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Another Look at Ascensions into heaven:
The Old Testament records the ascent to the heavens of several mortal beings. The first was Enoch, a pre-Diluvial patriarch whom God befriended and who "walked with the Lord." He was the seventh from Adam and the great grandfather of Noah, hero of the Deluge. The fifth chapter of Genesis lists the genealogies of all these men and the ages at which they died (except for Enoch, who was gone, for the Lord had taken him.). By implication and tradition, it was heavenward, to escape mortality on Earth, that God took Enoch. The other mortal was the prophet Elijah, who was lifted off Earth and taken heavenward in a "whirlwind."
A little-known reference to a third mortal who visited the Divine Abode and was endowed there with great wisdom is provided in the Old Testament, and it concerns the ruler of Tyre (a Phoenician center on the eastern Mediterranean coast). We read in Chapter 28 of Ezekiel that the Lord commanded the prophet to remind the king how, perfect and wise, he was enabled by the Deity to visit with the gods:
"Thou art molded by a plan, full of wisdom, perfect in beauty.
Thou hast been in Eden, the garden of God; every precious
stone was thy thicket... Thou art an anointed Cherub, protected;
and I have placed thee in the sacred mountain; as a god werest
thou, moving within the Fiery Stones."
Predicting that the ruler of Tyre should die a death "of the uncircumcised" by the hand of strangers even if he called out to them "I am a Deity," the Lord then told Ezekiel the reason: After the king was taken to the Divine Abode and given access to all wisdom and riches, his heart "grew haughty," he misused his wisdom, and he defiled the temples.
"Because thine heart is haughty, saying "A god am I;
in the Abode of the Deity I sat, in the midst of the Waters";
Though thou art a Man, not a god, thou set thy heart as that of a Deity."
The Sumerian texts also speak of several other men who were privileged to ascend into the heavens. One was Adapa, the "model man" created by Ea/Enki. To him Ea "had given wisdom; eternal life he had not given him." As the years went by, Ea decided to avert Adapa's mortal end by providing him with and ascension into heaven.
What this suggests to us is that mankind has always been in search for immortality and his ascent into heaven. The Mesopotamian hero, Gilgamesh searched for the one that escaped the flood in order to obtain from him the secret of the "Tree of Life." This was the reason for his quest and journey in the "Epic of Gilgamesh." I hope many of you will read the book. It is the futile search by mortal Man for the "Tree of Life" and is the subject of one of the longest, most powerful epic texts bequeathed to human culture by the Sumerian civilization. Named by modern scholars "The Epic of Gilgamesh," the moving motif concerns the ruler of Uruk who was born to a mortal father and a divine mother. As a result, Gilgamesh was considered to be "two-thirds of him god, one-third of him human," a circumstance that prompted him to seek escape from the death that was the fate of mortals.
The search for eternal life ends when one comes to Jesus Christ, Son of God. In Him is life. And to as many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become the sons of God. This is the answer to immortality
The Temple Mount and Fort AntoniaAfter an extensive study of the works of Josephus who alone gives us an eye-witness account of the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD, Ernest Martin comes to the startling conclusion that the Temple was NOT built on the present Temple Mount. This of course has tremendous implications both for our expedition to uncover the contents of the Ark of the Covenant and the ability to build the Third Temple.
That is both good news and bad news for the approximately 14 million Jews worldwide.
The good news is that they would no longer have to contend with groups trying to blow up the Dome of the Rock, one of Islam's holiest sites, in order to hasten the coming of the Messiah. You will remember that only weeks ago, a group of Christians were deported for having threatened precisely that as the millennium approaches. They would also be able to build the Third Temple, which has been their dream and yearning for nearly 2,000 years.
The bad news of course is that the legitimacy of the Holiest place in the world for Jews, the "Wailing Wall" is called into question, for if the original Temple was not constructed on the Temple Mount, then the Wailing Wall could not have been part of its enclosure wall. That is sure to raise a ruckus within the orthodox Jewish community.
I am restricting the information which we shall release to a compilation of the relevant passages in Josephus. From these you can easily see why a close reading would bring into question the commonly held belief that the Temple stood on the present site called "The Temple Mount"...
Antiquities of the Jews:
Book 15 - Chapter 8
5. Since, therefore, he had now the city fortified by the palace in which he lived, and by the temple which had a strong fortress by it, called Antonia, and was rebuilt by himself, he contrived to make Samaria a fortress for himself also against all the people, and called it Sebaste, supposing that this place would be a strong hold against the country, not inferior to the former.
Antiquities of the Jews:
Book 15 - Chapter 11
4..............But for the tower itself, when Herod the king of the Jews had fortified it more firmly than before, in order to secure and guard the temple, he gratified Antonius, who was his friend, and the Roman ruler, and then gave it the name of the Tower of Antonia.
7. There was also an occult passage built for the king; it led from Antonia to the inner temple, at its eastern gate; over which he also erected for himself a tower, that he might have the opportunity of a subterraneous ascent to the temple, in order to guard against any sedition which might be made by the people against their kings. It is also reported, (25) that during the time that the temple was building, it did not rain in the daytime, but that the showers fell in the nights, so that the work was not hindered. And this our fathers have delivered to us; nor is it incredible, if any one have regard to the manifestations of God. And thus was performed the work of the rebuilding of the temple.
Antiquities of the Jews:
Book 18 - Chapter 4
3 ...............There was one of the [high] priests, named Hyrcanus; and as there were many of that name, he was the first of them; this man built a tower near the temple, and when he had so done, he generally dwelt in it, and had these vestments with him, because it was lawful for him alone to put them on, and he had them there reposited when he went down into the city, and took his ordinary garments; the same things were continued to be done by his sons, and by their sons after them. But when Herod came to be king, he rebuilt this tower, which was very conveniently situated, in a magnificent manner; and because he was a friend to Antonius, he called it by the name of Antonia.
Antiquities of the Jews:
Book 20 - Chapter 5
3.............But when he could not induce them to be quiet for they still went on in their reproaches to him, he gave order that the whole army should take their entire armor, and come to Antonia, which was a fortress, as we have said already, which overlooked the temple; but when the multitude saw the soldiers there, they were affrighted at them, and ran away hastily; but as the passages out were but narrow, and as they thought their enemies followed them, they were crowded together in their flight, and a great number were pressed to death in those narrow passages; nor indeed was the number fewer than twenty thousand that perished in this tumult.
War of the Jews:
Book 1 - Chapter 3
3. Now Aristobulus, by degrees, and unwillingly, gave credit to these accusations; and accordingly he took care not to discover his suspicion openly, though he provided to be secure against any accidents; so he placed the guards of his body in a certain dark subterranean passage; for he lay sick in a place called formerly the Citadel, though afterwards its name was changed to Antonia;
War of the Jews:
Book 1 - Chapter 5
4. In the mean time, Alexandra fell sick, and Aristobulus, her younger son, took hold of this opportunity, with his domestics, of which he had a great many, who were all of them his friends, on account of the warmth of their youth, and got possession of all the fortresses. He also used the sums of money he found in them to get together a number of mercenary soldiers, and made himself king; and besides this, upon Hyrcanus's complaint to his mother, she compassionated his case, and put Aristobulus's wife and sons under restraint in Antonia, which was a fortress that joined to the north part of the temple. It was, as I have already said, of old called the Citadel; but afterwards got the name of Antonia, when Antony was [lord of the East], just as the other cities, Sebaste and Agrippias, had their names changed, and these given them from Sebastus and Agrippa. But Alexandra died before she could punish Aristobulus for his disinheriting his brother, after she had reigned nine years.
War of the Jews:
Book 1 - Chapter 21
1. ACCORDINGLY, in the fifteenth year of his reign, Herod rebuilt the temple, and encompassed a piece of land about it with a wall, which land was twice as large as that before enclosed. The expenses he laid out upon it were vastly large also, and the riches about it were unspeakable. A sign of which you have in the great cloisters that were erected about the temple, and the citadel which was on its north side. The cloisters he built from the foundation, but the citadel (32) he repaired at a vast expense; nor was it other than a royal palace, which he called Antonia, in honor of Antony.
War of the Jews:
Book 2 - Chapter 15
6. But for the seditious, they were afraid lest Florus should come again, and get possession of the temple, through Antonia; so they got immediately upon those cloisters of the temple that joined to Antonia, and cut them down.
War of the Jews:
Book 2 - Chapter 17
7. But on the next day, which was the fifteenth of the month Lous, [Ab,] they made an assault upon Antonia, and besieged the garrison which was in it two days, and then took the garrison, and slew them, and set the citadel on fire; after which they marched to the palace, whither the king's soldiers were fled, and parted themselves into four bodies, and made an attack upon the walls.
War of the Jews:
Book 5 - Chapter 4
2........The second wall took its beginning from that gate which they called "Gennath," which belonged to the first wall; it only encompassed the northern quarter of the city, and reached as far as the tower Antonia.
