teacher, Grace Bible Church
Sola Scriptura Ministries
PO Box 235 - 1350 Sage Ridge Rd.
Meeker, CO 81641