Saturday, March 24, 2007


"I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her Seed; He shall strike at your head, and you shall strike at His heel." [Genesis 3. 15 Tanakh, Torah]

When Adam and Eve rebelled and transgressed against Elohiym in the Garden of Eden, CREATOR Elohiym pronounced a curse on all creation; [Genesis 3. 14 – 19] death came into the world at that point. However, the Almighty One also told of the One to come WHO would be the Redeemer\Saviour.

The genealogy in Genesis 5 lists the names of the pre-flood patriarchs from Adam to Noah. Adam means man; Seth - appointed; Enosh - mortal; Cainan - sorrow or humiliation; Mahalaleel - blessed of GOD; Jared - shall come down; Enoch - teaching or dedicated; Methuselah - his death shall bring or judgment; Lamech - despairing, weary or conqueror; Noah - comfort or rest.

The meaning of the names form a redemptive sentence when read together:
"A MAN is Appointed to become a Mortal; in sorrow, blessed of GOD, HE shall come down to teach. And, His death will bring despair; then, comfort and rest."
Or: "Mankind is appointed to mortality, wailing for the dead. God be praised! He shall descend, a mortal man, dismissing death, bring rest to the weary."
Or even: "Mankind is appointed to mortality, bringing humiliation (sorrow). GOD be praised! He shall descend, a dedicated Man. When He dies as judgment, He will conquer, bringing comfort and rest."

The Plan of Salvation was made before the world began. "He indeed was predetermined before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you." [1 Peter 1. 20] "He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world." [Ephesians 1. 3 - 4] "In the fullness of time, God sent His Son to be born of woman, under the Law." [Galatians 4. 4]

There has never been a time when the Almighty Holy Creator, Lord GOD Omnipotent has forsaken His creation. Mankind would do well to learn such love and in return, appropriately give Him the honour, glory, majesty, blessings and adoration He is worthy of.

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