2.......It was Agrippa who encompassed the parts added to the old city with this wall, which had been all naked before; for as the city grew more populous, it gradually crept beyond its old limits, and those parts of it that stood northward of the temple, and joined that hill to the city, made it considerably larger, and occasioned that hill, which is in number the fourth, and is called "Bezetha," to be inhabited also. It lies over against the tower Antonia, but is divided from it by a deep valley, which was dug on purpose, and that in order to hinder the foundations of the tower of Antonia from joining to this hill, and thereby affording an opportunity for getting to it with ease, and hindering the security that arose from its superior elevation; for which reason also that depth of the ditch made the elevation of the towers more remarkable.
4.......That fire began at the tower of Antonia, and went on to the palaces, and consumed the upper parts of the three towers themselves.
War of the Jews:
Book 5 - Chapter 5
2........The cloisters [of the outmost court] were in breadth thirty cubits, while the entire compass of it was by measure six furlongs, including the tower of Antonia; those entire courts that were exposed to the air were laid with stones of all sorts.
8. Now as to the tower of Antonia, it was situated at the corner of two cloisters of the court of the temple; of that on the west, and that on the north; it was erected upon a rock of fifty cubits in height, and was on a great precipice; it was the work of king Herod, wherein he demonstrated his natural magnanimity. In the first place, the rock itself was covered over with smooth pieces of stone, from its foundation, both for ornament, and that any one who would either try to get up or to go down it might not be able to hold his feet upon it. Next to this, and before you come to the edifice of the tower itself, there was a wall three cubits high; but within that wall all the space of the tower of Antonia itself was built upon, to the height of forty cubits. The inward parts had the largeness and form of a palace, it being parted into all kinds of rooms and other conveniences, such as courts, and places for bathing, and broad spaces for camps; insomuch that, by having all conveniences that cities wanted, it might seem to be composed of several cities, but by its magnificence it seemed a palace. And as the entire structure resembled that of a tower, it contained also four other distinct towers at its four corners; whereof the others were but fifty cubits high; whereas that which lay upon the southeast corner was seventy cubits high, that from thence the whole temple might be viewed; but on the corner where it joined to the two cloisters of the temple, it had passages down to them both, through which the guard (for there always lay in this tower a Roman legion) went several ways among the cloisters, with their arms, on the Jewish festivals, in order to watch the people, that they might not there attempt to make any innovations; for the temple was a fortress that guarded the city, as was the tower of Antonia a guard to the temple; and in that tower were the guards of those three (14). There was also a peculiar fortress belonging to the upper city, which was Herod's palace; but for the hill Bezetha, it was divided from the tower Antonia, as we have already told you; and as that hill on which the tower of Antonia stood was the highest of these three, so did it adjoin to the new city, and was the only place that hindered the sight of the temple on the north. And this shall suffice at present to have spoken about the city and the walls about it, because I have proposed to myself to make a more accurate description of it elsewhere.
War of the Jews:
Book 6 - Chapter 2
9. In the mean time, the Jews were so distressed by the fights they had been in, as the war advanced higher and higher, and creeping up to the holy house itself, that they, as it were, cut off those limbs of their body which were infected, in order to prevent the distemper's spreading further; for they set the north-west cloister, which was joined to the tower of Antonia, on fire, and after that brake off about twenty cubits of that cloister, and thereby made a beginning in burning the sanctuary; two days after which, or on the twenty-fourth day of the forenamed month, [Panemus or Tamuz,] the Romans set fire to the cloister that joined to the other, when the fire went fifteen cubits farther. The Jews, in like manner, cut off its roof; nor did they entirely leave off what they were about till the tower of Antonia was parted from the temple, even when it was in their power to have stopped the fire; nay, they lay still while the temple was first set on fire, and deemed this spreading of the fire to be for their own advantage. However, the armies were still fighting one against another about the temple, and the war was managed by continual sallies of particular parties against one another.
War of the Jews:
Book 6 - Chapter 5
4. Now if any one consider these things, he will find that God takes care of mankind, and by all ways possible foreshows to our race what is for their preservation; but that men perish by those miseries which they madly and voluntarily bring upon themselves; for the Jews, by demolishing the tower of Antonia, had made their temple four-square, while at the same time they had it written in their sacred oracles, "That then should their city be taken, as well as their holy house, when once their temple should become four-square." But now, what did the most elevate them in undertaking this war, was an ambiguous oracle that was also found in their sacred writings, how," about that time, one from their country should become governor of the habitable earth." The Jews took this prediction to belong to themselves in particular, and many of the wise men were thereby deceived in their determination. Now this oracle certainly denoted the government of Vespasian, who was appointed emperor in Judea. However, it is not possible for men to avoid fate, although they see it beforehand. But these men interpreted some of these signals according to their own pleasure, and some of them they utterly despised, until their madness was demonstrated, both by the taking of their city and their own destruction.
War of the Jews:
Book 7 - Chapter 1
1. NOW as soon as the army had no more people to slay or to plunder, because there remained none to be the objects of their fury, (for they would not have spared any, had there remained any other work to be done,) Caesar gave orders that they should now demolish the entire city and temple, but should leave as many of the towers standing as were of the greatest eminency; that is, Phasaelus, and Hippicus, and Mariamne; and so much of the wall as enclosed the city on the west side. This wall was spared, in order to afford a camp for such as were to lie in garrison, as were the towers also spared, in order to demonstrate to posterity what kind of city it was, and how well fortified, which the Roman valor had subdued; but for all the rest of the wall, it was so thoroughly laid even with the ground by those that dug it up to the foundation, that there was left nothing to make those that came thither believe it had ever been inhabited. This was the end which Jerusalem came to by the madness of those that were for innovations; a city otherwise of great magnificence, and of mighty fame among all mankind. (1)
2. But Caesar resolved to leave there, as a guard, the tenth legion, with certain troops of horsemen, and companies of footmen. So, having entirely completed this war, he was desirous to commend his whole army, on account of the great exploits they had performed, and to bestow proper rewards on such as had signalized themselves therein. He had therefore a great tribunal made for him in the midst of the place where he had formerly encamped, and stood upon it with his principal commanders about him, and spake so as to be heard by the whole army in the manner following:
Speech by Eleazar: The Leader at Masada
War of the Jews:
Book 7 - Chapter 8
7) ........ Where is this city that was believed to have God himself inhabiting therein? It is now demolished to the very foundations, and hath nothing but that monument of it preserved, I mean the camp of those that hath destroyed it, which still dwells upon its ruins; some unfortunate old men also lie upon the ashes of the temple, and a few women are there preserved alive by the enemy, for our bitter shame and reproach. Now who is there that revolves these things in his mind, and yet is able to bear the sight of the sun, though he might live out of danger? Who is there so much his country's enemy, or so unmanly, and so desirous of living, as not to repent that he is still alive? And I cannot but wish that we had all died before we had seen that holy city demolished by the hands of our enemies, or the foundations of our holy temple dug up after so profane a manner.
You are so special!
When God created the atom, He bound it together with a powerful force called the nuclear attraction force. This force is 3 x 10E39 times more powerful than the force of gravity. (3 x 10E39 is written as 3 with 39 zeros after it.)*1
The next time you are discouraged because of a complex and overwhelming problem, remember the atom. Think about the tremendous power God applied to this small object. This same power is available to us when we commit a problem to God.
26 Guards Something to remember when you hear the voice of God calling....
Here's a message that will bring you chills. Have you ever felt the urge to pray for someone and then just put it on a list and said, "I'll pray for them later?" Or has anyone ever called you and said, "I need you to pray for me, I have this need?" Read the following story that was sent to me and may it change the way that you may think about prayer and also the way you pray You will be blessed by this.
A missionary on Furlough told this true story while visiting his home church in Michigan. "While serving at a small field hospital in Africa, every two weeks I traveled by bicycle through the jungle to a nearby city for supplies. This was a journey of two days and required camping overnight at the halfway point.
On one of these journeys, I arrived in the city where I planned to collect money from a bank, purchase medicine and supplies, and then begin my two-day journey back to the field hospital.
Upon arrival in the city, I observed two men fighting, one of whom had been seriously injured. I treated him for his injuries and at the same time talked to him about the Lord. I then traveled two days, camping overnight, and arrived home without incident.
Two weeks later I repeated my journey. Upon arriving in the city, I was approached by the young man I had treated He told me that he had known I carried money and medicines He said, 'Some friends and I followed you into the jungle, knowing you would camp overnight. We planned to kill you and take your money and drugs. But just as we were about to move into your camp, we saw that you were surrounded by 26 armed guards.
At this, I laughed and said that I was certainly all alone in that jungle campsite. The young man pressed the point, however, and said, 'No, sir, I was not the only person to see the guards, my friends also saw them, and we all counted them. It was because of those guards that we were afraid and left you alone.'
At this point in the sermon, one of the men in the congregation jumped to his feet and interrupted the missionary and asked if he could tell him the exact day this happened. The missionary told the congregation the date, and the man who interrupted told him this story: "On the night of your incident in Africa, it was morning here and I was preparing to go play golf. I was about to putt when I felt the urge to pray for you. In fact, the urging of the Lord was so strong; I called men in this church to meet with me here in the sanctuary to pray for you. Would all of those men who met with me on that day stand up?" The men who had met together to pray that day stood up.
