Understanding is the reward of faith.
Therefore seek not to understand that you may believe,
but believe that you may understand." --Augustine of Hippo It's times like this that I turn to friends who express in words what
I feel in my spirit"I"
I prayed because I felt weak
I prayed because I didn’t know where to turn
I prayed because I felt ‘fake’
I prayed because of my desire to learn.
I prayed because I was fighting doubt
I prayed because my faith was small
I prayed because I felt I had fallen short
I prayed because I thought I was about to fall.
I waited because you taught me patience
I listened because you teach in whispers still
I won my battle over doubt
I learned it’s about - more than just ‘how I feel.’
I walked with you through temptation,
I trusted on you to direct my way
I acknowledge that I’m on a journey,
I realize that I’ll have battles every day...
I learned how to claim your WORD
I applied your teaching to my soul,
I chose to put on the armor of God
I know that Christ will make me whole.
I claimed the blood on my life
I accepted the gift of Salvation for me
I know now, that even though I may struggle,
I am in actual fact - FREE.
I thank you Jesus because you never give up
I thank you because you died for all,
I thank you because you pick me up
I thank you because you heard my distress call.
This poem has been written about "I" when really it’s all about "YOU."
All about your mercies, all about your GRACE which brought me through.
Thanks for speaking to our hearts about what is on your heart We also pray the same prayer.
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