The missionary wasn't concerned with who they were, he was too busy counting how many men he saw. There were 26. This story is an incredible example of how the Spirit of the Lord moves in mysterious ways.
If we all take it to heart, we can turn this world toward God once again. As the above true story clearly illustrates, "with God all things are possible" More importantly, how God hears and answers the prayers of the faithful.
After you read this, please pass it on and give God thanks for the beautiful gift of your faith, for the powerful gift of prayer, and for the many miracles He works in your own daily life...and then pass it on.
Who says God does not work in mysterious ways? I asked the Lord to bless you as I prayed for you today. To guide you and protect you as you go along your way.... His love is always with you, His promises are true, And when we give Him our cares you know He will see us through.
So when the road you're traveling on seems difficult at best, just remember I'm here praying, and God will do the rest.
What do Angels Look Like
Author Unknown
Like the little old lady who returned your wallet yesterday.
Like the taxi driver who told you that your eyes light up the world, when you smile.
Like the small child who showed you the wonder in simple things.
Like the poor man who offered to share his lunch with you.
Like the rich man who showed you that it really is all possible, if only you believe.
Like the stranger who just happened to come along, when you had lost your way.
Like the friend who touched your heart, when you didn't think you had one.
Angels come in all sizes and shapes, all ages and skin types.
Some with freckles, some with dimples, some with wrinkles, some without.
They come disguised as friends, enemies teachers, students, lovers and fools.
They don't take life too seriously, they travel light.
They leave no forwarding address, they ask nothing in return.
They are hard to find when your eyes are closed, but when you choose to see, they are everywhere you look.
So, open you eyes and count all your Angels -- for you are truly blessed!
A vacationing businessman was walking along a beach when he saw a young boy. Along the shore were many starfish that had been washed up by the tide and were sure to die before the tide returned. The boy was walked slowly along the shore and occasionally reached down and tossed the beached starfish back into the ocean. The businessman, hoping to teach the boy a little lesson in common sense, walked up to the boy and said, "I have been watching what you are doing, son. You have a good heart, and I know you mean well, but do you realize how many beaches there are around here and how many starfish are dying on every beach every day. Surely such an industrious and kind hearted boy such as yourself could find something better to do with your time. Do you really think that what you are doing is going to make a difference?" The boy looked up at the man, and then he looked down at a starfish by his feet. He picked up the starfish, and as he gently tossed it back into the ocean, he said, "It makes a difference to that one." You too can make a difference ...if you only want to!
A Look at Scripture:
Scripture Research is about to publish a book by Jerry Bernard and as a result, one of the board members, Doug Falk brings up some very well thought out questions. Doug has written much on the Grace of God and if anyone is interested in getting these books, write Scripture Research, PO Box 51716, Riverside, CA 92517. The books will be sent to your address, free of charge. Please take advantage of this wonderful offer and ask for Doug's books on Grace.
Doug writes:
I have been considering Jerry's paper, and I find that it raises some interesting questions in my mind. I keep reading the passage in John 20, and I am not sure exactly what is happening. When John entered the tomb he 'believed', but what exactly did he believe? The next verse says that as of yet, they did not understand that Christ must raise from the dead. Now, this could be read two ways, and I am not sure the Greek would differentiate between the two. One could read this as: "as of yet they did not believe, but now they did believe" (what Jerry is proposing), or "that they still did not believe about Christ raising from the dead, even though they saw the empty tomb" (but they would believe at a future time). If John did in fact believe that Christ rose, would we not expect him to yell it from the top of his voice, especially to Peter and Mary? From the record it does not even appear that he mentioned this to Mary, who was right there and who in fact came and got him because "they had taken his body". For Mary was still very ignorant of the fact of His resurrection after John left, for she thought Christ was the gardener, and even previous to this, the angels had no effect on her. Jerry writes: "John did not visit any other tomb. He questioned no one about the situation. He believed and had no patience to wait around for the realization of truth to dawn for Peter. It was time to spread the good news." I am not so sure of this. Are we to think that John did not mention even to Peter and Mary the good news? But the scripture says: "Then the disciples went (together since plural) away again unto their own home." This does not seem to fit well. I must say that all of this raises more questions as to what exactly was believed and when was it believed. (note: this whole question of 'believing', of what exactly was believed and when was it believed, is perhaps the wrong angle, for once again it places the emphasis on humanity and not Christ). Through the rest of the article, is Jerry saying that no salvation occurred until the return of Christ? I am not sure. In which case none was 'saved' until later.....? In Christ, Doug
Jerry replies:
After hearing that the body of Jesus was taken from the tomb, "the two" (Peter and John) "ran together" (John 20:4) in eagerness to reach the empty tomb of Jesus. "Outran Peter" is used in Luke 19;4 where John ran ahead more swiftly (John 13;27) than Peter. In other words, John won the race. Then "stooping and looking in" (parakupsas), they both saw the linen cloth (John 19:40). This is the important fact that must not be missed in this passage. John notices this fact at once. If the body had been removed, these clothes would have gone also. The thieves would not stay long enough to take the burial clothes from the body and fold them neatly to the side. They would have just stolen the body with everything else. John's timid nature made him pause (yet, mentoi, however). Peter impulsively went on in and beholds (theorei) the napkin in a separate place, "rolled up" (entetuligmenon). The Greek gives us the perfect passive participle predicate accusative = to wrap in, to roll up, already in Matthew 27:59 and Luke 23;53. It was arranged in an orderly fashion. This means that there was no haste. "By itself" (chris) is an old adverb, "apart," "separately." "Then therefore" (tote oun)... After Peter in time and influenced by the boldness of Peter, John "saw and believed" (kai eidn kai episteusen). Both aorist active indicative - second and first). Peter saw more with his eyes after he entered than John did in his first glance, but John saw with his mind into the meaning of it all better than Peter. Peter had more eye sight, John more insight. This is John's own record of him being the first to believe that Jesus was risen from the tomb, even before he saw Him physically. According to Luke 24;12 Peter went away "wondering" still what it all meant. The Sinaitic Syriac and 69 and 124 wrongly read here "they believed." John was evidently proud to be able to record this great moment when he believed without seeing the risen Lord, in contrast to Thomas (20:29) seeing Him and placing his finger on the scars and wounded side. Also, Peter and John did not see the angels. "For" (gar) "the Scripture" (ten graphen) was talking about Psalms 16:10. Jesus had repeatedly foretold his resurrection, but that was all forgotten in the great sorrow on their hearts. Only the chief priests and Pharisees recalled the words of Jesus (Matthew 27:62). Then the scriptures say, "unto their own home" (pros hautous). Actually, this means "to themselves." Luke 24:12 has pros hauton about Peter ("to his home"). This use of the reflective pronoun for home (literally, "to themselves") is like what occurs in Josephus (Ant. VII. 4,6). John had taken the mother of Jesus to his home (19:27) and so he now hurries home to tell her the glorious news as what he believed to be the truth of Him. Her Son was now alive, not stolen like Mary Magdalene has reported.
It stood near the end of a country lane,
It had been there a good hundred years;
It stood in tribute to both joy and pain,
Well washed in those two kinds of tears.
When first it was built and God-sanctified,
It was filled with His love and His grace;
And over the years, God was so satisfied,
It became a most highly blest place.
It had not been in use for a very long time,
And around it, new buildings had sprung;
It now served as a target for mischief and crime,
And was defiled by the thoughtless and young.
The billboard went up on a Saturday night,
That's when church socials used to regale;
The sign was so big it near covered the site,
I am sure you will find just the man God wants you to have if you are sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. I have found that so many churches want one to fit into the mold of their own making. Most churches have a perfect pastor in mind. A recent survey has compiled all the qualities that people expect from the perfect pastor:
Results of a computerized survey indicated that the perfect pastor preaches exactly 12 minutes.
He frequently condemns sin but never upsets anyone.
He works from 8 a.m. until midnight and is also a janitor.
He makes $60 a week, wears good clothes, buys good books, drives a good car, and gives about $80 a week to the poor.
He is 28 years of age, but he's been preaching for 30 years.He is wonderfully gentle and handsome.
He gives himself completely but never gets too close to anyone to avoid criticism.
He speaks boldly on social issues, but must never become politically involved.
He has a burning desire to work with teenagers, but he spends all his time with senior citizens.
He makes 15 daily calls to parish families, visits shut-ins and the hospitalized, spends all his time evangelizing the unchurched, and is always in his office when needed.
Well you know what? (All in unison "What Dennis?") I am not that guy! God has called me to 2 things to teach [sola scriptura] and preach [verse by verse] and to do that I need to do 2 things study and pray. I also like to bring others into a relationship with our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. I spend my ministry with not only the adults but the forgotten members of the fellowship {Pastors Pals ages toddler to 12 years} We have a time of fellowship before we feed the "big people" ! I also spend time with the teens (after all their next in line for your place in the pew).
In other words beloved of God according to 2 Tim 2:2 "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also." is my Fathers' guidance to me. I have no doubt that you will find the man you want. as for me I am just One beggar showing another beggar where to find bread.
In His name,
Rev. Dennis Callahan
It happened in the vestibule
At ten one Sunday morn;
A haggard-looking church-goer
Sat plaintive and forlorn.
Then suddenly he rose and found
A hungry-looking Christian;
He took his hand, took him aside,
And asked him a straight question:
“You’ve read the Word; you know the Book;
The promises are clear.
But have you seen the living God?
Have you found Him here?
Have you experienced holy fire
The Spirit in His power,
A mighty wave, a rushing wind,
A flame that does devour?
Is there something more you’re seeking,
So high, so wide, so deep?
Do you find yourself frustrated?
Is church putting you to sleep?
Then listen well, your heart is ripe;
My tale I will tell.
This story is your story too,
And it’s your tale as well.
For thirty years I’ve been in church,
It seemed like a good show.
But now I’ve got to meet with God --
Do you know where to go?
I’m trapped in mundane worship times,
The praises have grown cold;
The preaching’s dry and dusty,
The teaching stale like mold!
Each service feels like a rerun,
The songs all sound the same;
The prophecies are so hollow --
Not worthy of the name!
Words, more words -- they’re everywhere,
But oh there is a stink!
Words, more words -- they’re everywhere,
But none to make us think!
We lack the heavenly Presence,
It’s clear we’re in a rut;
I’m desperate for revival --
It burns within my gut!
I’m love-sick for my Jesus,
So hungry for my Lord;
Just longing for my Savior;
God knows that I’m so bored!
Is there someone who can help me,
Who’s touched the real thing?
A man who’s heard from heaven --
With a word from God to bring?
Are there prophets burning with fire,
Servants who are ablaze?
Anointed and overflowing,
Appointed for these days?
Do they carry the Spirit’s burden,
And breathe the Lord God’s breath?
Are they set apart and holy,
Obedient to death?
I hear the words of the Master,
‘Come follow Me,’ He said.
If some Christians go their own way;
I’ll go with Him instead!
Oh please, don’t do as I have done,
And waste so many years.
Don’t wait and wait for endless months;
Move on! Outgrow your fears!
Forget the twelve step programs;
A seminar won’t do.
You need a touch from heaven,
To fill you through and through.
There must be change in your life --
A work of God that’s real.
Don’t fool yourself with worn clichés --
Don’t let the devil steal!
Don’t miss out on God’s presence
Or let these hours pass;
Don’t stop your soul from hungering;
Get out of the morass!
Dear friend, you are not crazy;
Dear saint, you are not mad;
There really is a problem,
It’s true, you have been had!
There’s more! There’s more! Believe it!
There is that place in God.
There are holy visitations,
New paths that must be trod.
Will you get up like old Pilgrim,
And seek that better way?
Will you go forth on that journey
No matter what men say?
Will you go out now and meet Him,
And leave the crowd behind,
Forsaking dead traditions,
If Jesus you will find?
It’s not in another meeting,
A nicely packaged hour;
Another harmless service,
Devoid of heaven’s power.
It’s not in another teaching,
Three points to fill your head.
The Word is always vibrant;
But this stuff is so dead!
We need God to send His Spirit,
To fully take control,
To transform every member,
To come and make them whole!
Enough with man’s religion;
Enough with earthly plans;
Enough with our new programs;
Produced by fleshly hands.”
Just then in strode the pastor
His calling to fulfill;
Just doing his weekly duty --
Then he became frozen still.
For astir was that parishioner
He grasped the preacher’s clothes,
And grasped the preacher’s soul as well --
And in that grasp he froze.
“Oh pastor, enter the prayer room
And shut yourself inside.
Be emptied of competition,
And crucify your pride!
Pray for holy visitations,
Caught up alone with Him,
Consumed with heavenly vision --
That’s where you must begin!
You won’t find Him in a textbook,
Buried on page twenty-two.
He is the living God who acts --
He wants to move in you!
It’s not only the ‘apostles’
He’ll bless and send and use;
He will saturate your own soul,
If you will not refuse.
So arise, get up, pursue Him,
Jesus your true best Friend!
He is worthy of devotion,
He’s faithful to the end!
Why should you starve on crusty bread,
And crawl along the ground?
Your Savior is your source of life,
Seek Him, let joy abound!
Renew your life, refresh your heart,
Press in, take hold, pray through.
Put first things first, make God your goal;
What else have you to do?
Your Bible schooling stole your zeal,
Church life has drained you dry;
You used to have such childlike faith,
Now budgets have your eye!
You used to be so passionate,
So innocent and free
Now you’ve become professional;
You’ll preach for a good fee!
Oh, set your sights on higher goals
And not on dollar bills.
Live in the light of Judgment Day;
Ambition always kills!
Let Jesus be your daily Guide,
Put Him where He belongs;
And soon His presence will arrive;
His praise will fill your songs!
Simplicity will be your style,
Devotion your new goal;
Communion will become your aim,
God’s life will flood your soul!
Oh, take your eyes off numbers,
Church growth can be a trap!
Go out and make disciples.
Go out and bridge the gap!
Pour your life out for broken lives --
Let God your heart break too.
Take up the cross, deny yourself;
Just live His will to do!
Wake up, be brave, be honest;
Today -- oh hear His voice!
Be ruthless with your schedule;
Seek GOD. Make that your choice.
You won’t find Him in your planner,
No committee has the key.
You’ll find Him when your soul cries out,
‘There must be more for me!’
‘There must be more than building funds,
And sessions past midnight,
And endless talks with leadership,
Disputing who is right.
Somehow I know I’ve been misled;
The model doesn’t work.
I’m not called as an executive,
Nor should I be a clerk.
I’m called to be a man of God,
A man who’s Spirit led,
A healer of the sick and lame
Someday to raise the dead!’
And with that cry new life will rise,
Your heart will be revived;
Heaven’s light will flood your soul --
You will not be denied!”
The parishioner then turned his gaze
Away from flesh and blood:
He looked to Him who sends the showers,
To Him who sends the flood.
“Today, O Lord, do hear our voice,
And pour Your Spirit out.
Saturate the thirsty ground.
End this spiritual drought!
Revive us with Your Presence,
Renew us from above;
Touch the flock called by Your name;
Come fill us with Your love!
Do greater works in our day,
Than that which You have done.
Bring the fullness of Your rains,
And glorify Your Son!”
That old church-goer spoke no more.
Another voice was heard.
Yet not the voice of flesh and blood:
It was our Father’s word.
And if you listen closely,
Beyond this little rhyme,
You’ll hear Him speaking clearly:
“My children, it is time.”
Where I Met Jesus
Bessie can still remember
Like it was yesterday
She watched her husband, Oliver
Kneel in the church and pray
That was what she had been hoping for
Still she was so surprised
Was that a glow upon his face
Or just the tears in her eyes
He’d always been a quiet man
Everyone saw the change
Reaching to take a stranger’s hand
Asking to know their name
Sunday mornings they’d be in church
And after the pastor prayed
Year after year with a voice so dear
Bessie would hear him say
"This is where I met Jesus
I heard him calling my name
I was so glad to meet Him
He was so glad I came"
Oh, how she misses Oliver
Now that she lives alone
One night while they were sound asleep
The angels took her love home
Oh, how she cried, there were no goodbyes
It seemed he was gone so soon
Then one night she heard his voice
When she walked into their room
"This is where I met Jesus
I heard him calling my name
I was so glad to meet Him
He was so glad I came"
Bessie... one day you’ll do the same
A Parable
A Mouse looked through the
crack in the wall to see the farmer
and his wife opening a package.
"What food might this contain?"
He was devastated to discover
it was a mousetrap.
Retreating to the farmyard,
the mouse proclaimed the warning.
"There is a mousetrap in the house!;
there Is a mousetrap in the house!"
The chicken clucked and scratched,
raised her head and said,
"Mr. Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern
to you, but it is of no consequence
to me. I cannot be bothered by it."
The mouse turned to the pig and told him,
"There is a mousetrap in the house".
The pig sympathized but said,
"I am so very sorry Mr.. Mouse,
But there is nothing I can do about it
but pray. Be assured that you are in
my prayers."
The mouse turned to the cow.
She said, "Wow, Mr.. Mouse. I'm sorry
for you. But it's no skin off my nose."
So the mouse returned to the house,
head down and dejected, to face the
farmer's mousetrap alone.
That very night a sound was heard
throughout the house like the sound
of a mousetrap catching its prey.
The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught.
In the darkness she did not see that it was a
venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught.
The snake bit the farmer's wife.
The farmer rushed her to the hospital
and she returned home with a fever.
Now everyone knows you treat a fever with
fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his
hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's
main ingredient.
But his wife's sickness continued,
so friends and neighbors came to sit
with her around the clock. To feed them,
the farmer butchered the pig.
The farmer's wife did not get well.
She died; And so many people came
for her funeral the farmer had the cow
slaughtered to provide enough meat
for all of them.
So next time you hear that someone is
facing a problem and think that it doesn't
concern you, remember that when one of
us is threatened, we are all at risk.
In the book of Genesis, Cain said
about Able his brother to our God:
"Am I my brother's keeper?".
We are all involved in this journey called life.
We must keep an eye out for one another and
be willing to make that extra effort to encourage
one another.
Nobody makes the journey alone
Gentle reader,
As long as I am in the states I might as well come by foir a visit and drink your coffee! If you read my other blog dr. Dennis journal you know a bit about me. Well I am now in the Mid west and looking for a place to settle. What would you say to me stoping by and maybe saying a few words to your group? I can be funny and serious at thesame time. Right Just what you need another preacher (See I read minds too) Anyway invite me and maybe You to can have a bit of the Irish nearby.
The doctrine of sola scriptura, simply stated, is that the Scriptures and the Scriptures alone are sufficient to function as the regula fide, the "rule of faith" for the Church. All that one must believe to be a Christian is found in Scripture and in no other source. That which is not found in Scripture is not binding upon the Christian conscience.
Could you explain the significance of the name Sola Scriptura?
The name Sola Scriptura is Latin and means Scripture Alone. Sola Scriptura was one of the five rallying cries of the Protestant Reformation. The other four being (Faith Alone), Sola Gratia (Grace Alone), Solus Christus (Christ Alone) and Soli Deo Gloria (To God Alone be the Glory). Of the five Solas, Sola Scriptura best encapsulates the heart throb of the European Reformers. A key question posed by Martin Luther was, what is the final and ultimate authority for life, faith and worship? Has God given a sufficient and final decree through which all activities of human existence are to conform? Or does the Church along with tradition have the right and authority to impose binding legislation upon the hearts and minds of people, even when such legislation clearly violates Scripture? We hold that the Bible and the Bible alone is the only ultimate and reliable source of God's personal revelation to mankind. While creeds and tradition serve to explain, summarize and demonstrate the central core of the Bible, they are only secondary authorities, subservient to the ultimate authority found in Scripture Alone.
Your Laws Ignore Our Deepest Needs
Thursday, May 27, 1999, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton, Colorado, was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee's sub-committee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful. The following is a portion of the transcript:
Since the dawn of creation there has been both good and evil in the heart of men and women. We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence. The death of my wonderful daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, and the deaths of that heroic teacher, and the other eleven children who died must not be in vain. Their blood cries out for answers. The first recorded act of violence was when Cain slew his brother Abel out in the field. The villain was not the club he used. Neither was it the NCA, the National Club Association. The true killer was Cain, and the reason for the murder could only be found in Cain's heart.
In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I was amazed at how quickly fingers began to be pointed at groups such as the NRA. I am not a member of the NRA. I am not a hunter. I do not even own a gun. I am not here to represent or defend the NRA - because I don't believe that they are responsible for my daughter's death. Therefore I do not believe that they need to be defended. If I believed they had anything to do with Rachel's murder I would be their strongest opponent. I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy - it was a spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies! Much of the blame lies here in this room. Much of the blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the accusers themselves.
I wrote a poem just four nights ago that expresses my feelings best. This was written way before I knew I would be speaking here today.
"Your laws ignore our deepest needs
Your words are empty air
You've stripped away our heritage
You've outlawed simple prayer
Now gunshots fill our classrooms
And precious children die
You seek for answers everywhere
And ask the question "Why"
You regulate restrictive laws
Through legislative creed
And yet you fail to understand
That God is what we need!"
Men and women are three-part beings. We all consist of body, soul, and spirit. When we refuse to acknowledge a third part of our make-up, we create a void that allows evil, prejudice, and hatred to rush in and wreck havoc. Spiritual influences were present within our educational systems for most of our nation's history. Many of our major colleges began as theological seminaries. This is a historical fact. What has happened to us as a nation?
We have refused to honor God, and in doing so, we open the doors to hatred and violence. And when something as terrible as Columbine's tragedy occurs - politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA. They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that contribute to erode away ourpersonal and private liberties.
We do not need more restrictive laws. Eric and Dylan would not have been stopped by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre. The real villain lies within our own hearts. Political posturing and restrictive legislation are not the answers. The young people of our nation hold the key. There is a spiritual awakening taking place that will not be squelched!
We do not need more religion. We do not need more gaudy television evangelists spewing out verbal religious garbage. We do not need more million dollar church buildings built while people with basic needs are being ignored. We do need a change of heart and an humble acknowledgment that this nation was founded on the principle of simple trust in God!
As my son Craig lay under that table in the school library and saw his two friends murdered before his very eyes - He did not hesitate to pray in school. I defy any law or politician to deny him that right! I challenge every young person in America, and around the world, to realize that on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School - prayer was brought back to our schools.
Do not let the many prayers offered by those students be in vain. Dare to move into the new millennium with a sacred disregard for legislation that violates your God - given right to communicate with Him. To those of you who would point your finger at the NRA - I give to you a sincere challenge. Dare to examine your own heart before casting the first stone! My daughter's death will not be in vain. The young people of this country will not allow that to happen!
"Dying, thou shalt die"
[Genesis 2:17]. The "Garden of Eden" was a place of provision and protection for Adam and Eve. They were fragile, living in virtual paradise, enjoying the sanctuary of friendly intercourse with God until one afternoon a fascinating creature visited the garden in Eden to challenge the couple about the subject of "death." He was the most skillful of creatures. He moved gracefully and spoke as a minister of light, with much authority. His ancient Hebrew name was Nachash, the shinning serpent. This profound legion does not tell us "Why" or "How" he came into the protected and hallowed area of the garden. However, his visit made a dreadful impact upon the young couple.
The shinning visitor somehow understood the effects of powerful persuasion. He used questions in his conversation with the young couple. He questioned their understanding of God's wishes concerning the two trees and Eve fell for the questioner's misrepresentation. At that moment, when Eve ate of the tree, Adam chose not to loose his wife and lover in this stratagem of the Shinning One. So, Adam also took the plunge with her, not caring what happened afterward.
As a result, the outrageous conduct of disobedience effected all Adam's children and their children and their children in an unfortunate manner. The warning from God was that "in the day that you eat of it.dying, you shall die." Adam should have taken his eyes off of this tree and tended firstly to the voice of God. For obedience to God should have been the superior goal. Wisdom must always follow obedience, not develop in disobedience and the rejection of God's instruction. However, Adam disregarded divine guidance and caused a consequential forfeiture of protection and admittance to "tree of life" for him and his future families.
After God told Adam that he would die in the day that he ate of the tree, the shinning Nachash told the young pair that they would not die. Now, we must ask, from whom was truth told, God or Nachash? If God spoke to them of physical death, He lied. For they did not die physically in that day. If Nachash spoke to them of physical death he did not lie. So, for us to keep the record straight as to who told the truth and understand the kind of death, of which God spoke, this death must be "spiritual" or in some way different from physical death. It must be, in order for God to be true and for Nachash to be the father of lies.
It is apparent that Adam and Eve did not physically die during the crucial "evening and morning" of their defiant conduct. Had that happened, there would have been no lineage from Adam or a "kinsman redeemer" to repair the dilemma. However, we can say, without any stretch of the imagination, that from the day that Adam chose to disobey God, he became and was classified spiritually as "a dead man walking."
Adam and Eve partook of "the knowledge of good and evil" and were unable to handle the newly gained knowledge. They saw themselves naked and in defiance to God's noble request. This caused them to hide from God. The wisdom of maturity leads to fellowship with God, not into hiding. Somehow, the action of Adam proved that he was not mature enough to handle "the knowledge of good and evil." He should have waited for God to give it to him later, at the proper moment in maturity.
Adam was immediately altered by the invasion of this unwelcome curse and was locked into being "mortal," eventually dying physically. Mortality was caused by a simple disobedience to God's revealed authority. Mortality is the absence of the life of God. We will later find out about living without life.
The Hebrew wording of the warning to Adam was, "Dying, you shall be slain (future / infinity)." This judgment changed Adam and Eve's biological and spiritual makeup. They became sinners out side of God's presence and blessing. They became poisoned mortals, spiritually separated from God (dead) and waiting to be killed physically. They were also rent asunder from the "Tree of Life," which would have given them a new quality of life, called elsewhere in scripture, eternal life. They also lost the protection of the Garden, the place they met with God. Their God was now dealing with them in a far different way than He did at the first.
The fitting sentence of "death" took effect immediately upon the pair in their breach of the divine command and was also an absolute spiritual disaster for their forthcoming families. We have come to understand that the spiritual "death" that encased Adam's "soul" was a calamity, infinitely greater than the natural death of all other living creatures.
In the very beginning, God had fellowship with Adam and Eve as He walked and talked with them as friends. However, He warned Adam that trying to be like God, in order to know good and evil would bring the sentence of "death" or spiritual separation exclusively upon him as a divine and severe punishment.
Therefore, we conclude that this "death" was not an original component in the formation of Adam. Adam could choose this kind of "death" as well as the special "life" that the "tree of life" represented. Even though he lived some 930 years, he was barred from the "tree of life." This addition to physical life and death was imposed upon him and was the consequence of his disobedience to God's direct instruction to him. This "death" was a harsh penalty for him and a horrible tragedy to be visited upon his descendants. "In the day that you eat" did not extend to 930 years down the road of time. Adam died during the "evening and morning" of the day that Eve handed him the enticing fruit of the tree of "the knowledge of good and evil."
The apostle Paul said, "Wherefore, as by one man (Adam) sin entered into the world, and death (entered also) by (riding piggy-back on Adam's) sin; and so (the result being) death passed upon all men." This "death" was not exclusively physical because Adam was already living in and susceptible to the hazards and conditions of life. This "death" had a very devastating and spiritual implication. God is Spirit and humanity must worship Him in a spiritual way. Man must also walk in the spirit if he is to please the Spirit/God.
Therefore, this "death" was a judgment for Adam to be separated from the spiritual life source and fellowship with God. What happened to Adam (spiritually) that day, soon became a physical reality in being kicked out of the garden, the place of fellowship with God.
The cautious thinker will soon see that spiritual death was Adam's genuine misfortune and it was to be reversed without eliminating the physical consequence. The student will also observe that Jesus was the only one who was ever promised that His flesh would not suffer decay. He was the only one who was without sin. The miraculous birth of Christ removed Him from the "death" that was attached to Adam's descendants. This spiritual "death" was no help in men not sinning. It seemed to be the greatest encouragement to sin. Everyone sinned because of the sentence of death. Sinfulness still carries physical consequences, even though the Christ has removed the judicial curse of "spiritual death" by way of the Cross.
The apostle Paul tells the Corinthians that in the farmer's storehouse of grain and seeds, one sees that the outer shell of seeds are not preserved or restored to life. The outside naturally dies and decays in the planting. Physical bodies will be subject to that consequence, because they were from dust, mixed with sin.
After AD 70, resurrection life brought immortality to light and was then and still is present in us before we ever meet physical death. This new condition is because the inside of the seed was given immortality at the presence of Christ in AD 70. Today individuals rise into heaven in a new body. This will happen only after the outer shell of the seed dies. Mortals are not raised, immortals are. If the Immortal God abides in man, though a man dies, yet shall he live again?
As "death passed upon all men," all men find themselves sinning and actively hiding from a good God. The breach of one man's sin brought an immense alienation from the invisible friend of heaven. The invasion of this "death" upon humanity carried with it no joy, blessing or hope. It was totally a physical and spiritual isolation from God and His blessings. It was the ultimate dismissal or removal of humanity from fellowship with the all wise Spirit of the Living God.
The invasion of this "death" was not like the natural process with the "hazard factor" of death among "the whole creation." For natural death was not a punishment upon the animal and plant domains. How could plant life be sustained when animals needed to eat the plants for their sustenance? Plants die in the natural process of feeding animals. It is a hazard factor. Yet, it is natural to life. Animals would die if they could not eat the plant life. This was the normal process of life and death. Life included physical death.
The invasion of the "death" penalty was a dreadful tragedy for Adam's sinless unborn children. We see this same scenario throughout the history of Israel in the Bible. It is echoed again in Isaiah 24 through 27, which was a prophecy of universal judgment, in which God condemned all nations of the earth. As also in the story of Noah's flood, God condemns the earth as well as the nations in it. The cosmic upheaval for earth continues in verse 23. In Isaiah 34, the land was punished as well as the people. We notice again that in Joshua 7:1 that Israel sinned even though the crime was Achan's, and that God's anger was directed toward all of Israel. When the sin of Achan was discovered, not only was he put to death, but his sons and daughters and his livestock were as well. All of his belongings were also destroyed. It was only then that God's anger was appeased.
As sin/death entered the human race through Adam's disobedience, it became a spiritual matter that must be spiritually dealt with by the power of the one and only Holy Spirit. It then became evident that God would cancel the power of "death" and lovingly reverse it into a spiritual resurrection, i.e., and a metamorphosis by the righteous action of an immortal other.
The new question for humanity was: Which descendant of Eve would be qualified to become the supreme sacrifice to bring eternal life and immortality to humanity through the anti-type, "tree of life"?
If the first Adam had been created as a mortal, the sentence of natural death would not have been so alarming. For all mortals would automatically die sooner or later. How would the sentence of physical death threaten or exchange anything for the mortal, for whom death naturally comes eventually? However, if Adam were created immortal, his fusion with "death" would have been an intolerable punishment of something he did not already naturally possess in the process of his formation.
When Christ, whom Paul called the second Adam was "made perfect" through suffering, He reached full maturity ("perfect") and became everything the first Adam lost. It was then that the Christ of God relinquished and set aside his joy and possession of immortality when He chose to spiritually die. He renounced the "joy that was set before him" of immortality. No one could take His spiritual life. He gave it by the act of His own will. He lost the delight as He made the choice to sacrifice His immortality upon the cross and embrace spiritual "death" or separation from God by the deliberate act of His own free will.
When upon the cross the Lord cried, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" God abandoned His Son. This was "the death" that wiped away the immortality of the Christ. Only God could give Christ immortality again. It would be in calling him forth from death into immortality or the deathless presence with God, His Father. For three days Christ was in hell as a mortal without spiritual life. He was separated from his Father and God in this death. It was physical. However, it was much more. It was the dreaded and frightful spiritual death. Then on the third day, God gave immortality to His son. And this immortality brought Him to life and was promised to all when resurrection and the Parousia or Presence arrived.
The first Adam was created in the image and likeness of God, Who possessed "immortality, (as He was) dwelling in the light, which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see." Had Adam not sinned, he and Eve might have lived (without experiencing the "hazard factor") to meet the second Adam face to face.
Ten Guidelines From God
Effective Immediately,
please be aware that there are changes YOU need
to make in YOUR life. These changes need to be
completed in order that I may fulfill My promises
to you to grant you peace, joy and happiness in
this life. I apologize for any inconvenience,
but after all that I am doing, this seems very
little to ask of you. Please, follow
these 10 guidelines
Life has dealt you a blow and all you do is sit
and worry. Have you forgotten that I am here
to take all your burdens and carry them for you?
Or do you just enjoy fretting over every little
thing that comes your way?
Something needs done or taken care of. Put it
on the list. No, not YOUR list. Put it on MY
to-do-list. Let ME be the one to take care
of the problem. I can't help you until you turn
it over to Me. And although My to-do-list
is long, I am after all... God. I can take care
of anything you put into My hands. In fact,
if the truth were ever really known, I take
care of a lot of things for you that you never
even realize.
Once you've given your burdens to Me,
quit trying to take them back. Trust in
Me. Have the faith that I will take care of
all your needs, your problems and your trials.
Problems with the kids? Put them on My list.
Problem with finances? Put it on My list.
Problems with your emotional roller coaster
For My sake, put it on My list. I want to
help you. All you have to do is ask.
Don't wake up one morning and say,
"Well, I'm feeling much stronger now, I think
I can handle it from here." Why do you think
you are feeling stronger now? It's simple.
You gave Me your burdens and I'm taking
care of them. I also renew your strength
and cover you in my peace. Don't you
know that if I give you these problems back,
you will be right back ! where you started?
Leave them with Me and forget about
them. Just let Me do my job.
I want you to forget a lot of things.
Forget what was making you crazy.
Forget the worry and the fretting because
you know I'm in control. But there's one
thing I pray you never forget. Please, don't
forget to talk to Me - OFTEN! I love YOU!
I want to hear your voice. I want you to
include Me in on the things going on in your life.
I want to hear you talk about your friends
and family. Prayer is simpl! y you having
a conversation with Me. I want to be your
dearest friend.
I see a lot of things from up here that you
can't see from where you are. Have faith in
Me that I know what I'm doing. Trust Me;
you wouldn't want the ! view from My eyes.
I will continue to care for you, watch over you,
and meet your needs. You only have to trust Me.
Although I have a much bigger task than you,
it seems as if you have so much trouble just
doing your simple part How hard can trust be?
You were taught to share when you were
only two years old. When did you forget?
That rule still applies. Share with those who are
less fortunate than you. Share your joy with
those who need encouragement. Share your
laughter with those who haven't heard any in
such a long time. Share your tears with those
who have forgotten how to cry. Share your faith
with those who have none.
I managed to fix it so in just one lifetime
you could have so many diverse experiences.
You grow from a child to an adult, have children,
change jobs many times, learn many trades,
travel to so many places, meet thousands
of people, and experience so much. How can
you be so impatient then when it takes Me
a little longer than you expect to handle
something on My to-do-list? Trust in My
timing, for My timing is perfect. Just
because I created the entire universe in
only six days, everyone thinks I should
always rush, rush, rush.
Be kind to others, for I love them just
as much as I love you. They may not dress
like you, or talk like you, or live the same way
you do, but I still love you all. Please try
to get along, for My sake. I created each
of you different in some way. It would be
too boring if you were all identical.
Please, know I love each of your differences.
As much as I love you, how can you not
love yourself? You were created by me for
one reason only -- to be loved, and to love
in return. I am a God of Love. Love Me.
Love your neighbors. But also love yourself.
It makes My heart ache when I see you
so angry with yourself when things go
wrong. You are very precious to me.
Don't ever forget.....
I hope that you will be blessed by
this and will share it with others.
Touch someone with your love.
Rather than focus upon the thorns of life,
smell the roses and count your blessings!
"Christianity is not a series of truths in the plural, but rather truth spelled with a capital "T." Truth about total reality, not just about religious things. Biblical Christianity is Truth concerning total reality - and the intellectual holding of that total Truth and then living in the light of that Truth." Francis Schaeffer
And A Meadow Lark Sang
"The child whispered, 'God, speak to me'
And a meadow lark sang.
The child did not hear.
So the child yelled, 'God, speak to me!'
And the thunder rolled across the sky
But the child did not listen.
The child looked around and said,
'God let me see you' and a star shone brightly
But the child did not notice.
And the child shouted,
'God show me a miracle!'
And a life was born but the child did not know.
So the child cried out in despair,
'Touch me God, and let me know you are here!'
Whereupon God reached down
And touched the child.
But the child brushed the butterfly away
And walked away unknowingly."
In Him Are Hid All the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge
Colossians 2:3 One reason to admire and trust Jesus above all other persons is that he knows more than anyone else. He knows all people thoroughly, their hearts and their thoughts. "He knew all men" (John 2:24). "You, Lord, . . . know the hearts of all men" (Acts 1:24). "And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, 'Why are you thinking evil in your hearts?'" (Matthew 9:4). There is no one who perplexes Jesus. No thought or action is unintelligible to him. He knows its origin and end. The most convoluted psychotic and the most abstruse genius are open and laid bare to his understanding. He understands every motion of their minds.
Jesus not only knows all people thoroughly as they were and are today, he also knows what people will think and do tomorrow. He knows all things that will come to pass. "Jesus, [knew] all the things that were coming upon Him" (John 18:4). On the basis of this knowledge, he foretold numerous things that his friends and enemies would do. "[Jesus said] 'There are some of you who do not believe.' For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, and who it was that would betray Him" (John 6:64). "From now on," he said, "I am telling you before it comes to pass, so that when it does occur, you may believe that I am" (John 13:19). The reason he foretold these things, he explains, is so that we might know that "he is" - is what? That he is the divine Son of God. "I am" is the name for God in Exodus 3:14 and the designation of deity in Isaiah 43:10. Jesus knows all that will come to pass, and, to help our faith, he says, "Behold, I have told you in advance" (Matthew 24:25).
Jesus simply knows all things. Thus his disciples said, truly, "Now we know that You know all things, and have no need for anyone to question You; by this we believe that You came from God" (John 16:30). The extent of Jesus' knowledge was a compelling warrant for faith in his divine origin. At the end of his time on earth Jesus pressed Peter, "'Simon, son of John, do you love Me?' Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, 'Do you love Me?' And he said to Him, 'Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You' (John 21:17). Peter did not conclude from Jesus' knowledge of his heart that he knew all things; rather he concluded from the omniscience of Jesus that he knew his heart. "You know all things," is a general and unqualified statement that John's gospel presses on our minds.
The greatest thing that can be said of Jesus' knowledge is that he knows God perfectly. We know God partially and imperfectly. Jesus knows him like no other being knows him. He knows him the way an omniscient Person knows himself. "All things have been handed over to Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him" (Matthew 11:27). No one but Jesus knows the Father immediately, completely and perfectly. Our knowledge of the Father depends wholly on Jesus' gracious revelation; it is derivative and partial and imperfect.
Nothing greater can be said about the knowledge of Jesus than that he knows God perfectly. All reality outside God is parochial compared to the infinite Reality that God is. What God has made is like a toy compared to the complexity and depth of what God is. All the sciences that scratch the surface of the created universe are the mere ABCs compared to Christ's exhaustive knowledge of the created universe. And this knowledge of the created universe is as a dewdrop on a blade of grass compared to the ocean of knowledge that Jesus has of the Being of God himself. God is infinite. The universe is finite. Knowledge of the infinite is infinite. Therefore to know God, as Jesus knows God, is to have infinite knowledge.
Therefore let us bow down and worship Jesus Christ. If we are impressed with the scholarship of man and the achievements of scientific knowledge, then let us not play the fool by trumpeting a tiny chirp and ignoring the thunder clap of omniscience. Jesus alone is worthy of our highest admiration. Jesus alone is worthy of our trust. He can show us the Father (Matthew 11:27). He can give us irresistible wisdom (Luke 21:15). He can see how to make all things work together for our good (Romans 8:28). None of his judgments about anything is ever mistaken (John 8:16). He teaches the way of God with infallible truthfulness (Matthew 22:16). Trust him. Admire him. Follow him.
Charles Plumb, a US Naval Academy graduate, was a jet fighter pilot in Vietnam. After 75 combat missions, his plane was destroyed by a surface-to-air missile. Plumb ejected and parachuted into enemy hands. He was captured and spent 6 years in a communist Vietnamese prison. He survived in the ordeal and now lectures on lessons learned from that experience. One day, when Plumb and his wife were sitting in a restaurant, a man at another table came up and said, "You're Plumb! You flew jet fighters in Vietnam from the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk. You were shot down!"
"How in the world did you know that?" asked Plumb. "I packed your parachute" the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man pumped his hand and said, "I guess it worked!" Plumb assured him that it certainly had worked. Plumb couldn't sleep that night, thinking about that man. Plumb says, "I kept wondering what he might have looked like in a Navy uniform: a white hat, a bib in the back, and bell-bottom trousers. I wonder how many times I might have seen him and not even said "Good morning." "How are you?" or anything because, you see, I was a fighter pilot and he was just a sailor.
Plumb thought of the many hours the sailor had spent on the long wooden table in the bowels of the ship, carefully weaving the shrouds and folding the silks of each chute, holding in his hands each time, the fate of someone he didn't know. Now, Plumb asks his audience, "Who's packing your parachute?" Everyone has someone who provides what he or she needs to make it through the day. Plumb also points out that he needed many kinds of parachutes when his plane was shot down over enemy territory -- he needed his physical parachute, his mental parachute, his emotional parachute, and his spiritual parachute. He called on all these supports before reaching safety. Sometimes in the daily challenges that life gives us, we miss what is really important. We may fail to say hello, please, or thank you, congratulate someone on something wonderful that has happened to them, give a compliment, or just do something nice for no reason. As you go through this week, this month, this new year, recognize those people who pack your parachute.
There are times when one just wonders what God is doing in His heaven?STORY NUMBER ONE Many years ago, Al Capone virtually owned Chicago. Capone wasn't famous for anything heroic. He was notorious for enmeshing the windy city in everything from bootlegged booze and prostitution to murder.
Capone had a lawyer nicknamed "Easy Eddie." He was his lawyer for a good reason. Eddie was very good! In fact, Eddie's skill at legal maneuvering kept Big Al out of jail for a long time. To show his appreciation, Capone paid him very well. Not only was the money big, but also Eddie got special dividends. For instance, he and his family occupied a fenced-in mansion with live-in help and all of the conveniences of the day. The estate was so large that it filled an entire Chicago City block. Eddie lived the high life of the Chicago mob and gave little consideration to the atrocities that went on around him.
Eddie did have one soft spot, however. He had a son that he loved dearly. Eddie saw to it that his young son had the best of everything: clothes, cars and a good education. Nothing was withheld. Price was no object. And, despite his involvement with organized crime, Eddie even tried to teach him right from wrong.
Eddie wanted his son to be a better man than he was. Yet, with all his wealth and influence, there were two things he couldn't give his son; he couldn't pass on a good name and a good example.
One day, Easy Eddie reached a difficult decision. Easy Eddie wanted to rectify wrongs he had done. He decided he would go to the authorities and tell the truth about Al "Scarface" Capone, clean up his tarnished name and offer his son some semblance of integrity. To do this, he would have to testify against the Mob. He knew that the cost would be great, but he testified.
Within the year, Easy Eddie's life ended in a blaze of gunfire on a lonely Chicago Street. But in his eyes, he had given his son the greatest gift he had to offer, at the greatest price he would ever pay. Police removed from his pockets a rosary, a crucifix, a religious medallion and a poem clipped from a magazine.
The poem read: "The clock of life is wound but once. And no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop, at late or early hour. Now is the only time you own. Live, love, toil with a will. Place no faith in time, for the clock may soon be still." STORY NUMBER TWO World War II produced many heroes. One such man was Lieutenant Commander Butch O'Hare. He was a fighter pilot assigned to the aircraft carrier Lexington in the South Pacific.
One day his entire squadron was sent on a mission. After he was airborne, he looked at his fuel gauge and realized that someone had forgotten to top off his fuel tank. He would not have enough fuel to complete his mission and get back to his ship. His flight leader told him to return to the carrier. Reluctantly, he dropped out of formation and headed back to the fleet.
As he was returning to the mother ship he saw something that turned his blood cold, a squadron of Japanese aircraft were speeding their way toward the American fleet.
The American fighters were gone on a sortie, and the fleet was all but defenseless. He couldn't reach his squadron and bring them back in time to save the fleet. Nor could he warn the fleet of the approaching danger.
There was only one thing to do. He must somehow divert them from the fleet. Laying aside all thoughts of personal safety, he dove into the formation of Japanese planes. Wing-mounted 50 caliber's blazed as he charged in, attacking one surprised enemy plane and then another. Butch wove in and out of the now broken formation and fired at as many planes as possible until all his ammunition was finally spent. Undaunted, he continued the assault. He dove at the planes, trying to clip a wing or tail in hopes of damaging as many enemy planes as possible and rendering them unfit to fly. Finally, the exasperated Japanese squadron took off in another direction.
Deeply relieved, Butch O'Hare and his tattered fighter limped back to the carrier. Upon arrival he reported in and related the event surrounding his return. The film from the gun-camera mounted on his plane told the tale. It showed the extent of Butch's daring attempt to protect his fleet. He had in fact destroyed five enemy aircraft.
This took place on February 20, 1942, and for that action Butch became the Navy's first Ace of W.W.II, and the first Naval Aviator to win the Congressional Medal of Honor. A year later Butch was killed in aerial combat at the age of 29. His home town would not allow the memory of this WW II hero to fade, and today, O'Hare Airport in Chicago is named in tribute to the courage of this great man.
So the next time you find yourself at O'Hare International, give some thought to visiting Butch's Memorial displaying his statue and his Medal of Honor. It's located between Terminals 1 and 2.
SO WHAT DO THESE TWO STORIES HAVE TO DO WITH EACH OTHER? Butch O'Hare was Easy Eddie's son. Here is a link with the complete story for those interested.
Something touched my heart as I read this, perhaps it will yours to.
The cell door slammed shut with a reverberating clang, echoing off the dank stone walls. The floor of dirt and straw moved with vermin as rats infested with fleas scurried aside to make room for the new prisoner. God's chosen man had arrived. Joseph was in jail.
In the Bible, Joseph typified a man who rose to the top under pressure. He went from being his father's favorite with a coat of many colors to being a discarded reject sold by his brothers to slave traders. The troubles kept coming. Through it all he kept serving faithfully, remained true to his God, kept his self-respect and his dignity. As a result of God's favor, he went from being a slave to running an empire, from being a reject to being a prince, from humiliation to exaltation in his own lifetime. He also saved his family from starvation while the world around plunged into famine. How could he do that? Easy. the Lord humbled him, trained him, and made him rich.
Joseph wasn't a self-made man. he was a God-chosen man, selected for a purpose. To fulfill his destiny he had to avoid disqualifying himself. He had to stay "in the will" if he was to receive his inheritance. God's word over Joseph had been revealed in dreams but the process of realizing it took time. Until then, the word itself put him to the test.
Read what the Bible has to say: "He sent a man before them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave. They afflicted his feet with fetters, he himself was laid in irons; until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him." Ps 105:17-19 NAS
Who sent this man? God did. How did he send him? Ahead, as a forerunner, and by way of humiliation. He was tested, refined, matured, seasoned, and prepared for greatness by gross situations. To win, you have to endure! Patience and lack of grumbling are required to keep on track. (James 5:9-11) "For you have need of endurance so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised." Heb 10:36 NAS
What about you? Do you have a word from God? Is it testing you? We need to realize that being chosen by God doesn't mean an easy life or fame and fortune as some might think. Instead, it may mean irrational trials, long delays, intense sufferings, and repeated tests of character. As Tevya lamented in the movie Fiddler on the Roof, "God, if we're you're chosen people, why don't you choose someone else?"
A few years ago I sat in a church in Georgia listening to a Bible teacher as he began to speak. All of a sudden the Lord spoke a word into my spirit with such crystal-clear clarity that I thought everyone around could hear it. It resonated with intensity as though thundered from a mountaintop. The words rang out, "Every crown in its first appearing is a crown of thorns!" I sat in shocked silence considering what I had heard.
If we can't wear our painful crown of thorns today, we won't be able to wear the pleasant crown of victory tomorrow. Thank God, Jesus our Savior endured the first crown to receive the latter. (Mark 15:17) He showed the way. Today, we see Jesus crowned with glory and honor, not with humiliation. (Heb 2:9) Is that how you see Jesus?
For Joseph, being chosen by God as a prophet outside the camp meant his own brothers rejected him, he was pushed out of the family, he was sold as a slave, he was accused unfairly, he was placed in prison, seemingly forgotten and abandoned. Yet, even in distress he was able to see by the Spirit and still had accurate prophetic dreams.
Through it all Joseph kept his integrity and kept his faith in God. He faithfully served ungodly captors and pagan leaders with the grace God had given him. He aimed to be a blessing despite his personal difficulties. He never grew bitter. Like his counterpart Daniel who also served pagan kings, nothing negative is recorded in the Bible about either man. Both were marketplace prophets walking out divine purpose. By God's gifts, Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dreams and averted a disaster for Egypt and saved his own family. The dreams he interpreted for others caused his own dreams to be fulfilled!
Today the Lord is distributing great grace to many members of the Body of Christ, not to preachers in the pulpit. In fact, he is investing the greater riches of his grace in chosen anonymous vessels! Sadly, many leaders promote a kind of church life that keeps grace, truth, and God's power locked away behind closed religious doors. We need to take God's grace outside the safety of the sanctuary. Grace isn't meant to be celebrated in a sanitary environment-- it is meant to explode on sinners! Like an electrical current, power has to run to ground. God uses ordinary people, not religious professionals, to do this work. He equips them to be channels for his miracles and mercy. If the vessel is truly chosen, it has to go through a purifying fire. But what is this amazing grace we carry?
The New Testament Greek word for grace is charis. It means more than mercy- it means unmerited favor. It means God's power at work in us who believe. It is unearned, never deserved, always based on God's mercy, not our efforts. Like an inheritance, it comes simply by being in the family. For us who believe in Jesus and are partakers of his life, it arrives as a gift because his name is on us and we belong to the Father.
Grace is always a gift of love. (Rom 12:3) It was sealed with the sacrifice on the cross, is received by faith, and is imparted by the Holy Spirit. Grace is free. For it to increase among us, it has to be broken, shared, and distributed to others who need it. You can't be stingy and have grace. Grace hoarded diminishes. Grace given out, increases.
Grace is evidenced by graciousness, not arrogance or legalism. Grace teaches us to live righteously, but it produces mercy in us toward others. (Titus 2:11) Kindness and generosity accompany real grace. It gives with no strings attached, no preconditions, no debt, just love in action. When people with power behave humbly, true grace is shown.
Joseph was mistreated but he didn't repay evil with evil as someone bearing a grudge. He forgave his brothers and gave forth of his treasure to save his family. Could this be the secret to his success? Maybe your setbacks are a setup! Maybe God is watching to see what you will do. Will you curse or bless? Will you respond with a Christ-like attitude?
Have you suffered rejection? Have you been dismissed, displaced, despised, passed over, or treated unfairly? Many who were once on the run-- having kept their faith and self-respect-- are now in the seat of power. Nelson Mandela, the heroic past president of South Africa, went down this pathway. He came out of prison justified, honored by all, and immediately halted all retribution for racial injustice. In America today, God's blessings are resting richly upon Blacks who've moved away from resentment toward reconciliation. Anyone who suffers injustice but forgives is a candidate for God's favor.
Your path to promotion might come through terrible ordeals. You may find yourself locked in the prison of resentment. You may feel like you are wearing a crown of painful thorns. How do you transform your crown of hurt into a crown of honor?
Follow the path of Jesus and be obedient to God no matter what the cost. (Phil 2) Follow Christ's example and forgive your accusers. (Luke 23:34) Pray until you are able to be at peace with your brothers. Go to the throne of grace where a Man sits who has suffered more than you ever could. He can help you! (Heb 4:16)
Jesus experienced the pain of rejection. "He came to his own and those who were his own did not receive him." John 1:12 NAS In the end, God honored him and exalted him making the one who was rejected the Chief Cornerstone! (Matt 20:17)
Many modern Josephs have been stationed by the Lord in odd arenas of life. Many are growing a business; others are training young leaders at home; some are employed in government, or media, or education. Why are they there? Because the Lord chose them, placed them, and endowed them with divine gifts. Their appointed hour is near. The time when their talents will be needed is at hand. The reason for their promotion is about to be revealed. (1 Pet 1:13-19) God doesn't waste resources. or people!
The Bible says concerning Messiah Jesus, "Behold my servant will prosper. He will be high and lifted up and greatly exalted." Is 52:13 NAS This verse leads into the great Messianic description of Jesus suffering for our sins on the cross. Isaiah 53 is perhaps the greatest predictive text in the whole world as well as the most beautiful and loving language ever penned by even an inspired man. It describes what Jesus endured on the cross and then explains, by divine revelation, the precise reason for it. "But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him. He bore the sin of many and interceded for the transgressors." 53:6; 53:12 NAS
By the Spirit, the prophet revealed that Jesus' suffering for was not for himself but for us.. "He will divide the booty with the strong." We can become partakers of what Jesus paid for. He included us in his will. In the New Testament, the Bible says that by God's grace we are joint-heirs with Jesus. (Rom 8:16-18)
Don't discard your crown of thorns just because it wounds your head. Wear it patiently. Instead, bow your head down before the real Head- the King of Glory- and let him replace those bloody thorns with a crown He fashions of jewels and gold.
Your Crown of Thorns © 2006 by Ron Wood